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India invites Pakistan to table


Oct 11, 2009
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India invites Pakistan to table
Saturday January 08, 2011 (1102 PST)

LAHORE: India has invited Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to resume talks in New Delhi in the first three months of this year, Indian External Affairs Minister SM Krishna said on Friday.
According to the Wall Street Journal, at a press briefing, Krishna said his counterpart had given an indication that he would visit Delhi. But Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said Pakistan would decide to send Qureshi only if the agenda for the meeting included a broad range of issues, including the Kashmir dispute.

The two countries held a series of talks last year but with little progress to show on resolving the issues between them. The neighbours have fought three wars against each other since they gained independence from Britain in 1947.

Talks were broken off after the November 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai, which was launched from Pakistan. India, since then, has insisted that Pakistan do more to clamp down on terrorist groups operating there, but at the same time says that dialogue is the only way to take their relationship forward. It has sought what it views as greater progress on counter-terrorism before engaging in a wider range of issues between the two nations.

Pakistan has wanted terrorism to be one of the issues discussed, and Basit said that if Kashmir and other issues were not on the agenda then Pakistan would not see the potential for a “fruitful meeting”.
yes......thousands of them.

LOL you should have been a diplomat ... sarcastically being funny on you.

Either side is not going to give up an inch and now both sides understand military solution is not going to give fruits.

Can you spell anything else apart from the above two moves.... ?
I think talks will not work till Pakistan becomes practical. Heard India offered 1500 sq miles in 62 but Pakistan wanted more. Fact is LOC will not change.
LOL you should have been a diplomat ... sarcastically being funny on you.

Either side is not going to give up an inch and now both sides understand military solution is not going to give fruits.

Can you spell anything else apart from the above two moves.... ?
First stop talking and show seriousness through actions on ground...do unilateral pullout from siachin,kutch,kashmir.Do these simple.
I think talks will not work till Pakistan becomes practical. Heard India offered 1500 sq miles in 62 but Pakistan wanted more. Fact is LOC will not change.

i guess its true, indian media does have the ability to brainwash its citizens through its lies/unsubatantiated facts.
First stop talking and show seriousness through actions on ground...do unilateral pullout from siachin,kutch,kashmir.Do these simple.

LOL you imposter!

If there needs to be a pull out of troops then it should be from both sides and that includes all areas pre 1956. Do you think India is begging for mercy from Pakistan. We can sustain our troops and our economy is helping. yes this is slowing us down elsewhere so be it.

The solution is making LOC irrelevant to local Kashmiris and be a border for rest of India and Pakistan. So all sides are benefited. Allow a fixed % of budget from the central government of both sides into respective kashmir so that the state on both sides prosper and economic growth be prudent.

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