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India is not Britain

Why is that? Jealousy?

No , Why would countries like lets say Australia, Japan , Korea , Taiwan be jealous of them ? these countries are far ahead of China .The simple reason is that their rise has not been peaceful as they asserted it would be . There are a lot of issues in this region that you do not know about . You should read up a little more and then comment .
Trying to quote my words out of context and use it against me? Another typical pathetic behaviour of indians.

You should have just said 'us Singaporeans' than 'us Asians'.

But my words still count here! You indians just love to steal other's nation identity in order to make yourselves feel good. Am I wrong to speak against such dispicable acts!

Again I repeat 'Speak for Singapore Only (If you really are one)..there are other Asians here who if have any objection will raise their voice.
why you Indians are so fanatics against Chinese?, you should mind your own business, and I as a Pakistani also feel that now we instead of bashing Indians or anyone else should look into our own and sort out problems and ourselves before pointing out fingers to someone else.
why you Indians are so fanatics against Chinese?, you should mind your own business, and I as a Pakistani also feel that now we instead of bashing Indians or anyone else should look into our own and sort out problems and ourselves before pointing out fingers to someone else.

Just take a look at this entire thread and see who is going around calling Indians slaves . Your Chini brothers
why you Indians are so fanatics against Chinese?, you should mind your own business, and I as a Pakistani also feel that now we instead of bashing Indians or anyone else should look into our own and sort out problems and ourselves before pointing out fingers to someone else.

Check this thread...the failure of Chinese Policy was mentioned by a guest in the OP video not by Indians.
Read the current affairs and then give your valuable opinion.

Some lame a$$ excuses but no clear reason why Singapore is closer to India, US etc and not PRC. First you said that India is not in your radar and then says that SG keeps their assets in India, bcs we are incapable of copying (which is nothing but a load of bull sh*t ). India till now has not bought or operated a US warplane, but SG is adamant in keeping your F 16s here and not in countries like Pakistan/Australia/New Zealand/Phillipines etc which has a lot of experience with US planes.

Either you are a dumb Singaporean who does not know the policies of his Govt or just a false flagger.

We have plenty of assets placed worldwide, not just in India. Please get your facts right. Perth, Rockhampton, both in Australia, Kaohsiung, Taichung in the ROC, Kanchanaburi in Thailand, New Zealand - we operate bases in all of these places and we actively conduct training for our troops over there. Our submarine crew was trained in Sweden. The entire SAF and the National Service system was implemented with the assistance of Israel.

So, it's not just India. Please stop being under the delusion that you guys are a special friend to us. Jade's previous post was almost right. We certainly are not going to become a vassal of China. We are technically striking a balance between the three, the USA, which has been a dominant player in the region, China, which is increasingly becoming dominant and assertive, and India which technically acts as a fail-safe switch should something go drastically wrong Plenty of other nations out there do the same thing, it doesn't make them buddies or brothers now. Just a tactical move. Don't forget there is a crucial difference between you guys and us mate. You have territorial disputes all over the place and war is a constant factor in your foreign policy. We Singaporeans are only interested in one thing, and just one thing - How to make money off all you fellows So yes, we will court everyone as long as you can generate an income for us. It's that simple.

The only part where Jade erred is when he mentioned we are trying to be equidistant from both China and India. No, we are strongly aligned with the USA still for now, but we are increasingly trying to bring China into the fold. India is there too, yes, I'm not saying no. We are courting her too, but to a lesser degree than China. And that is understandable as we depend alot more on China right now than we do with India.

Only reason why military assets are stored in India but not China till now, is because China is still officially Communist, and both Singapore and Malaysia, post WW2, faced enormous problems with Communist insurgencies. Very similar to how you guys were being rocked by independence movements and religious strife between the end of the war and the establishment of your 2 separate states. In fact that's the whole reason why Singapore and Malaysia were in one single union as one nation for 2 years before parting ways. It was done to combine resources and quell the Communist threat.

China today is anything but Communist, but they still retain that title. That's the only reason why we don't maintain military assets over there yet. But their system is evolving pretty well and our ties are certainly growing. In the long run, expect to see more cooperation between our two nations. :china:
^^^ This guy is a Singaporean Chinese . ignore him

Diamond is a Singaporean Chinese and I'm Singaporean Indian. So? What is the obsession you people have with our ancestry!? All you need to know is simple. We are Singaporean and we speak with the same voice. Get down to arguing on the facts please!
We have plenty of assets placed worldwide, not just in India. Please get your facts right.

Come on, buddy! It seemed like our little assets is someone's HUGE FDI figures.Let's keep quiet and not make a scene for them. Ssssssh, LOLOL.
No , Why would countries like lets say Australia, Japan , Korea , Taiwan be jealous of them ? these countries are far ahead of China .The simple reason is that their rise has not been peaceful as they asserted it would be . There are a lot of issues in this region that you do not know about . You should read up a little more and then comment .

They are not jealous of China mate. China has already overtaken Japan and clinched the no 2 spot in economy. More like they are terrified of China! Nothing can stop the rise of the dragon!

Why do you think we'd rather be aligned with China than India? Yeah you guys keep dragging out the F-16 planes we store in your nation and cite the words of our politicians. But you fail to realize the most important fact over here. Almost ALL Singaporean Chinese have extended families and relatives in China. Many of them forge very very strong business links. Many Singaporean Indians are increasingly learning Mandarin. Alot of us head out to places like Shanghai and we represent Singapore over there. Why do you think so?

Only a fool would ignore China and steer away from them. And we would certainly NOT be that fool, especially not since we have the inherent advantage of such close cultural and historical ties.
Diamond is a Singaporean Chinese and I'm Singaporean Indian. So? What is the obsession you people have with our ancestry!? All you need to know is simple. We are Singaporean and we speak with the same voice. Get down to arguing on the facts please!

Arguing on facts ? :lol:

You idiots are not even discussing the topic of the thread and you are asking me to argue on facts . Hilarious :lol:Keep walking
Arguing on facts ? :lol:

You idiots are not even discussing the topic of the thread and you are asking me to argue on facts . Hilarious :lol:Keep walking

Yea we can do that IF you brainiacs had actually come up with a BETTER topic title rather than just "India is not Britain".

So here we are, telling you exactly why India does not have the power or the influence to be a Britain while you guys are busy trying to figure out if we are Pakistani-Singaporeans.

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