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India needs a great leader who sacrifices himself to sign agreement with China on territory disputes

There were border wars between China and Russia(1969), China and Vietnam(1979). Now the land disputes with these countries don't exist. Because after years negotiations, territory agreements were reached. Which benifited these countries a lot. They don't have to spend huge amount of money on the border defense anymore. Mutual trust could be built as next step. And there is no room for super power to use the issues to sow discord. It's part of reasons why China could concentrate on economy since 1990 after these border disputes were settled.

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Fake Russian guard was found on China-Russia border
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I heard India's constitution prohibits any compromise in territory. Which means India will face China's military pressure for ever. It would be an endless nightmare for India. There would never be an agreement between the two countries on the territory disputes unless China accepts all India's requests. Which is not only impossible, also doesn't fit for any peaceful agreement or discussion.
China has signed territory agreements with many of its neighbours. I didn't see India had done that with any of its neighbour.

"Never give up one inch land"-----It sounds very encouraging and brave. In fact this rigid policy is very stupid. It shows the founding father of India lacks far sighted political wisdom.

So will there be a great leader of India who would sacrifice his fame to amend the constitution and negotiates with China, Parkistan and all neighbours to finish all border disputes? It would be a bless for India if there is man who can make that feat.

Once the agreements are reached, the peace dividend would be huge for India. The insecure feeing that haunted India for decades would disappear once and for all. Money will be saved. Independent foreign policies will be made.

Of course India will have to give up some of its claimed territories. So will China and Pakistan. This is how negotiation works. But, how will Indians see this leader? A hero or a traitor? Can a democratic system produce this kind of selfless leader? Can a democratic system allows this leader to fulfil his task? Hard to say.
Unfortunately you are thinking only in your perspective.. same happens from indian side too...
It will be beneficial for china too in long run to settle this stupid issue for once and for all..

China needs ior more than india needs ladakh.. and don't forget Vietnam settled the border dispute by Kicking straight into China's balls..

India will definitely not yield... Forget about any leader. No country ever will.

The worst part of negotiations with china is " what I have with me is mine, what you have with you is for negotiations"
Not gonna work.. they have to put something for us on the table to settle this issue...

Just seee Pakistan.. india wanted to make loc the IB. Their sheer superior attitude is causing nothing but loss of live and material

Rest I agree

As per Chinese and Pakistanis,

Any leader who would gift them Indian lands is a great leader.

Hey...why don't you ask your Xi to be a great leader and give us back Gosthana and Free Tibet.
Await your negative rating, how dare you ask their emperor by name?

I know India is a bully in South Asia. Were the disputes resolved on India's favor? Were there any compromises from India?
Of course india did make compromises with myanmar. Cocoa islands were given to settle the disputes which is supposedly used by china now to spy on india
Bangladesh gained more land than india during these settlements..
Same with srilanka. They got an island (kalachitivu?)

Nepal predates india. All the borders agreements are with british...
Await your negative rating, how dare you ask their emperor by name?

The emperor is already naked,
Everyone and their mother can see the emperor roaming around naked.

Whats worse, these lot fear that naked emperor since he is also crazy like mad donkey on drugs.
Unfortunately you are thinking only in your perspective.. same happens from indian side too...
It will be beneficial for china too in long run to settle this stupid issue for once and for all..

China needs ior more than india needs ladakh.. and don't forget Vietnam settled the border dispute by Kicking straight into China's balls..

India will definitely not yield... Forget about any leader. No country ever will.

The worst part of negotiations with china is " what I have with me is mine, what you have with you is for negotiations"
Not gonna work.. they have to put something for us on the table to settle this issue...

Just seee Pakistan.. india wanted to make loc the IB. Their sheer superior attitude is causing nothing but loss of live and material

Rest I agree

Await your negative rating, how dare you ask their emperor by name?

Of course india did make compromises with myanmar. Cocoa islands were given to settle the disputes which is supposedly used by china now to spy on india
Bangladesh gained more land than india during these settlements..
Same with srilanka. They got an island (kalachitivu?)

Nepal predates india. All the borders agreements are with british...
Just check the map of China-India boundary, China has huge geographical advantages to India. One $ from China, India has to pay 3 $. The instability there affects India a lot but not much to China.

China and Vietnam reached the agreement in 1990's. When Soviet Union fell and Vietnam was having a very hard time.

Of course india did make compromises with myanmar. Cocoa islands were given to settle the disputes which is supposedly used by china now to spy on india
Bangladesh gained more land than india during these settlements..
Same with srilanka. They got an island (kalachitivu?)

Nepal predates india. All the borders agreements are with british...
That's your Indian side narrative
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As per Chinese and Pakistanis,

Any leader who would gift them Indian lands is a great leader.

Hey...why don't you ask your Xi to be a great leader and give us back Gosthana and Free Tibet.
So its mean you saying that you will allow Khalistan seven state sisters or any part of india wants to be seprate from this artifical union will be supported,
its not india's choice what tibet wants or what Baloch wants listen to the people who have 1 million army on them settle the dispute by give and take to have peace in region but india want peace thats 2 different thing people who batch its neighbour just form a gov who just sell hate to gain their intrest would never wants its people to live in peace.
i wont be surprise if indian army would take over any time, cuz its become habbit of indian to chose and listen to dumb goons which is threat to whole world.
"Never give up one-inch land"-----It sounds very encouraging and brave. In fact, this rigid policy is very stupid. It shows the founding father of China lacks far-sighted political wisdom.

So will there be a great leader of China who would sacrifice his fame to amend the constitution and negotiates with India, Taiwan, Vietnam and all neighbours to finish all border disputes? It would be a bless for China if there is a man who can make that feat.

Once the agreements are reached, the peace dividend would be huge for China. The insecure feeling that haunted China for decades would disappear once and for all. The money will be saved. Independent foreign policies will be made.

Of course, China will have to give up some of its territories like Taiwan, Tibet, Arunachal Pradesh, and Aksai Chin. So will India, Taiwan and Vietnam. This is how negotiation works. But, how will the Chinese see this leader? A hero or a traitor? Can a dictatorship system produce this kind of selfless leader? Can a dictatorship system allows this leader to fulfil his task? Hard to say.
Only one thing wrong with your post.
China's constitution doesn't prohibit China from ever losing one inch of land.
Indeed, China has voluntarily ceded 750 square miles of territory to Pakistan in the interests of brotherly neighbourly relations.
Your reverse post is a massive fail.
As OP pointed out China is somewhat more flexible when it comes to negotiating border issues.
But India too is capable of doing the same. For eg: recently india and bangladesh did some exchanging of border enclaves. Look it up.
Also if u are looking for a wise/ great leader, you shouldn't be looking at bjp. These guys were ready to divide the country for votes. Self sacrifice for the sake of country isn't something bjps will do.
As OP pointed out China is somewhat more flexible when it comes to negotiating border issues.
But India too is capable of doing the same. For eg: recently india and bangladesh did some exchanging of border enclaves. Look it up.
Also if u are looking for a wise/ great leader, you shouldn't be looking at bjp. These guys were ready to divide the country for votes. Self sacrifice for the sake of country isn't something bjps will do.

Irony died,

Hey...do you know which govt sealed the border dispute with Bangladesh?

The erstwhile great leaders did not build infra on Chinese borders....
They would not remove 370
They would not give OROP.
You don't seem to know that 1979 China Vietnam border war was not about land disputes, do you? Many Indians really need to get some better history education.
May be, may be not... But had invaded them and they ceded some land to you right

Just check the map of China-India boundary, China has huge geographical advantages to India. One $ from China, India has to pay 3 $. The instability there affects India a lot but much to China.

China and Vietnam reached the agreement in 1990's. When Soviet Union fell and Vietnam was having a very hard time.

That's your Indian side narrative
which planet do you live in buddy. Tibet is arid high lying plateau. Roof top of world. You need to invest a fortune to stay relevant there...
As for india all along the border with china except aksai chin all the areas are productive...

Do you have any other narrative to share??

The emperor is already naked,
Everyone and their mother can see the emperor roaming around naked.

Whats worse, these lot fear that naked emperor since he is also crazy like mad donkey on drugs.
Recently I came across a news that china lost yo EU in WTO. Not really into economics but Definitely it seems bad to chinese economy in long run.

Can't disagree to your comment

It's gonna be hell of a show... Same goes with india I think. Good chance tk restart our industries
India has a huge inferiority complex to China. This insecurity is what drives the hyper emotional response to every incident involving China.
Indians will never feel safe as long as Tibet is under China control

we can put our mlrs on the plateau and give the whole cow belt a good shower

I predict India will remember Modi like an idiot, a joker and a cartoon-like character in the history of India, a person who weekend India within and internationally.

RSS, BJP and Narendra Modi is not the brain material which could lead a big country like India that is multi-national, multi-ethnic and multi-religious in nature. Modi lacks qualities to lead a complex social-order India has.

- Dr. Moeed Pirzada.

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As per Chinese and Pakistanis,

Any leader who would gift them Indian lands is a great leader.

Hey...why don't you ask your Xi to be a great leader and give us back Gosthana and Free Tibet.

Nice logic :D
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