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India Limits its Options

The chinese claim on ladakh he is talking about in the video. The map that shook up indian army and diplomacy in 1962 was this map as displayed all over china and its museums even in gugong (forbidden city palace) i saw it myself.

This is the chinese claim line on ladakh and Many borders of china since british took some land from china qing dynasty since 1820 A.D authentic maps as follows . Some in India as well as pakistan will be shocked to see this 1820 map.

This is also the claim map of taiwan from 1820 and both china, taiwan claim it to be real borders of real china.

As you can see entire ladakh is chinese land. Up till leh city even

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What options they have none lolz , this isn't alice in wonderland nor bollywood this is real life no more wet dreams !!

You guys are going to be so disappointed when everything calms down
China did nothing on Doklam
There doing nothing in Ladakh

Your big brother and super power .. is a paper tiger .. AND DEEP DOWN you know it

If india was no options as you say...…… They why are the chinease getting battered in the vedios and his vehicle getting smashed.

The message is clear . You trespass ,, You will get a kicking
You guys are going to be so disappointed when everything calms down
China did nothing on Doklam
There doing nothing in Ladakh

Your big brother and super power .. is a paper tiger .. AND DEEP DOWN you know it

If india was no options as you say...…… They why are the chinease getting battered in the vedios and his vehicle getting smashed.

The message is clear . You trespass ,, You will get a kicking

Lmao Its Chinese who are humiliating india as always. Chinese have taken over your territory and you cant do anything about it. Chinese released photos of multiple Indian soldiers blooded and tied up with ropes by PLA....ganging up on one soldier means nothing when they are kicking your arse and battering 10s of your soldiers.

Listen, you can try to console yourself as much as you want....but the fact is that world is laughing at indian defeat yet again. Your OWN defence analysts are crying about PLA holding your territory under its boots and IA being unable to do anything about it
India must sign on the RCEP deal or another 1962 awaits.

Interesting you should say that.

In Pravin Sawhney's last video, he said that Xi Jinping came to Chennai and discussed with Modi in 2019 and proposed a detailed and in depth trilateral partnership for cooperation between China, India, and Pakistan that included resolving Kashmir dispute which did not get reported by Indian media at all. India rejected it behind closed doors, and immediately after India rejected it, Chinese incursions into Ladakh shot up 70%.
You guys are going to be so disappointed when everything calms down
China did nothing on Doklam
There doing nothing in Ladakh

Your big brother and super power .. is a paper tiger .. AND DEEP DOWN you know it

If india was no options as you say...…… They why are the chinease getting battered in the vedios and his vehicle getting smashed.

The message is clear . You trespass ,, You will get a kicking

Battered ? lolz lmao you watching too many bollywood movies your india is no match for China keep dreaming !!
ModiRegime sold India as Counter to China to the CombinedWest led by the US.

India, for all practical purposes, is now a Front Line State against China... by its own doings and overestimation of its power and expected support from the CombinedWest.

ModiRegime has only two choices left:

1- Push the PLA out of all areas by Force and establish its credentials a great power

2- Agree to the terms of Border settlement as proposed by China and leave adventurism.

This is ModiRegime's own doing... and no matter how hard it cries of being Stabbed in the Back by China... it is now stuck...or rather deeply stuck!

Brother do you think after this humiliation by the Chinese with Hindutva's pants caught off guard, will they still attack GB and Azad Kashmir?
PakBrother mine,

The FacistRegime is not Sane!

So... if they loose Ladakh ..then they will try to 'gain' something... to balance their loss!

We must NEVER underestimate the Nemesis to our East!


If an opportunity like the one in 1962 arises, do You think our establishment will rectify their mistakes, if so is IK on the same page? as clearly the outsiders who are dictated by uncle sam are content on the new status quo..
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This rare sane indian puts in perspective how miserable the situation of India is in current Indo-Chinese standoff.
Summary : Indians have no clue how to counter china.

I am a YouTuber but I have 1 burning desire to know, how does a single individual get so much accurate information from history to date ?? This guy does a great job in just sourcing the dates, information etc on current events.
Brother do you think after this humiliation by the Chinese with Hindutva's pants caught off guard, will they still attack GB and Azad Kashmir?
We hope they do because result is in our favor if it really happpens.
I am a YouTuber but I have 1 burning desire to know, how does a single individual get so much accurate information from history to date ?? This guy does a great job in just sourcing the dates, information etc on current events.
Pravin Sawhney is first and foremost a military analyst and historian who happens to publish on YouTube.
Most of the rest are just plagiarising the internet for clicks

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