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India Muslims Abandon Cow Slaughter in `Eid

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Not every one can afford a goat As up to seven people can share a cow, it is financially more feasible plus more meat to eat for poor.
Then buy something else. Other animals are there.
YOur understanding of democracy is warped .

LOL...based on your posts, its your understanding of both Democracy and Hinduism which is warped. :P

Stop embarrassing yourself.
You should tell us the difference since you know so much about it.

Trust me , you don't want me to start over it .

Then buy something else. Other animals are there.

Man , why should we suggest what people should do ? Let them decide animal they want to sacrifice to eat and let us decide what we want to eat .
You can create a cult not a religion . Read more for difference .
cult and religion are relatively defined and don't tell me that cannabalism is not a known practice.
i give two hoots to religion but why the hell should article 48 of Indian constitution not strictly executed.?

48. Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle

For some retards, the constitution of India is not TRUE democracy :lol:
They could sacrifice chicken and goat.
LOL...based on your posts, its your understanding of both Democracy and Hinduism which is wrapped. :P

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Wrapped and warped are different words . Look them up .
Not every one can afford a goat As up to seven people can share a cow, it is financially more feasible plus more meat to eat for poor.

The poor can get meat of chicken for 100 bucks. People are not that poor that they cannot grow a few chicken or buy 1/2 kg meat for themselves. So that poor-poor argument is not feasible. If they absolutely cannot afford to sacrifice a goat, they should sacrifice a hen.
I get offended when you eat cows. I feel its a disrespect to my religion. Now being said that tell the them not to get offended if we do something , cartoon like on their holy figures.

You have right to get offended but not enforce your views . My thoughts are exactly the same for cartoon issues .
It should be control if it hurts the sentiment of Hindus.But except they have right to sacrifice all others including Buffaloes.
After nation and its peace should be higher than religion.
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