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India: Meet the 'Internet Hindus'

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this is how it all starts....they always try to bring in Hindu gods when it is not necessary....was it at all necessary to post the picture of hindu god ?????

shame on you guys....if there are internet Hindus it is just because of internet muslims...I said it..period..
Indians are trying to pull the classic "switch around" and make themselves appear as the victims.

The fact of the matter is that the OP article has pretty much illustrasted 99.9 % of the Indian mind set on this forum.

Demonize Pakistanis on their own forum as much as you like, but there is nothing funnier than the truth.

I've had a good laugh after reading the article. I hope some of you guys reflect on your behavior.

To the internet Hindus: I hope you guys have a good night.
Hey you don't bring religious figures in here, I could as well...

Besides, I'll leave this guy to Fazlu, a Indian Muslim.. If he's online

You could have quoted that Bangladeshi who posted cartoon of my God, first.
The Internet Hindu may be another invention like the Saffron Terrorism by the pseudo secularists. I like one of the replies by a 'internet Hindu' on this article:

bharat_builder5 days ago

This article tries a lot to be fair, however it has a tilt towards the 'authority'. The writer has failed to explain why are people so angry towards the main-stream media. The writer has failed to explain how Congress is spreading the propaganda. The writer has failed to explain how the poor, helpless man, paying taxes through nose has finally found a voice on the social media. The writer has failed to explain how cheats and corrupts like Abhishek Manu Singhvi had to resign due to this new found voice. The writer has failed to explain how the crooked President Patil had to forgo her 2.6 Lakh Acres house due to impact by the so called 'Internet Hindu'.

We were, we are and we will always be non-violent. We live on the Gandhian principles. The article suggests in many ways that 'Internet Hindus' promote violence but has failed to produce a single incident when it really happened. 1992 was way before Social Media came, and it was a handiwork of BJP, not the common tax paying man.

So please. Get You Facts Right. Stop this propaganda. You would soon get many blogs in reply to this baseless article. And stop being racist and stop tagging Poor Tax paying Indian as "Internet Hindu". A lot of muslims, sikhs etc also are with us.


May the internet Hindus that 'liberals' like Sagarika Ghosh refer to are common tax payers who are frustrated at the way things are run in India and refuse to be taken for a ride by the 'liberal' media.
Why is it offensive to you guys?? I thought you could look at your Gods??

Its not offensive to everyone, but it is for some. If you want respect you need to respect other's feelings too. Respect is mutual.
Indians are trying to pull the classic "switch around" and make themselves appear as the victims.

The fact of the matter is that the OP article has pretty much illustrasted 99.9 % of the Indian mind set on this forum.

Demonize Pakistanis on their own forum as much as you like, but there is nothing funnier than the truth.

I've had a good laugh after reading the article. I hope some of you guys reflect on your behavior.

To the internet Hindus: I hope you guys have a good night.

Your previous posts on this thread easlily suggest in what category of internet muslims you lie . No need to run away . Everyone has seen it .

you have proven the existence of Internet fanatic muslims on this thread and members like you , Auz , Patriot are its flag-bearers .
You could have quoted that Bangladeshi who posted cartoon of my God, first.

First of all that cartoon was made by none other than a Hindu and it was attached to the article. Second, the cartoon was meant to show the average educated extremist Hindu as in a tie, no offense, but it's true.
Your previous posts on this thread easlily suggesy in what category of internet muslims you lie . No need to run away . Everyone has seen it .

you have proven the existence of Internet fanatic muslims on this thread and members like you , Auz , Patriot are its flag-bearers .

Cry some more bro. Cry harder. What are you going to do about it?

maybe you can log onto Bharat rakshak and curse us out over there.

Do you think anything you write makes a difference to me?
you have no right to post picture of hindu god, Internet Mulley. If I post cartoon of your Mohamed with suicide bomb jacket on then your *** will be burn forever. Be remain in your Aukaat and don't blame if more blasphemy be coming on your way then.

If you have not noticed, that picture was published with this article by an Indian in an Indian website. I just posted the picture along with the article. And how is the other stuff relevant?

I forgot to add, the link to the article on the web, just added it, you can find it in that post:
here is the link again for your convenience:
this thread is on its way in becoming a religious troll war and i think thats what the OP wanted
Hello indian hindus on PDF ... :waves:


If you have not noticed, that picture was published with this article by an Indian in an Indian website. I just posted the picture along with the article. And how is the other stuff relevant?

So I can post offensive cartoons if they are made by Muslims? Cool.
First of all that cartoon was made by none other than a Hindu and it was attached to the article. Second, the cartoon was meant to show the average educated extremist Hindu as in a tie, no offense, but it's true.

It doesn't matter.If you take offence at Prophet Mohd Cartoons, the devot Hindus here also take offence at the way in which our Gods are depicted.
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