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India offers Vietnam $ 100-million credit for military ware

the true meaning of this post:
we never really think much of india, we know india is dirt poor could nt really give us what we want but anyway we are greedy we will take any offer even from a third world country such as india

thank you for helping vietnam instead of million of poor indians
Poor Indians gonna soon supply Brahmos to Vietnam and you know where it's gonna end up.
I'm sure America would want to buy some. America would buy 5-10 pieces. Since this is the most super duper weapon on PDF

But it doesn't have any chinese-quality photo-shops.. otherwise, yes, there is no counter to it. :tup:

We're quite far away to counter chinese photoshops. Congrats.. they do make good screen displays. :tup:

That said, the weakness of Brahmos is that its too costly to use against "tent". :tdown:

Hence, patrol boats and Akash SAMs suffice. :tup:



In a first, India has offered a $ 100-million credit line to Vietnam to purchase military equipment. It will be used for purchasing four patrol boats.

The credit line was agreed upon around the time India once again expressed its resolve to remain involved in oil exploration activity in the Phu Kanh basin of the South China Sea. Vietnam says it is within its rights to invite India to explore for oil in this area. But China claims that this basin is within the “nine dotted line” or its zone of influence. The credit line is likely to be finalised by the time the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam visits India towards the end of the year.

Vietnam and India have long enjoyed strategic ties that include cooperation in the civil nuclear sector, training slots for Vietnamese military officers and frequent exchange of visits.

But this is one rare occasion when India is offering a defence-related credit line so far upfield. Usually, near neighbours squarely in India’s zone of direct influence have been the beneficiaries of New Delhi’s credit lines for the defence sector. For example, Mauritius, whose air force and navy have Indian defence hardware, was given credit lines to buy Indian patrol boats and Dhruv helicopters.

India has wanted to expand its defence ties with Vietnam to military hardware and one of the top- most items on the Vietnamese wish-list is the Brahmos missile, jointly produced with Russia, which, however, has close ties with both Vietnam and China and would not want to antagonise either.

Sources in the government wanted the credit line to be seen from the context of the overall drive to improve ties with South East Asian nations of which Vietnam’s close ties with India predate the Cold War. There has been a heavy traffic of high level visitors between the two countries that has led to a $ 45-million credit line for a 200-MW hydel project built by BHEL, offer of export of the Param supercomputer and a breakthrough for the Indian corporate sector though its Vietnamese counterparts have struggled.

The sources pointed out that India was beefing up security ties with all countries beyond its eastern flank as one of the vital components of its Look East policy. India and navies of some South East Asian countries have for long conducted the Milan series of naval exercises. The Indian Navy also conducts coordinated patrols with Thailand and holds joint exercises with Singapore and Japan.

Link - India offers Vietnam $ 100-million credit for military ware | idrw.org

Good move by India
@ChinaToday did any one ask.for your intrepretation of that post?
As far as Poor in India are concerened,India spend $70 billion an year for poverty alleivation schemes alone,So do.not worry


How would you counter the Brahmos??


stop trolling

Try to stay beyond the Brahmos range of 290km and use air or sea launched YJ-12 (500km/mach 6) to attack. If that fails we still have the FL-3000N system and Type 730 CIWS and jammers and decoys.

PS i suppose those Bramos are coastal launched versions right ? Which Vietnamese ships can carry the Brahmos ? Even if Vietnamese ships can carry Brahmos we still have Flankers that can fire YJ-12 missile's. Rather the Vietnamese can actually get the Brahmos remains to be seen. We have to see what the Russians would do. And Vietnam already have the Yakhont coastal defence missile's. I don't think the Brahmos would add that much capabilities to those.
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The boats are 'patrol' boats. The only missile carrying patrol boats are the Sukanya and the Subhadra. Both test beds for the Dhanush. So, they won't have any Brahmos carrying capability.
Try to stay beyond the Brahmos range of 290km and use air or sea launched YJ-12 (500km/mach 6) to attack. If that fails we still have the FL-3000N system and Type 730 CIWS and jammers and decoys.

PS i suppose those Bramos are coastal launched versions right ? Which Vietnamese ships can carry the Brahmos ? Even if Vietnamese ships can carry Brahmos we still have Flankers that can fire YJ-12 missile's. Rather the Vietnamese can actually get the Brahmos remains to be seen. We have to see what the Russians would do. And Vietnam already have the Yakhont coastal defence missile's. I don't think the Brahmos would add that much capabilities to those.

The width of East Sea / West Phillipines Sea is such that if Vietnam and Phillipines have land based Brahmos type anti-ship missiles; they can target any enemy ship in these seas.

However, as I said, Brahmos is not suitable against "tents" and "fishing boat navy". One has to see how many worthy targets PLAN has, which can be beneficially targeted by a missile like Brahmos - perhaps the "training carrier" (Liaoning) and some other ships .. but mostly its like fishing boats which are better tackled by patrol boats.
no need to supply them Brahmos..Vietnam already has 4K51 Rubezh anti-ship missile and is getting Russian Klub as well as few oinks(around 40)..that will be enough to deter china..but we should provide them some short range missiles like Prahar,Pinaka MBRLs and other equipments,which can be used in conventional war..
I hope India will equip them with mighty water canons, so we can better deal with the Chinese coast guard. Their government vessels act like pirates in the SC Sea.

If China cooperates with Pakistan to contain India, why India should not cooperate with Vietnam?

The relationship shouldnt be like using each other. China uses Pakistan for its own selfish needs. We dont like to do the same with Vietnam. We would cement our relation with Vietnam through friendship, though slow and steady, not to make you as a front against China. Viets are not a chomp meat for us, like some countries are for China.
Indo-Vietnam friendship :tup:
no need to supply them Brahmos..Vietnam already has 4K51 Rubezh anti-ship missile and is getting Russian Klub as well as few oinks(around 40)..that will be enough to deter china..but we should provide them some short range missiles like Prahar,Pinaka MBRLs and other equipments,which can be used in conventional war..

What about Dhruvs & In future Rudras & LCH
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