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India invites Pakistan to table

Alright.. i am hungry and on the table.. whats for dinner?

Menu includes an observation to see how flexible you (Pakistanis) are at your stances but we as India are rigid as we have always been. dialogged is to know what you can offer us and what we can receive from you.. so technically speaking it is give-and-take but you giving us your flexibility and we receiving yours.

Thanks for your 3 days visit, come again to give us more but neither we are involved in Baluchistan, nor we will stop killings of Kashmiris neither you have any right on the water you claim and yes we are not in mood to reconsider Siachin. Anything else? Oh yes Onions.. how many metric tons can you offer this month? and yes.. what are you doing about "Kasav"? Yes we need those terrorists we gave you list about. Anything else? Trade oh yes give us Trade route to Afghanistan and we will give you trade-route to Nepal.. Happy now? you naughty guys you ask for so much..
Menu includes an observation to see how flexible you (Pakistanis) are at your stances but we as India are rigid as we have always been. dialogged is to know what you can offer us and what we can receive from you.. so technically speaking it is give-and-take but you giving us your flexibility and we receiving yours.

Thanks for your 3 days visit, come again to give us more but neither we are involved in Baluchistan, nor we will stop killings of Kashmiris neither you have any right on the water you claim and yes we are not in mood to reconsider Siachin. Anything else? Oh yes Onions.. how many metric tons can you offer this month? and yes.. what are you doing about "Kasav"? Yes we need those terrorists we gave you list about. Anything else? Trade oh yes give us Trade route to Afghanistan and we will give you trade-route to Nepal.. Happy now? you naughty guys you ask for so much..

Refer to other thread, Pakistan is not willing to be peaceful and did not want to resolve the issue. I see a contradiction..

I do agree with you it's give and take. Alas your leadership thinks otherwise.. :coffee:

Menu includes an observation to see how flexible you (Pakistanis) are at your stances but we as India are rigid as we have always been. dialogged is to know what you can offer us and what we can receive from you.. so technically speaking it is give-and-take but you giving us your flexibility and we receiving yours.

Thanks for your 3 days visit, come again to give us more but neither we are involved in Baluchistan, nor we will stop killings of Kashmiris neither you have any right on the water you claim and yes we are not in mood to reconsider Siachin. Anything else? Oh yes Onions.. how many metric tons can you offer this month? and yes.. what are you doing about "Kasav"? Yes we need those terrorists we gave you list about. Anything else? Trade oh yes give us Trade route to Afghanistan and we will give you trade-route to Nepal.. Happy now? you naughty guys you ask for so much..

So what do you propose? ...That we remain in Status Quo ? And let the next generation continue to suffer the same poverty that our generation has seen? Let our taxes pay for the weapons?

Maybe you dont realize, going ahead and resume talks is a big thing in itself considering that our respective governments would very well continue to tread down this hate road, keeping the masses happy in the hate hysteria and keeping the vote bank intact.

The whole reason we need to talk is because as of now we dont agree on terms. We need to talk to restore the trust to some level. Hate talks wont bring about the changes you and me want to see. To move ahead, we need to take that first step.
Refer to other thread, Pakistan is not willing to be peaceful and did not want to resolve the issue. I see a contradiction..

I do agree with you it's give and take. Alas your leadership thinks otherwise.. :coffee:

Mate, Let's not assume things. Give them credit where it is due. Pakistan had initiated willingness to talk in the past. and you and me are aware about it. To say that they do not want to resolve issue is also misleading and grossly unfair (recollect our hysteria during Kargil and Mumbai carnage). If anything, it has been Pakistan who has been pushing hard for resolving pending issue's , whereas we have taken a stance of not moving ahead unless the issue of cross border terrorism is resolved first.

Lets avoid the hate talk. It does not help either cause. It takes one reason to hate someone, but ocean of gratitude can not make me love someone. Unless, we talk and act, we can't achieve peace.
Calling 1.2 Billions as LAMBS, surely proves that you never had a single relative out of them.

Obvious reason
Ashamed of your own nationality could make you change flag.:)

All members asking him/her to show the real flag,:police: leave it as it is...
dammit..talks again???

c'mon...talks never work...what do they expect these talks to yeild....india would be no further from getting a positive solution to disputed..even if dialouge was stopped completely.....

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