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India includes Huawei in 5G rollout working groups


Aug 17, 2017
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India includes Huawei in 5G rollout working groups
Abhishek G Bhaya

India's Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has named Chinese telecom giant Huawei among the firms included in the working groups set up to chart the 5G roadmap for the South Asian country.

The move comes amid the prevailing uncertainties over the fate of Chinese tech firms in India following New Delhi's recent ban on over 200 Chinese mobile apps and its decision to restrict Chinese investments as bilateral ties took a nosedive after the Galwan Valley border clash in June.

Meanwhile, a top representative body of India's telecom operators have urged the DoT to scrap vendor-based restrictions on 5G lab trials indicating that they want Chinese vendors such as Huawei and ZTE to be a part of the country's 5G rollout.

Last week, the DoT announced the formation of eight working groups for 5G rollout in sectors such as agriculture, fintech, education, healthcare, transportation, water and sewage management, industry 4.0, and smart grid.

Huawei has been named as part of the working groups that will conduct a study on the deployment of the 5G technology in the healthcare and fintech sectors, according to a notification by the department. Sweden's Ericsson, Finland's Nokia and U.S.-based Qualcomm Technologies Inc. are the other international firms included in the working groups.

"The objective is to conduct a study and to produce a report with actionable points which brings out the use of 5G mobile technology in the respective sectors and how global use cases of 5G mobile technology in these sectors can be utilized and adapted to the Indian requirements," the DoT said in a notification.

The DoT's Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) will lead the task of preparing the report that will have technical solutions, use cases and doable action points. TEC members will head all eight groups which will also have members from Huawei, Ericsson, and Nokia. Qualcomm will have members for industry 4.0, smart grid, and education.

India shifts stance on Chinese tech firms

Exactly a year ago in December 2019, the Indian government had resisted the U.S. pressure permitting Huawei to participate in the country's 5G trials. However, New Delhi's stance on Chinese tech companies changed after the deadly military clash in the disputed western sector of their Himalayan border, formally known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC), in June.

India has lately sent out mixed signals to Chinese tech companies with apps ban and other restrictive regulations in place prompting speculations over whether firms such as Huawei and ZTE will be included in the country's 5G rollout plan, which has been delayed to next year due to the COVID-19 disruption.

Although India hasn't officially barred Chinese firms, reports emerged late summer that New Delhi plans to quietly sideline Huawei and ZTE from its domestic market. It did not include the Chinese vendors in the list of companies invited to participate in next year's 5G trials. As of now Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, Cisco, and NEC are on that list.

In June, Reuters reported that officials have instructed state firms to keep Chinese telecom equipment out of their networks in favor of domestically sourced technology. In late August, the Financial Times reported that Indian officials are likely to quietly push Chinese telecommunications gear, including from Huawei, out of the country's networks.

According to a report by Indian business news publication LiveMint, New Delhi "will apply investment rules amended on July 23 that cite national security concerns to restrict bidders from nations it shares land borders with to keep out the companies."

Indian telcos want Huawei, ZTE included in 5G trials

Indian telecom operators and mobile phone companies, who have gained tremendously from their business collaboration with Chinese tech firms in recent years, appear to be averse to the idea of such restrictions.

The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) on December 2 wrote a letter to the DoT pleading the department to remove equipment and vendor-based application restrictions so that the 5G lab trials are conducted smoothly, indicating that they want Chinese firms like Huawei and ZTE to be part of the 5G rollout plans in India.

The COAI also wanted import duty to be waived and restrictions related to country of origin removed for the trial equipment. They reasoned that for proof of concepts (PoCs) and trial runs, vendors typically import gear instead of using locally made alternative.

The Economic Times, citing people familiar with the matter, reported that the COAI letter is aimed mainly at pushing the government to clarify its official stance on the participation of Chinese firms like Huawei and ZTE in 5G trials and deployment.

While Indian authorities have stopped short of formally banning Chinese vendors, they have yet to clarify a position on the use of Chinese equipment, prolonging uncertainty for the industry.

Indian industry watchers welcomed the latest decision to include Huawei in the 5G working groups. "Ideally, India can't do away with Chinese equipment due to their competitive pricing and vendor financing needs. It's a good decision to have Huawei in the working committee as it will allow gaining perspective from a country that has somewhat similar population size and ahead in 5G," LiveMint quoted Rajiv Sharma, head of equity research, SBICAP Securities.

India is the world's second largest mobile market with 850 million users. According to Ericsson Mobility Report of November, the South Asian nation will have 350 million 5G subscriptions by 2026, accounting for 27 percent of the total mobile connections. The same year, the world is estimated to have 3.5 billion 5G connections, the report said.

So after 60 soldiers slaughtered (not including the many who will freeze to death this winter) and over 1000 square kilometers of territory lost, India is still going to use Huawei. So much to the digital surgical strike lmao ... pathetic.
It's about being financially and economically expedient. International relations and trade can not be an all or nothing zero sum game. It is a sign of maturity to rise above differences.

Their schoolkids practiced drills simulating nuclear strikes hiding under their desks but the erstwhile western block still did trade with the Soviets.
Wow, where are all the gaurakshaks?
It's about being financially and economically expedient. International relations and trade can not be an all or nothing zero sum game. It is a sign of maturity to rise above differences.

Their schoolkids practiced drills simulating nuclear strikes hiding under their desks but the erstwhile western block still did trade with the Soviets.
Wow, where are all the gaurakshaks?
I think we can work together in areas where both sides stand to benefit. Ego/ahankar should have no place in matters of governance.

If Huawei can best the competition from Nokia/Samsung and the rest, and given that any security concerns will have been properly addressed, go Huawei.
I think we can work together in areas where both sides stand to benefit. Ego/ahankar should have no place in matters of governance.

If Huawei can best the competition from Nokia/Samsung and the rest, and given that any security concerns will have been properly addressed, go Huawei.
It didn’t take long for you Indians to come crawling back. Easiest trade war ever
It's about being financially and economically expedient. International relations and trade can not be an all or nothing zero sum game. It is a sign of maturity to rise above differences.

Their schoolkids practiced drills simulating nuclear strikes hiding under their desks but the erstwhile western block still did trade with the Soviets.

yea right - the dead soliders (mostly from farming community)are dead - time for brahmin-bania to make a killing in money selling themselves to chinese.
No western country will do trade deals if 20 of their soldiers were killed by the army of another nation. They will first bomb the country to ashes then do trade deals.
You Chinese ?

Pragmatism, not "crawling back" .. check your ahankar, my man.

hahah this pathetic "sharmaji" is lecturing on "ahankar". Either lick the feet if you are weak or kick the head if others are weak is the chanakyan principles you live by. And mostly you end up licking feet - Mughals or brits or even chinese now.
yea right - the dead soliders (mostly from farming community)are dead - time for brahmin-bania to make a killing in money selling themselves to chinese.

No western country will do trade deals if 20 of their soldiers were killed by the army of another nation. They will first bomb the country to ashes then do trade deals.
We're not a western country

PLA took losses as well

are you a dumbass salafist or something who can only see the world in black and white, halal and haram, muslimeen and kafir ?
We're not a western country

PLA took losses as well

are you a dumbass salafist or something who can only see the world in black and white, halal and haram, muslimeen and kafir ?

you just compared yourself to a western country saying they traded with soviets when there kids are hiding under bunkers - did you not. Sheesh something off with your brain man. I have never seen people who are this dumb and also this arrogant and cocky.
hahah this pathetic "sharmaji" is lecturing on "ahankar". Either lick the feet if you are weak or kick the head if others are weak is the chanakyan principles you live by. And mostly you end up licking feet - Mughals or brits or even chinese now.
you're beyond help, troll.

A few of your Indians We’re bragging about making your own cow piss 5G equipment a few months back
China might be ahead but India are working hard too, military, space, telecom, medicine, tech.. you will be making a mistake if you continue to dismiss us with your ridiculous "cow piss" and "gaurakshak" bs
you're beyond help, troll.

China might be ahead but India are working hard too, military, space, telecom, medicine, tech.. you will be making a mistake if you continue to dismiss us with your ridiculous "cow piss" and "gaurakshak" bs
I’m sure they’re all working as good as your medicine
you just compared yourself to a western country saying they traded with soviets when there kids are hiding under bunkers - did you not. Sheesh something off with your brain man. I have never seen people who are this dumb and also this arrogant and cocky.
Yes, it's called an analogy.

a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
"an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies"
  • a correspondence or partial similarity.

You should get help for your rabid anti India psychosis.
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