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India launches giant cheap food programme

What we really need to do is adopt better Food Management, tones of food produce go to waste due to lack of proper storage facilities. And we also must keep our eyes on adulteration of basic food items. Although its an election gimmick but if implemented properly without any corruption then thumps up to it !!!

The government already buys huge quantity of wheat and rice that are excess crops. Just so they can help the farmers and artificially inflate the prices. I am not against it. However most of the time that excess reserve sits in government storage rooms and rots. Rather than just having it sit there, why not distribute that to the poor.
how much one should spend for basic food a day?
for the cheapest food....

There are many cheap hotels where poors can eat as much as they can in 20-25 rupees(35-40 cents). Cheap food is not really an issue in India.
The government already buys huge quantity of wheat and rice that are excess crops. Just so they can help the farmers and artificially inflate the prices. I am not against it. However most of the time that excess reserve sits in government storage rooms and rots. Rather than just having it sit there, why not distribute that to the poor.

Because if government do that, food prices would collapse and farmers would be driven to poverty.Farmer and poor are a group having a high degree of overlap and ruining village economy is going to be bad for poor people.

Also there is a problem of round tripping. If government sells below MSP, merchants would buy grain from government and then sell it back to government for arbitrage.

PS: Poors are not starving. Had they been, they would have been dead.
There are many cheap hotels where poors can eat as much as they can in 20-25 rupees(35-40 cents). Cheap food is not really an issue in India.

25 rupees is not cheap for extreme poor.... lol... they dont eat in hotels...
Am i the only one on this forum who believe that this is a stupid a$$ decision?

This would increase the inflation level which would hurt everyone, poor included. Any largess contribute to inflation without providing any boost to the growth.

Only way of pulling poor out of poverty trap is by creating new jobs, a lot of jobs , which is a much harder proposition.
25 rupees is not cheap for extreme poor.... lol... they dont eat in hotels...

Tuuu saaaf kiyun nahin kehtaa that you have a vested interest in all of this ! :azn:

If Indians start eating affordable food tou teraaa Dosa Kiosk bunnnd ho jaiii gaa ! :whistle:
huge percentage of it will be pocketed by lower level babus(there is a massive scheme already running) but a good initiative.. i will be happy if 50 percent reaches poor.

Lets face it in our countries any poverty Reducing scheme reaches 50% target is a success story and yes i hope it does reaches at least 50% or above.
The government already buys huge quantity of wheat and rice that are excess crops. Just so they can help the farmers and artificially inflate the prices. I am not against it. However most of the time that excess reserve sits in government storage rooms and rots. Rather than just having it sit there, why not distribute that to the poor.

Bold part is what I was really talking about, those government storage rooms are just a sorry excuse for a storage facilities. A little down pour and thousands of tons of food grains rot. It just so depressing to see. It's arite if you don't want to distribute it among poor but just for god sake don't let it rot.
Tuuu saaaf kiyun nahin kehtaa that you have a vested interest in all of this ! :azn:

If Indians start eating affordable food tou teraaa Dosa Kiosk bunnnd ho jaiii gaa ! :whistle:

i support distribution of food grains at affordable rate / free for poor / ultrapoor .. :angel:

Bold part is what I was really talking about, those government storage rooms are just a sorry excuse for a storage facilities. A little down pour and thousands of tons of food grains rot. It just so depressing to see. It's arite if you don't want to distribute it among poor but just for god sake don't let it rot.
its immoral to have foodgrains rot and people go hungry,
Am i the only one on this forum who believe that this is a stupid a$$ decision?

This would increase the inflation level which would hurt everyone, poor included. Any largess contribute to inflation without providing any boost to the growth.

Only way of pulling poor out of poverty trap is by creating new jobs, a lot of jobs , which is a much harder proposition.

If money reaches its intended target it will circulate and create jobs in long term.
Lets face it in our countries any poverty Reducing scheme reaches 50% target is a success story and yes i hope it does reaches at least 50% or above.

I dunno about India or the rest of Pakistan but in Lahore.....any poor guy can go to Datta Darbar & countless others like it & eat more tasty food than I ate at Lunch ! :unsure:

Come to think of it between the Halwas & Biryanis - Our Molvis are stuffed chickens too ! :blink:
I dunno about India or the rest of Pakistan but in Lahore.....any poor guy can go to Datta Darbar & countless others like it & eat more tasty food than I ate at Lunch ! :unsure:

Come to think of it between the Halwas & Biryanis - Our Molvis are stuffed chickens too ! :blink:

thats because your country is in europe, you have fewer poor people..
we got them in massive numbers, non govt support is never enough for them..
Doomed? Well, let's figure it out (pun intended!)

> Together, the total outlay for the FSB will likely amount to Rs200,000 crore per year — more than double the budgeted food-subsidy estimates for the current fiscal year. This huge expenditure could well make India’s fiscal recovery impossible, with current trends in government revenue and expenditure showing that while revenue growth has significantly weakened, expenditure growth has accelerated sharply.

> The fiscal stress India currently faces is worryingly similar to, if not worse than, the economic climate of the 1980s, which eventually led to the 1991 crisis. Add to that the Rs 200,000 crore going down the sinkhole.

> At least 50% will be eaten up my middlemen which include politicians and bureaucrats. This mostly due to the poor food-delivery mechanisms leading to massive leakages. No wonder most politicians have hit the bar to celebrate.

> Can India produce enough food to cope with the demand created by the bill? No! Especially during floods/drought etc, India would be forced to import food at much higher rates which would mean spending tens of thousands of crores of precious foreign exchange!

> That would translate to higher inflation due to the ballooning fiscal deficit.

> And what does all this mean for farmers? The very low prices of the subsidized food will distort the market and farmers who can’t sell to the government program will lose out in the open market because prices will be forced down.

> Many states, including Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Delhi already have a subsidized food program so it is unclear how the two will run together or whether it will create confusion in both. Most likely the latter!

> It is estimated that within 5 years, the expenditure will shoot up to more than Rs 300,000 crores per year due to inflation and imports due to natural causes!

Friends, Indians, countrymen! Be prepared to dish out more taxes just like the tax surcharge on education. (We know where that money is going). We as ordinary taxpayers have no choice but to fund the profligacy of our netas for their vote banks.

For this humungous amount of expenditure, shouldn't the government instead develop infrastructure, promote growth, jobs, health, and increase the literacy rate? As the saying goes:

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

But then, that wouldn't fill the Congress' vote bank, would it? At least that's what the Cong thinks! Screw you, screw me, screw the country! It all boils down to: KISSA KURSI KA! Amen
I dunno about India or the rest of Pakistan but in Lahore.....any poor guy can go to Datta Darbar & countless others like it & eat more tasty food than I ate at Lunch ! :unsure:

Come to think of it between the Halwas & Biryanis - Our Molvis are stuffed chickens too ! :blink:

bhai ji dilli me bhi takreeban 50 se jyada aise gurudware aur mandir hai jahan har roz lakho logo ko muft khana diya jata hai :bounce:
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