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India offers small, mid-sized n-reactors for sale

Recently, the Indian parliament passed the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill that which would go a long way in boosting public confidence and creating a predictable environment in which leading vendors can participate in India's nuclear programme, Banerjee said.

I think this is a pretty big double edged sword for India. The fact that companies will be liable for any 'errors', scares companies from wanting to invest, but the act boosts public confidence and well... holds corporations responsible.

Vietnam is no country backyard. But if you want to raise the matter this way, how about India become Vietnam's backyard. We will offer India protection against China and Pakistan. Our army are highly regarded in the world and war-time proven.

India can pretty much defend itself from China and Pakistan, Vietnam acts as a counterweight for India in Southeast Asia, and India the same in South Asia. It's an equal-equal relationship at this point.
HaHaHa, thinks a lot Indians, save your Hi-tech nuclear-reactors to yourself only since we don't have a billion population for experiments, last time i heard on the news about some leaking issue in your nuclear site......:D
Is this news some kind of a "practical joke"? you expect us to trust a country that failed to produce a decent rifle for more than 50yrs and still counting to sell us "nuclear reactors"? :no:
Come on Indians, get real, we ain't some "April fools".:whistle:

For leaking issue we will provide you full technical know-ho of

Don't be a fool by commenting India's capability on Nuclear reactors.
India's innovative nuclear power reactor

"As a result of its fuel mix and fuel breeding properties, the 300 MWe plant requires 42 per cent less mined uranium per unit of energy produced than a modern high burn up PWR", the reactor's designers said.

People waiting for a nuclear renaissance expect that the new reactors on the drawing board should assure a very high level of safety and security; they must have the ability to perform with a lower level of technological infrastructure prevailing in several developing countries; they must have high fuel use efficiency and superior waste disposal options.

“The development of the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor, AHWR300-LEU, is an effort to realize these futuristic objectives through innovative configuration of present day technologies,” Anil Kakodkar and Ratan Sinha, the designers of India's innovative nuclear reactor wrote in the May 2010 issue of Nuclear Engineering International.

They called the reactor India's passive breeder.

“As a result of its fuel mix and fuel breeding properties, the 300 MWe plant requires 42 per cent less mined uranium per unit of energy produced than a modern high burn up PWR”, they added.

AHWR300-LEU with an estimated design life of 100 years is a vertical, pressure tube type, boiling light water-cooled, heavy water- moderated reactor with reduced environmental impact. It has many features which are likely to reduce both its capital and operating costs.

The designers have eliminated primary coolant pumps and drive motors and related control and power supply equipment, thereby saving the electric power to run them. This helps to reduce cost and to enhance reliability.

The use of heavy water at low pressure reduces the potential for leakages. The heat generated in the moderator will be recovered and used for heating the feed-water.

Mexico may look at Indian-built N-reactor model for future projects

Mexico, which is planning a big step-up in nuclear generation, is open to looking at an Indian-built reactor model for future projects.

India has entered the nuclear export market with a new reactor model christened AHWR300-LEU, which had generated interest in countries such as Kazakhstan.

The Mexico Secretary of Energy, Ms Georgina Kessel Martinez, indicated that the Indian prototype could be among the various options to be considered while planning projects in the Central American nation.

“It is a possibility…. We are going to build nuclear projects in a big way and this (Indian reactor) could certainly be among the options,” Ms Martinez told visiting newspersons, when asked if Indian-built reactors would be considered by Mexico.

The Indian reactor prototype, which was designed and developed recently, uses low enriched uranium along with thorium as fuel and is a new version of the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AWHR).

According to the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), the reactor has a significantly lower requirement of mined uranium per unit energy produced compared to most of the current generation thermal reactors and is being marketed for countries with small grids.
HaHaHa, thinks a lot Indians, save your Hi-tech nuclear-reactors to yourself only since we don't have a billion population for experiments, last time i heard on the news about some leaking issue in your nuclear site......:D
Is this news some kind of a "practical joke"? you expect us to trust a country that failed to produce a decent rifle for more than 50yrs and still counting to sell us "nuclear reactors"? :no:
Come on Indians, get real, we ain't some "April fools".:whistle:

Molawchai or wat ever ur name and nationality is..Just becoz u have a thai flag and a Farting mouth i would be highly immoral for me to critisize thailand(bcoz its friendly/Neutral)..The day u prove me that ur actually thai and majority thais think like u i can blow up ur A$$...

An yeah in the above bolded stmt of ur's , if by we u meant ppl like u then all i can say is ur not just April fool but ur ALL ROUND THE YEAR FOOL
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