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India is now a $ 3.1 trillion economy

It’s not these companies that I meant but the German Mittlestand type companies. Niche manufacturers of high quality products. Basically all the industries China is trying to catch up in under their 2025 initiative.
Those are not going to India because the main costs are not labour. Unless India local companies can do that but it will be extremely difficult. China wanted to catch up semiconductor industry for years but there is no market for entry level products. Until USA forced China to start their own, even Chinese companies are not buying from local companies.
Another thing is even India create a high tech industry, there will be no job for majority workers. This is the problem in Taiwan right now. Not all Taiwanese can work in semiconductor industry. The rich and poor gap will be even greater.
That's why India cannot develop more service sectors because there is no more service needed without more manufacturers.
Those are not going to India because the main costs are not labour. Unless India local companies can do that but it will be extremely difficult. China wanted to catch up semiconductor industry for years but there is no market for entry level products. Until USA forced China to start their own, even Chinese companies are not buying from local companies.
Another thing is even India create a high tech industry, there will be no job for majority workers. This is the problem in Taiwan right now. Not all Taiwanese can work in semiconductor industry. The rich and poor gap will be even greater.
That's why India cannot develop more service sectors because there is no more service needed without more manufacturers.

Perhaps there are opportunities in employing people after better education (and government or private sector investment) in the latest techniques in agriculture. Global food demand will keep going up for the foreseeable future.
Perhaps there are opportunities in employing people after better education (and government or private sector investment) in the latest techniques in agriculture. Global food demand will keep going up for the foreseeable future.
Well if India is a small country with a few million population, it is possible to skip some steps such as Ireland and Israel. Human resources can play big role
Otherwise there is no chance to skip elementary and middle phases.
GDP doesn't mean shit when your an overpopulated shithole, GDP per person is what actually matters. Even war torn and developing countries like Syria and Iraq perform much better then you in that aspect. If only you idiots actually understood how basic economics work.
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Stick to waddling in the shit filled Ganges and comparing yourselves with other fragile shitholes like Pakistan, maybe that will boost your fragile ego. supa powa by 2025 :sarcastic:
China’s per capita GDP is $12k so will you compare it with Maldives who’s per capita GDP per capita is also $12k? Yes its true that per capita GDP is what we should aim to improve but comparing other small countries based on per capita GDP doesn’t make any sense. Having a higher GDP and population is an advantage that helps you in improving your GDP growth and future economic prospects.
India is a poor performing nation. China with a similar population as India has a GDP of $18-trillion.

Heck, Turkey with a population of just 84-million has a GDP of $720-billion against India’s 1.3-trillion. The population of India is 1.3-billion.

So between 2019-2021, China added an economy as large as India’s entire GDP?

no competition really between China and India. Indians will compare themselves to Pakistan and Afghanistan to feel good, but objectively speaking, they are in the dust.

This is China's official numbers

If China GDP is $18 trillion they do not qualify to be developing nation
How was China and India during 1945- 1970's before the US companies were offered slave labour, no land planning constraints, no environment laws, no union laws, no strikes, generous tax incentives and repatriation laws.
Absolute dictatorial control of all employees , their pay, working hours and no responsibility for health, vacations, working conditions etc.
First investment into China were mostly from Asian regions, Hong kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea...
As for the woes you listed, India almost tops everyone of them.
First investment into China were mostly from Asian regions, Hong kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea...
As for the woes you listed, India almost tops everyone of them.
In 2018, the actual foreign investment of the top 10 countries / regions (in terms of actual foreign investment) totaled US $128.46 billion, accounting for 95.2% of the country's actual foreign investment, an increase of 3.1% over the same period last year.
The top 10 countries / regions to invest in China are
Hong Kong (US $96.01 billion),
Singapore (US $5.34 billion),
Taiwan Province (US $5.03 billion),
South Korea (US $4.67 billion),
the United Kingdom (US $3.89 billion),
Japan (US $3.81 billion),
Germany (US $3.68 billion),
the United States (US $3.45 billion),
the Netherlands (US $1.29 billion)
Macau (US $1.29 billion).

Chinese regions (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau) account for 83% of investment in China, 7% in Japan and South Korea, 7% in Europe (7%) and 3% in the United States.

I don't know how much overseas Indians have invested in India.
How is this related to this thread? Or ya’ll can’t live without posting the same stuff again and again? The reason why we don’t have our facebook is because it we’re a free market economy and anyone can use whatever he/she wants to, we didn’t ban facebook like someone in our neighbourhood did. Plus why we don’t have such big companies is because we’re still a small economy. It’s not that all big stuff is western only here, many areas we’e doing good and many areas we’re improving. And if so government of India can easily ban all western social media apps and then the local made ones will become more widely used, but is there any advantage of that?

Your lack of the likes of FB or Google is not because you are a free market economy. It is because of incompetency, red tape, corruption and poor planning. Further, probably Indian governments saw some geopolitical merits in letting US giants run amok.
Your lack of the likes of FB or Google is not because you are a free market economy. It is because of incompetency, red tape, corruption and poor planning. Further, probably Indian governments saw some geopolitical merits in letting US giants run amok.

Russia has Yandex, mail.ru and VKontakte with a smaller market. Where is Indian search, mail and social media?
Russia has Yandex, mail.ru and VKontakte with a smaller market. Where is Indian search, mail and social media?

Funny. Indians tend to blame free market or democracy for their failures.

Unlike Russia, India is currently the favorite house pet of the US. But still, they manage to fail.
The problem with India is its socialogy. Too much hating on caste, religion, regionalism etc. Then there is the lack of discipline such as officials and school teachers not bothering to show up for work.

People make a few dollars and then act like they are God.

The best and brightest gtfo and never look back. At the hospital where I work there are a lot of great Indians and they looks fantastic too. Not the big bellied unkempt ones we see in Ingdoo.
Its wonderful to see Chinese and their sycophantic Pakistani pom pom girls compare Chinese and Indian economies in the last 20 odd years.

How was China and India during 1945- 1970's before the US companies were offered slave labour, no land planning constraints, no environment laws, no union laws, no strikes, generous tax incentives and repatriation laws.
Absolute dictatorial control of all employees , their pay, working hours and no responsibility for health, vacations, working conditions etc.
The US and Western capitalists hit the jackpot and moved en-masse to the Chinese mainland for manufacturing.
China has reaped those rewards from the West besides the vast export market of the West and the theft of intellectual property

So, where was India then? Indignantly refusing foreign investment, and building world class call centers?

Funnily, all those bad conditions you throw at China applies India today. And India is not even a manufacturing economy. It has huge illiterate slave labor, one of the worst polluted environments and corruption. Still, its incoming FDI is smaller than China's.

Keep in mind that US/Western investment has been a fraction of FDI China received over the decades.
IHS Markit report

Mr. Kumar of SBI is better stop making 2025 predictions.
This is China's official numbers

If China GDP is $18 trillion they do not qualify to be developing nation

Even SK was a developing country till 2020. Yes, China is, and will be as long as it sees fit.
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The problem with India is its socialogy. Too much hating on caste, religion, regionalism etc. Then there is the lack of discipline such as officials and school teachers not bothering to show up for work.

People make a few dollars and then act like they are God.

The best and brightest gtfo and never look back. At the hospital where I work there are a lot of great Indians and they looks fantastic too. Not the big bellied unkempt ones we see in Ingdoo.

It needs a socio-economic revolution which it will never have.
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