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India: Militarizing Space With U.S. Help

Munshi, the only militarization that India is doing in space is to have spy satellites that US, Russia, Israel already have and China is in the process. What's wrong in it? It is for our national interest. I don't know from where you got this funny article with its baseless reasoning; US is the country MOST OPPOSED to our militarization of space. It has till now since 1998 blocked what is called "Dual-Technology" systems: i.e that can be used for military as well as civilian programmes if care is not given.

The spy satellite CARTOSAT we launched was our own and with our own launching system. ISRO is smart enough to built itself spy satellites enough to keep a check in South Asia. If you don't believe me, just visit ISRO's site and it will tell you what it is capable of.

You're watching way too much star wars to actually believe that we're making some sort of a Death Star. :lol: Wish we could but do you think that other 3 world powers will keep quiet?

Do think before posting weird articles that have no base.
Kalam once stated that, “In the 3,000-year history of India, barring 600 years, the country has been ruled by others

did kalam say this ? isn't this factually incorrect ? first of all indian history is more than 5000 years old . secondly foreigners ruled parts of india only for avour 700-800 years (muslim rule + british rule) .If he said this he was wrong.
mbi munshi , can i know the reason for your being an Indian hater?
also please try to be reasonable and practical instead of being childish and biased.
if yoa as a bangldeshi hate Indians then just remember that your country was formed becouse of Us and can also come into grave dangers becouse of the same
mbi munshi , can i know the reason for your being an Indian hater?
also please try to be reasonable and practical instead of being childish and biased.
if yoa as a bangldeshi hate Indians then just remember that your country was formed becouse of Us and can also come into grave dangers becouse of the same

oh man.... you are new to this forum....enjoy the show here.. take it light....you will find some serious and knowledgeable debators though...
mbi munshi , can i know the reason for your being an Indian hater?
also please try to be reasonable and practical instead of being childish and biased.
if yoa as a bangldeshi hate Indians then just remember that your country was formed becouse of Us and can also come into grave dangers becouse of the same
Easy there newbie... you don't know Munshi yet. Don't snap him out of reality or the entire brigade would be behind you to get you banned. Chill.
Actually by all the nonsense responses made by Indians has only attracted more attention to this thread and more importantly the hatred with which Indians here view me. The hatred has little if anything to do with the thread but my consistent attempts inside and outside this forum to reveal the true nature of India as a hegemonic and domineering power.
man ppl gotta take care of their own house before raising fingers at others. this problem lies in whole south asia.
The U.S. government is blatant, but no idiot is going to be this blatant.
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