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India is not a secular country

While reading BJP website, I came across this article that is posted under philosophy section. Here is the last section of the article:

"The future of Bharat is set. Hindutva is here to stay. It is up to the Muslims whether they will be included in the new nationalistic spirit of Bharat. It is up to the government and the Muslim leadership whether they wish to increase Hindu furor or work with the Hindu leadership to show that Muslims and the government will consider Hindu sentiments. The era of one-way compromise of Hindus is over, for from now on, secularism must mean that all parties must compromise.

Hindutva will not mean any Hindu theocracy or theology. However, it will mean that the guiding principles of Bharat will come from two of the great teachings of the Vedas, the ancient Hindu and Indian scriptures, which so boldly proclaimed : TRUTH IS ONE, SAGES CALL IT BY MANY NAMES - and - THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS ONE FAMILY."

The whole article can be read at:
Hindutva: The Great Nationalist Ideology

This article shows the true face of Hindu India. Secularism means that all parties must compromise. What a joke. Does this means that Muslims can slaughter cows and freely sell and consume beef?
In actuality it means that all Muslims will start following Hindu religion and forget about Islam.

whatever they are better in this term then Pakistan at least there society is more tolerated and less terrorist extremist then ours.
First you post a LGBT flag and now you are bragging about Pakistan not being a Secular state?
finally,the boy'acetophenol' has got some point!
Ps: i really hated you when you took my posts to rant in that pak has more warhead thread
actually,why are paks always trying to prove that india is unsuccesful,failed nation? Why are they desperately trying to find black marks on
India's succeses? Whenever we do something good,some
One shows up with a point to harass us. There are several threads harassing our achievements like lca,arjun,agni ,prithvi even the dhruv.
There was atleast something good in all these defence related harasements,as it provides some good discusions.but this has gone so far.what is the point in running these threads like some lunatic barbarians?
Why paks are trying to haras india like this? Is it to find your success in OUR FAILURES,as you don't have successes of your own?
Or is it to find some heavenly ecstacy?
This was what i was talking a
Bou in the above post!
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