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India Is Buying 36 Rafale Fighters from France (and Pakistan Should Worry)

Who cares about few casualties due to accidents, when operation parakram reduced militant infiltration by 90%.

It happened because of OP parakram by us.
well if you say so, and in the light of current events then, please go ahead and do something similar
PAF's greatest disadvantage is not assets as much as lack of depth. Everything useful is within striking range via moderately placed IAF assets within their border.
How that disadvantge can be minimized if not completely blasted?
Which is why the S-400 comes in because the IAF wants to force our low and high flying stand off assets to launch even further behind the border(or FOrward lines).
In that case how much MAR-1 and anyother chinese high speed Anti Radiation missile will be useful?
Here's the catch though, so can we and until the Rafale becomes operational- in greater asset numbers.
That will be surely a matter of time may be at max 5 to 7 years, we will have that advantage.
How that disadvantge can be minimized if not completely blasted?

In that case how much MAR-1 and anyother chinese high speed Anti Radiation missile will be useful?

That will be surely a matter of time may be at max 5 to 7 years, we will have that advantage.
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You must be living in a cave than?

Pak bought 18 F-18s and MLU kits (yeah google em up) for 5.5 billion dollars for a fukin reason.
And, TAI updated them for another reason!!!! And, the Turkish folks are gonna integrate home built AESA + BVR guys for the nth reason!!!!!

Pakistan have no answers for rafale. Lets be realistic. Secondly 76 f-16 cant beat 272 su30. So it depends on indian strategies whether they want to be aggressive and takeover Azad Kashmir and GB or allow Pakistan to gain some time to think and breath. Anyway we need some new technologies plus numbers which we dont have curently now.
Pak strategy was made amply clear to the best of the Brahmins 3 decades back, and it's been working since then!!!!
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you keep talking about 71 yet you temple educated indians forget what china did to your Aksai Chin and how indian soldiers surrendered their land and themselves to the chinese
ROFL Temple Educated, oh my god just because some of us call Madarsa Educated you have to create a parallel. First, we have no schools run by the temple, we simply visit temple do the prayer and exit, nobody is running any political classes in our temples.

Secondly, my reference to 71 is only around how communication is done in Pakistan. The reason I bought it up is to do with how they are painting the story as one sided today.
its more like 180 fighters(100+77) against 360 fighters(230+120 mirages/mig29) with 50% operational capablity retained of su 30 due to lack of spares

our odds were way worse in 1965, 71
Su-30MKI available rare is 65%
PAF's F-16s Also have low service stats. Infactbinfact even Original manufacturer USAF has F-16 available rate if only 72%
ROFL Temple Educated, oh my god just because some of us call Madarsa Educated you have to create a parallel. First, we have no schools run by the temple, we simply visit temple do the prayer and exit, nobody is running any political classes in our temples.

Secondly, my reference to 71 is only around how communication is done in Pakistan. The reason I bought it up is to do with how they are painting the story as one sided today.
Pakistan is really miles behind India, India has 393 (233 Su-30+65 MiG-29 +45 MiG-29K & 50 Mirage-2000) 4th gen fighters, Pakistan only 162 (76 F-16+86 JF-17).
Pakistan have no answers for rafale. Lets be realistic. Secondly 76 f-16 cant beat 272 su30. So it depends on indian strategies whether they want to be aggressive and takeover Azad Kashmir and GB or allow Pakistan to gain some time to think and breath. Anyway we need some new technologies plus numbers which we dont have curently now.

Situation is bad but not as bad that India can overrun AJK or GB, this kind of situation will bring in use of systems like Nasr, if you can understand what I mean

Pakistan is really miles behind India, India has 393 (233 Su-30+65 MiG-29 +45 MiG-29K & 50 Mirage-2000) 4th gen fighters, Pakistan only 162 (76 F-16+86 JF-17).

How much force India can deploy on Pakistani border?? Can you ignore China who is investing 46+50=96 billion $$ in Pakistan, will they allow all that go in drain and loss of very important route which allow them bypassing Malaca Strait in any hostile situation.?
its more like 180 fighters(100+77) against 360 fighters(230+120 mirages/mig29) with 50% operational capablity retained of su 30 due to lack of spares

our odds were way worse in 1965, 71


250 su30 mki
50 Mirage 2000
63 mig29 smt
42 mig29k navy


80 Thunders with no Helmet mounted display or Hobs missles
73 F16 ( only 18 new Block 52 ) the rest are partial upgraded block 50s still usimng same old engines and a reworked apg63 radar not the apg 69 which is three times as powerful on the block 52

The SU30MKI availability rate is 70%

I doubt the F16 is higher as 70% availibility rate is standard. globally
Su-30MKI available rare is 65%
PAF's F-16s Also have low service stats. Infactbinfact even Original manufacturer USAF has F-16 available rate if only 72%
thats was the 90s


250 su30 mki
50 Mirage 2000
63 mig29 smt
42 mig29k navy


80 Thunders with no Helmet mounted display or Hobs missles
73 F16 ( only 18 new Block 52 ) the rest are partial upgraded block 50s still usimng same old engines and a reworked apg63 radar not the apg 69 which is three times as powerful on the block 52

The SU30MKI availability rate is 70%

I doubt the F16 is higher as 70% availibility rate is standard. globally

250 su30 mki
50 Mirage 2000
63 mig29 smt
42 mig29k navy


80 Thunders with no Helmet mounted display or Hobs missles
73 F16 ( only 18 new Block 52 ) the rest are partial upgraded block 50s still usimng same old engines and a reworked apg63 radar not the apg 69 which is three times as powerful on the block 52

The SU30MKI availability rate is 70%

I doubt the F16 is higher as 70% availibility rate is standard. globally

since are we counting navy.
typical indian mentality, HMD might give you some edge but doesnt change much in the era of BVRS ,
do the f--22 have those ?

all f-16s have HMD and very advance latest aim 9M

PAF doesnt need to match iaf in 1:1,
its not di**k measuring contest, we need enough to stop a "sir gee kal" strikes and enough to prolong the war for nuclear game to come in play,
Alas india cant pull up another 1971 (10:1 odds attack) now as its *** is going to burn

even if india outnumbers us 1:3 that doesn't worry us(well it outnumbered as 1:3 in 1965), its still a pretty healthy ratio, are you saying india is going to loose half of its air-force, and Pakistan most of it and even than neither country is going to itch to hit the other with nukes

you should be worried about china it outnumbers you guys by 1:10, instead of measuring your di**k with child do it with someone of your own size lol

look up your MOD report and it states the number of parity is all time worse as compared to pakistan, by 2025 we might be operating the same number of 20 squardons lol

Situation is bad but not as bad that India can overrun AJK or GB, this kind of situation will bring in use of systems like Nasr, if you can understand what I mean
How much force India can deploy on Pakistani border?? Can you ignore China who is investing 46+50=96 billion $$ in Pakistan, will they allow all that go in drain and loss of very important route which allow them bypassing Malaca Strait in any hostile situation.?
1.not sure Nasr will be useful in terrian of Northern areas
2.china will not come to help to any country
3.india doesn't has the capability to over run Pakistan/Kashmir look at kargil or it would have done so, example, Bangladesh, it saw a chance and it did
4. i would want PAF to focus on thunders, increase the rate to 25/yr and induct as many of second hand f-16s, get hand on HMD for thunder and fifth gen BVR for f-16s/thunders either from USA or third country(europe, turkey, southafrica). also a standard light cruise missile weapon(200-250km), standarad cluster ammunitions and a dedicated antitank weapon.
I still believe Army needs to sacrifice some of its heavy acquisitions like gunships and artillery for the airforce
thats was the 90s
Same is the story now:

How much force India can deploy on Pakistani border?? Can you ignore China who is investing 46+50=96 billion $$ in Pakistan, will they allow all that go in drain and loss of very important route which allow them bypassing Malaca Strait in any hostile situation.?
All except 3 MKI squadrons are for Pakistan froMIL
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