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India monitors Chinese oil search in Bangladesh

Homo Sapiens

Feb 3, 2015
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India monitors Chinese oil search in Bangladesh​

dailyindustry 23 hours ago
0 115 3 min read

Conducting surveillance in Bay of Bengal

Special Correspondent:
Chinese exploration vessel ‘Hai Yang Shi Yu 760’ is searching for oil and gas in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Bangladesh. The Indian Navy has said that it is closely monitoring the movement of the Chinese ship in the Bay of Bengal.

Indian media WION reported that this Chinese-owned seismic survey ship entered the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Malacca on December 29. It has been exploring for oil and gas in Bangladesh’s EEZ since January. The search will continue until next May. However, since the ship is from China, India is keeping a careful eye on it. Although multiple sources said that the Chinese ship has not yet entered India’s EEZ, but they are monitoring it closely.

Earlier in August last year, a Chinese ship named Yuan Wang 5 arrived at Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port. New Delhi expressed concern about its security at that time. The ship is also claimed by India to be a surveillance ship.

The presence of Chinese ships in the Indian Ocean has been increasing in recent times. As a result, Indian Navy has also become more active than before. There have also been allegations of Chinese vessels fishing illegally in the area.

The report also said that with China’s growing presence in the Indian Ocean, the Indian Navy is also significantly increasing its maritime presence and surveillance. The Indian Navy’s Information Fusion Center at Gurugram monitors movements in the Indian Ocean. This information center was inaugurated in 2018 in order to know as quickly as possible about the happenings in the sea in the region.

Indians can use the P-8s (B737 sea surveillance version) to keep a watch on Chinese vessels, but as a courtesy they should inform Bangladesh authorities if/when Indian Navy or Air Force airplanes wish to enter Bangladesh EEZ so we can monitor their activity.

This report from Indian media is largely a "much ado about nothing" and "Hoshiyaar!!" propaganda for the political party in power there.

These Chinese Geological Survey ships only map under-sea terrain and collect mineral samples for oil/gas exploration.

I fail to see how this activity could prove to be a military threat for India (than maybe already is to some extent).
This report from Indian media is largely a "much ado about nothing" and "Hoshiyaar!!" propaganda for the political party in power there.

That's the most irritating thing about I find about sensationalism in india media, always over exaggerate any trivial event from some extra clicks. Frankly I would rather like very much go back to the pre liberalized socialist era of Indian news media whilst amid heavy state control they conducted reporting in a very calm and professional manner not this circus we see on private news channels debate every night now.
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