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India is more Islamic than your country: Rajnath Singh tells chief of Pakistan Rangers

Why is this fool talking about which country is more Muslim than the other when the two sides met to discuss how to end cross-border fire which kills a dozen freakin' people every few weeks? I guess chest-thumping was the priority of this meeting for this retard.
Rajnath Singh just another Indian with his head in his A$$. This is the reality of how Muslims are treated in India. No need to talk about Gujarat or Babri.

We should thank Almighty God and also Our leader Quaid-e-azam, otherwise indians have done some samething with us... Insha Allah India and Indian army will pay a heavy cost for all this cruelness they have done and are still doing....
lol if this was said by minister to DG Rangers who was there to discuss the borders situation
Extremely unprofessional from the minister.

Look at this face.


And then curse yourself that you actually expected professionalism from this guy.

I have said this before too. Is shakal kai bandai purani bollywood movies main r@pist ka role kartai thai.
The thing is one wants to eat it and the other wants to worship it.these are two opposite things.India may have a large population of Muslims. But are those Muslims getting their rights not as a muslim as well as being an Indian?
Now you are forgetting Christians, Buddhist, Jain, Sikhs, Jews, Persis. Why are you adding that Muslims wanted to eat Beef and now related to rights. Does the rights only belongs to minority Muslims and not to other minorities and not to the Hindu majority.

I have many Muslim friends here and I am Vegetarian and dislike any animal killing at all not because of any religious belief rather its what my Brain tells me is correct and they do understand my sentiments and they try to avoid eating Non-veg in front of me, that does not means they are deprived of their rights or the food. When I asked them they said that they don't eat Beef rather Goat and Chicken.

If I ask the question to the Muslims why they don't eat pork Religion or Choice or Necessity??

Religion I guess !!

Why Hindus don't eat cow ? Religion or Choice or Necessity?

Its Choice, No where in any Gita anything is written that its banned

The Hindus don't consider cow as the god which lot of our friends thinks of rather they they believe that they are in debt of the cow for feeding Milk.

Why I don't Eat Meat when some of my family members eats?

My Choice, its what my brains tells me is right which is not necessary for me to survive ,
  • During the interaction, Singh said India wants peace with all neighbours, including Pakistan, and will not fire the first bullet but asked the Rangers to ensure no infiltration takes place from their side.

    In his response, Major General Umar Farooq Burki, the head of Pakistan Rangers' delegation, told Singh that he was the "mere DG of a force and not the leadership" like the Home Minister and could not give any commitment in this regard. He said he would convey Singh's message to the Pakistani leadership.

    Burki said his country also wanted peace along the border and cordial relations with India and that there could have been some incidents at the border where firing took place due to misunderstanding or by mistake.
I seriously doubt this part... When indian minister said tht make sure..no infiltration takes place from Pak .. DG Rangers said..tht I am not govt..and only DG of a force..so cant give any committment? I dont think he would ever say this.. Its like..saying..yes..my govt does it..but since I am only dg rangers ..so cant give any assurances... why the hell would he say tht? ( Even "IF" Indians assume tht Pak does...no one would ever admit it) ..this, i assume is gross misreporting..or Indias wish tht it has released in media... Its the most nonsensical response tht any one can give...which i dont think would be true
In his response, Major General Umar Farooq Burki, the head of Pakistan Rangers' delegation, told Singh that he was the "mere DG of a force and not the leadership" like the Home Minister and could not give any commitment in this regard. Hesaid he would convey Singh's message to the Pakistani leadership.:cheesy:
So Islamic that they don't let Muslims slaughter cows on eid.
God has created so many beautiful animals which can be sacrificed. Avoiding Cow Slaughter in Hindustan is a good gesture by our Muslim brothers.

I seriously doubt this part... When indian minister said tht make sure..no infiltration takes place from Pak .. DG Rangers said..tht I am not govt..and only DG of a force..so cant give any committment? I dont think he would ever say this.. Its like..saying..yes..my govt does it..but since I am only dg rangers ..so cant give any assurances... why the hell would he say tht? ( Even "IF" Indians assume tht Pak does...no one would ever admit it) ..this, i assume is gross misreporting..or Indias wish tht it has released in media... Its the most nonsensical response tht any one can give...which i dont think would be true
Indian Home Minister is a seasoned politician and is much more craftier than Modi, trapping any military guy into making a diplomatic incorrect statement is really not a big deal for these politicians :partay:
Indian Home Minister is a seasoned politician and is much more craftier than Modi, trapping any military guy into making a diplomatic incorrect statement is really not a big deal for these politicians :partay:

No.. I still dont think it can be true... DG Rangers might have said this..tht i am only dg of a force and not govt....in response to something else... Not in response of...no infilitration from Pak..... Theres must be some other context of his statement or response to some other matter... Indian media would have taken it out of context to suit them..
Lol. More assasination of the Islamic character of Pakistan. It is a clear ploy to divide muslims between two different schools of thought. The creation of India is more of a problem for us Lucknowis than anything else.
This bloody Indian media is not getting enough stories to malign Pakistan.So thats why we see kind of juvinille reports by Indian media reporting out of context as well as pure BS......
As far as this ganja minister is concerned,I'd say who gives a shit to what he says....
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