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India Military Must Fill Gaps To Become Top Pacific Power: The Four P’s

India has generally done well. Her foreign policy has been good. Its stayed out of Afghanistan and Iraq. The only problem India has is internal mismanagement.

Whether I as a Pakistani like it or not, India' voice is regarded credible internationally.

India can become a mid sized power if she avoids confrontation for some time like China and concentrate on the economy.

Following the US line could be dangerous.

Depends on in what relation and what INDIAs aims are, compared to what aims other countries THINKS India should have. Politically India can become a major power in the world, not only in Asia and Indian successful foreign politics over the last decades has made this possible.
Same goes for the economical field, where India already belongs to the major powers anyway.
In a militaric sense, it is mainly the world that sees or wants to see India as a coming superpower, while neither Indian politicians, nor Indian forces shows any importance to that. Their main priority will remain the defence of India in first place and of certain areas of interest in the Indian Ocean region in second place!
Sir, please explain to me exactly what it is about if not sanctions then? Prestige? Public opinion? And by the time India becomes "the " power it aims to be the indigenous content will be significantly higher as India is investing in more and more R&D efforts

Please read about the Nazi preparation for, the invasion of Europe and the hypothesis, regarding their defeat in Stalingrad.
Please read about the Nazi preparation for, the invasion of Europe and the hypothesis, regarding their defeat in Stalingrad.

Sir, how does this have any real bearing in the 21st century? The world is a completly different place. India isn't Nazi Germany, India doesn't face the same specific tactical and strategic challenges of Nazi Germany. Stalingrad was a very specilised case there were were very unique circumstances involved in that case and I think it is more than a stretch to try and apply this case to India in the Pacific or anywhere else. And the Nazi's defeat in Stanlingrad was a combination of tactical blunders on the Nazi side and Russian perseverance and rigidity.
Sir, how does this have any real bearing in the 21st century? The world is a completly different place. India isn't Nazi Germany, India doesn't face the same specific tactical and strategic challenges of Nazi Germany. Stalingrad was a very specilised case there were were very unique circumstances involved in that case and I think it is more than a stretch to try and apply this case to India in the Pacific or anywhere else. And the Nazi's defeat in Stanlingrad was a combination of tactical blunders on the Nazi side and Russian perseverance and rigidity.

War is not about two armies, its about nation building and achieving a country's interests. The war is a journey into the unknown,throughout the history of warfare, technologically reliant nations have been at a disadvantage. Current weapons program started by Indian military is modernization, arms imports limit the possibility of what can be achieved with the amount of potential India possess.
I don't at all agree sir. I don't think anyone can say that having a force of 126-200+ imported Rafales, 200-250+ imported FGFAs (although with Indian tech and design influence), 1-2 imported SSNs, 1 imported ACC with state of the art (imported) MiG-29Ks, 6-8 imported LHD/LPD, 22-80+ Apache imported helos, 24-30 imported P-8Is etc etc within the next decade or so is irrelevant and that India is not a power to be reckoned with. Yes to be a Super Power or whatever one must be self-sufficent to an extent but in this globalised world India would be beyond stupid to be re-inventing the wheel and not taking advantage of the global arms market that is offering the most advanced equipment on the planet.

This is simply the same stick people use to beat India with again and again and it is wearing pretty thin.

An imported bullet is going to inflict the same damage as a "made in India" bullet, no? Same goes fighters, submarines etc. Wrt sanctions- no one is stupid enough to place sanctions on India these days and in the future the likelihood of sanctions will only decrease by year and India is being smart as it is- buying strategically important equipment from those with a history of supporting India and not imposing sanctions.

Indigenous efforts are ongoing but as you can imagine these things take time.

Sir do you think that by 2055-60 when India has the largest or second largest economy on Earth it can only aspire to be a "mid-sized" power?

Well Sir,

I meant in the short run. India can be a mid sized power both economically and militarily in the next 8 -10 years if it stays out of a needless confrontation.
War is not about two armies, its about nation building and achieving a country's interests. The war is a journey into the unknown,throughout the history of warfare, technologically reliant nations have been at a disadvantage. Current weapons program started by Indian military is modernization, arms imports limit the possibility of what can be achieved with the amount of potential India possess.

"technologically reliant nations have been at a disadvantage" I think the US is proof this theory is fundamentally flawed! And I don't see how, by importing the best weaponry on the planet (right now FAR better than what Indian compaines/agencies can produce) puts India at a disadvantage? The Indian military needs to modernize, this is a fact so why question the details?

Well Sir,

I meant in the short run. India can be a mid sized power both economically and militarily in the next 8 -10 years if it stays out of a needless confrontation.

Fair enough. Until ~2030-35 India can only be considered a 2nd tier power compared to the likes of the US who will remain the only true Super Power for many decades to come. And yes India needs to keep its nose clean for the sake of its own prosperity.
War is not about two armies, its about nation building and achieving a country's interests. The war is a journey into the unknown,throughout the history of warfare, technologically reliant nations have been at a disadvantage. Current weapons program started by Indian military is modernization, arms imports limit the possibility of what can be achieved with the amount of potential India possess.

:rolleyes: The technologically superior Russians and US forces, with their indigenous defence capabilities were defeated by Afghans and Vietnamese, although both of these countries were 100% dependent on foreign weapon supply.
And i thought India was a peace loving country. Why does it need to become a Superpower then? Lets not dream big. First India should tackle the poverty inside its borders. There are more than 500 million Indians living below the poverty line. Maybe someone should tell them that the country is not going to wait for them to come out of poverty, as it has dreams of dominating the world and if they cant keep up, then maybe they should go somewhere where someone actually cares.
And i thought India was a peace loving country. Why does it need to become a Superpower then? Lets not dream big. First India should tackle the poverty inside its borders. There are more than 500 million Indians living below the poverty line. Maybe someone should tell them that the country is not going to wait for them to come out of poverty, as it has dreams of dominating the world and if they cant keep up, then maybe they should go somewhere where someone actually cares.

There's always one!!
:rolleyes: The technologically superior Russians and US forces, with their indigenous defence capabilities were defeated by Afghans and Vietnamese, although both of these countries were 100% dependent on foreign weapon supply.

Depends on the type of engagement, and India's threat perception. You are talking about two of the most fearsome guerrilla forces in human history. War is fought with resources, the more of them you have of your own the better.
There's always one!!

Sigh!!!!! Kia baat buri lag gaye ji saheb?

Ok how about this article:

India’s rise as an asia–Pacific power
rhetoric and reality

sandy gordon

India’s role in the Asia–Pacific is still circumscribed by a number of restraints that act to shape a ‘continental’ posture to its
security—despite its ‘Look East’ rhetoric.Factors determining the continental posture include India’s difficult internal and border
security environments; its large number of people still living in poverty; its strategy of ‘inclusive growth’, which diverts resources
from classic force projection capabilities; the problems of corruption and poor governance; the existence of a negative
feedback loop between those domestic ills and problems in the equally troubled South Asian neighbourhood; emerging
environmental and resource problems; and China’s continuing ability to fish in South Asia’s troubled waters. South Asia is a
difficult neighbourhood for India’s evolution as a world power.

Source: Strategic Insights.

It is just an overview. it is in detail if you want to go and read it in detail. It is the reality buddy that India seem to forget that it is still a Third World country with Third World problems.
Top Pacific power? India?:lol:

Better give drinking water to your millions of citizens rather than day dreaming,India.
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