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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

The fact of the matter is that India is a friend of every country Muslim and Non-Muslim - except Pakistan. :)

And although Government of Pakistan have tried long and hard to create animosity against India not only in the Muslim world, but in EU and US as well, they failed miserably.
I don't think you get it. Pakistan is an integral part of Muslim world. If we had to choose between India or Pakistan, it would definitely be Pakistan.

And in what scenario will you be "choosing" Pakistan?

I think with the Black September incident when the soon to be dictator Zia ul Haq used is two Pakistani divisions to suppress a rebellion and kill 20,000 Palestinians in the infamous Black September incident shows that. Or does it matter that India has almost 180 million Muslims about the same as Pakistan? Or what about the Pakistani army killing 300,000 Bangladeshis in the 1971 war and raping 1000s others - mostly Muslims of course. Which side should Jordan take then?
Talking about "converts" applies to everyone, Hindus too were converted to Hinduism some how!
So, most your arguments are a little bit biased, to say the least.

Muslims were extremely successful for a 1000 years, so they do have a unique experience of success on their own (Too many cultures to enumerate here), while opening up and tolerating other faiths and mentalities.

Experience from history indicates to the Muslims today to be more careful and prudent about how much they should be open to others and till what extent, while tolerance of other faiths is not touched.

What happened in India during the Islamic invasions seems to be very exagerated, unless the Indians were very or extremely barbaric, I do not see any other reason why it happened that way-If it happened at all-, since there is no other record of such atrocities in the history of Muslim "invasions" of other places and other people.

You are quite mistaken about this. We can go in detail if you want. I know that would invite howls of Islamophobia from some but if you wish, we can do that.

Let me just get your started about Islamic slavery....

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Scourge of Slavery


An Arab slave raid in East Africa 1888. The death toll from 14 centuries of the Islamic slave trade in Africa is estimated at over 112 million.

This is just Africa. There was massive slave trade from Europe and Asia as well. We can go in further gory details if you prefer.
Education goes for a toss when it comes to religion. That much is evident from the discourse here.

The basic incompatibility as you put it does not stem from lofty ideals or outlooks or tenets.

It stems from unipolar intolerance of a view different from yours and the resultant pressing need to impose one's view on to others.

Simply put, chill with your own beliefs. You have a fundamental right to them. And so do others.

Grow and prosper as a community. Educate your young. That is the biggest single investment you can make for the future. Broad mindedness and integration will follow.

Do not be judgmental about the beliefs and practices of others. They have an equal fundamental right to them as you do. Chill. Let them chill.

Do not pontificate to others about how good your belief system is. That you know the same should be more than suffcient for you. Let others be. Please do not be a self styled prophet or a missionary. Mind your business. Others will mind theirs.

Do not convert. Grow organically. You are not fresh on the cusp of a new belief system that you need to go around the world spreading the light to the primitive heathens. Your belief system has been around for enough time that others know about it. Same applies to theirs as well. By converting, you imply superiority of your faith over others. That implication exhibits disrespect and breeds resentment.

Nothing you are saying holds true for Islam, you are preaching the same things as Islam does, but in you own concept of thinking, and bringing nothing new!

Not in the Muslim experience:
Education of the masses was largely introduced and encouraged by Islam since its inception again 1400 years ago.
The very reason India is not allowed in OIC is that all OIC countries agree and support Pakistan - 57 of them.

No its because OIC is a consensus group and Pakistan, like any other OIC member has a veto on new members. IF it was put to a vote, Pakistan would loose 56-1.
But for GoP, it is ready to sacrifice the legitimate global Muslim interests for its own petty concerns i.e. keep India in check.

King Faisal and the then Morrocan ruler invited India personally and that is how India became the founding member of OIC. But the Pakistani president and "great Muslim personality" Yahya Khan then threw a tantrum that they will boycott OIC if India is included. At that time, Pakistan WAS the largest Muslim country having both its eastern and western wings.

From Egypt, Iraq to Saudi Arabia, all have floated the idea that India should be welcomed into OIC. And not as a favour to India mind you, all of these countries realize that India will soon be one of the top three economies in the world and it would be favourable to have good ties with India.

Why not India in OIC

Even the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt wants India's not Pakistan's help to conduct Elections and learn about its process
Muslim Brotherhood seeks India help for polls in Egypt - Times Of India
You are quite mistaken about this. We can go in detail if you want. I know that would invite howls of Islamophobia from some but if you wish, we can do that.

Let me just get your started about Islamic slavery....

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Scourge of Slavery


An Arab slave raid in East Africa 1888. The death toll from 14 centuries of the Islamic slave trade in Africa is estimated at over 112 million.

This is just Africa. There was massive slave trade from Europe and Asia as well. We can go in further gory details if you prefer.

Islam was the first religion to ban slavery, can you argue with that.
1888, Europeans dominated Arab lands, so get your facts strait!
No its because OIC is a consensus group and Pakistan, like any other OIC member has a veto on new members. IF it was put to a vote, Pakistan would loose 56-1

From Egypt, Iraq to Saudi Arabia, all have floated the idea that India should be welcomed into OIC. And not as a favour to India mind you, all of these countries realize that India will soon be one of the top three economies in the world and it would be favourable to have good ties with India.

Why not India in OIC

Even the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt wants India's not Pakistan's help to conduct Elections and learn about its process
Muslim Brotherhood seeks India help for polls in Egypt - Times Of India

Frankly I am not sure India needs to add dignity to this paper tiger of an organization by becoming a member.

Islam was the first religion to ban slavery, can you argue with that.

You are mistaken again. There was never a ban.

Slavery increased massively in the world with the coming of Islam and the Muslims continued their slavery long after the Europeans banned it.

Arab Muslim traders were the suppliers to even the cross Atlantic trade of Europeans. They had perfected it for hundreds of years.

1888, Europeans dominated Arab lands, so get your facts strait!

No, Turkey did.

You may try to be in denial. It is expected and understood.

Just do an independent study. My humble suggestion.
I wonder what would be the Pakistanis and Pakistanis in other countries flags would say about the statement

Is China a friend or foe of the Muslim world?
China as a Communist country bans freedom of religion. Govt. employees have to Communist party workers and RENOUNCE their faith effectively. Kids can keep fasts in the month of Ramadhan.

Surely, China would a foe for the Muslim world, if how China treats its religious minorities is how the friend/foe relationship is defined. Think about it

Meanwhile in the real world, the wealthy GCC block that has a 1 trillion dollar economy together are proposing joining up with BRICS, all non-muslim majority countries to improve their position in the world. Even the much maligned "Wahabbi" peninsular Arabs seem to have realised what is important and what isn't

Sir what are your comments on Chinese Muslim Uighurs ?

LH, one question, I just saw your signature, that is, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory and, Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”
Have you worked in Business Development area? someone has told us a similar thing before, it was regarding losing a project :lol:
Frankly I am not sure India needs to add dignity to this paper tiger of an organization by becoming a member.

You are mistaken again. There was never a ban.

Slavery increased massively in the world with the coming of Islam and the Muslims continued their slavery long after the Europeans banned it.

Arab Muslim traders were the suppliers to even the cross Atlantic trade of Europeans. They had perfected it for hundreds of years.

No, Turkey did.

You may try to be in denial. It is expected and understood.

Just do an independent study. My humble suggestion.

Who is the paper tiger! India of course, with proof and facts from any world renown organisation.

There was never something called India.
This is how your answers sound like!

Why don't you seek the truth and find out about the Jewish, European and American slavery trade, or are you hiding the facts because you live in a country where casts and slavery are forms of your daily life.
What if its with China and Tajikistan?:pop:

China of course. China first and then all other countries. Including the Muslim ones. Why do you ask in a question about whether India is a friend or foe to the Muslims?

One should be easily able to say these things and not beat around the bush. India thinks by not stating it clearly its fooling anyone, everyone can sniff it off.
Worthless thread.
INDIA has one of the largest MUSLIM population and people live in harmoney. And INDIA demarcates to a good extent the influence of religion in governance. INDIA serves the peoples interest and we are no friend nor foe for any one. We serve what is good for our people.

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