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India nabs SecondKasab - QASIM KHAN

If you repeat lie 1000 times it still a lie and don't quote me :big_boss:
Fool the Revelation is Done by your Own
DG, FIA who Was Heading 26/11 Probe in Pakistan
Former chief of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency Tariq Khosa says, "Pakistan has to deal with the Mumbai mayhem, planned and launched from its soil."

Published in Dawn, August 3rd, 2015
Mumbai attacks trial - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

1500? how do i join them -.-
Jihad time
Good luck bhai :D
Google it and check whenever militants or terrorist attacked killed or alive they were proper prepared wearing 6 packs army type trousers sports or military grade shoes with vests and bags to support equipment and mags but the poor fellow with bare feet tight pants and shirt may be a fisher man caught by India.

And who said he was wearing Army uniform? .It was of previous attacks launched in Punjab sectors .
And your allegations are invalid .He is not Indian fisherman .But Pakistan terrorist nabbed with AK 47 and bullets ...

Which fisher man use AK 47 for fishing ?

MORE OVER HE ALREADY ACCEPTED that he was part of today's attack and he is from Pakistan. ..Don't you think it's more than enough to decide whether he is fisherman or terrorist ?
You guys are clutching at straws to extricate your nations complicity.

Those with even rudimentary knowledge of procedures would recall that when a terrorist is apprehended he is checked . During that process his footwear too is removed to check for explosives.

The reaction of Pak posters including Mod is not surprising at all. Even in Kasabs's case they reacted in a similar manner even after their own Govt admitted him being a Pakistani.

Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani | Page 2

I have not said anything about nationality of this guy .............. So this really is the picture of captured terrorist.
This guy is so young...Why are these people wasting their life in the sake of some politicians and military planners views....These guys are not even serving a regular army...when they are caught what benefits they will get basically Pakistan will disown them...Now they are sons of no one....

Youngsters are easy to brainwash and even easy when they don't have job
Two things need to be improved - Your english skills so that what you write is understood and your ability to read so that you read your own news sources ( the links to some were in my post) so that the same question is not asked again & again.
I will but you need to improve mental capability to understand by the way what is your I.Q score?
Where is the army uniform as Indian media reported militants in army uniform attacked. He is wearing ordinary cloths i think drama directors got drunk they failed to stage near perfect one.
plesae provide the link whr it is written they came in military clothes

A barefoot terrorist? What was he doing barefoot?

And the one who is holding the rope is a special forces guy right? And the one sitting behind would be undercover intelligence op right?

One thing is missing where is his SLINGSHOT?

U should ask PA why he was not provided with latest gadgets. NOT INDIAN ARMY OR J&K POLICE !!! Do u see his AK 47 ? As well ? Which he used to attack BSF patrol team ?

Dude this terrorist been caught and weapons and his gears will he removed from him as he might commit suicide or hidden weapons inside his jacket ... It's a common procedure
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