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India lags behind Pakistan in missiles

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Can I state the obvious, who cares about advanced cruise and ballistic missiles when your being over run by militants with AK's and RPG's.

I agree with you on this point. The missiles don't serve Pakistan one bit, when half of the the country is burning and on the edge of becoming non-existent. It's a useless discussion. The usual whose got the bigger one.
I agree with you on this point. The missiles don't serve Pakistan one bit, when half of the the country is burning and on the edge of becoming non-existent. It's a useless discussion. The usual whose got the bigger one.

My dear things are improved now.............PA is controlling the sitituation in Northern and especially in FATA area. Nothing is going with Pakistan....Pakistan will exist for ever (Inshallah).

Every thing is going in peace and calm.
Sucide bombing stopped. PA killing & capturing Talibans .
no way this is true, they have designed almost every type of missile, ballastic, cruise, air to air, submarine launched, surface to air, anti tank, and ABM. and on top of that they have pslv, and gslv with the heavy launcher gslv mk 3 a few years away.

plus they spend like 2 billion on r&d which is almost 1/2 of ur defense budget.

although some of those missiles dont work that well, at least they are progressing and i guarantee that the next generation of missiles they produce will work well.
i could'nt find any signs of Ra'ad here can someone help me get details.... I think the missile is quite cool.....
i had visited wiki for Ra'ad ..... but wanted to know about its stealth and submunitions
and i pray to GOD that we develop our missile range to israel also israel is our hidden enemy

Shaheen-II can easily strike Israel, and US think tanks and experts already have repoted that pakistan is beyond intercontinental reach in missiles!
how much this missile load have,
and from which aircraft we can fire it ?
Missile weight, its effectiveness, range from air to surface, etc
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