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India in Transition>Dangerous Misperceptions: Chinese Views of India’s Rise

i don't know what you're on about. The West will do alright. India is not going anywhere though. It will get a bit better, but reading some of the articles you'd think a diamond is about to come out of its anus. India will have a good level of influence in Asia but nothing of significance when the dust comes down. Asia will be big though.

I never said something like WEST will take a back seat. We are the masters in the Global game(sorry if it sounds bit arrogant but it is true) and need to be vigilant to the developments in the world. If you want to deny it thats okay:)
did i just hear a comparative statement on technology with India and pakistan in the same line... looks like someone forgot his prozac !!!

certainly. Indian technology isn't ahead of Pakistan currently (space capability aside which is russian based). Pakistan will eventually acquire its own space technology through china if it becomes of importance.

I would say that it is India that will struggle to keep up with pakistan's technology/access to technology.
There are only two national parties in India atleast each of them should have a certain goal for long term. India shows inferiority complex when dealing with major powers and superiority complex when dealing with small nations but it fails to strike balance in its attitude.

I heard that Indian National security advisors or Defense secretry's use to be civil servents:lol: I dont know weather it is right or wrong:undecided: but how would they steer your country in stratagic sense???

Yes, India has a lot of short comings and we all know it is less than good. Indian National Security advisor is important but I would bet more on the Indian Economic advisor than the defence advisor. After a certain critical mass in defence it is couter productive for any country to rub us the wrong way. As long as India focuses on its core non compramisable tenents and leaves a certain level of flexibility on other issues and treats other smaller countries well, we will create the right atmosphere.

Take for example Bangladesh. We have come far from the old days when Bangladesh was spitting venom. For a change the PDF members do but not those who I know from Bangladesh or the Government of Bangladesh.

Sri Lanka is a lot more comfortable with India. But for occasional posturing for vote bank all is well.

Mauritius, Bhutan : we have had warm relations always.

Nepal : despite China's aggressive moves, Indian influence in Nepal (where Indian currency is accepted) we are doing well.

Pakistan: Pakistan is embroiled in a war and have little time. They do create mischief now and then but we are not keen to respond in the same token. Lot of people in civil society Pakistan appreciated Indian tolerance. For my money this is a wrong Indian policy but it has paid off. We have brought the world opinion to coincide to our view point about terrorism and state sponsored / state ignored terror.

India is a difficult one to understand. There is more to it than what meets the eye. As some people say "method in the madness"
certainly. Indian technology isn't ahead of Pakistan currently (space capability aside which is russian based). Pakistan will eventually acquire its own space technology through china if it becomes of importance.

I would say that it is India that will struggle to keep up with pakistan's technology/access to technology.


lets leave the space capabilities aside

Even to learn about the technological edge we have, it will take you years!!!!!!
certainly. Indian technology isn't ahead of Pakistan currently (space capability aside which is russian based). Pakistan will eventually acquire its own space technology through china if it becomes of importance.

I would say that it is India that will struggle to keep up with pakistan's technology/access to technology.

pakistanis please dont compare yourself to us inferior indian
certainly. Indian technology isn't ahead of Pakistan currently (space capability aside which is russian based). Pakistan will eventually acquire its own space technology through china if it becomes of importance.

I would say that it is India that will struggle to keep up with pakistan's technology/access to technology.

Well, Pak has only one soure..CHINA. Indians are playing their game right with that Non allignment thing...they can accessing tech from both US and Russia. I dont see any problem.
Well, Pak has only one soure..CHINA. Indians are playing their game right with that Non alliganment thing...they can accessing tech from both US and Russia. I dont see any problem.

Yes it is true India can access technology it is because our track record on nuclear matter i.e. the reason USA has allowed to do nuclear trade without signing NPT.
certainly. Indian technology isn't ahead of Pakistan currently (space capability aside which is russian based). Pakistan will eventually acquire its own space technology through china if it becomes of importance.

I would say that it is India that will struggle to keep up with pakistan's technology/access to technology.

Correct. Pakistan will get space technology when it thinks it is important. Go get it tiger.

On Indian access to technology or the lack of it, the last time I checked, we had access to every technology including nuclear technology from countries like France, Germany, Russia and US. Was it India or Pakistan?

Fighter aircrafts : We had block 60 F16 In offered. We had F35 offered. Euro Fighter is keen to strike a deal with India for MMRCA and get India involved in manufacturing it.

Avionics : India has the best combination of US, Israel, France and Russian avionics. Last time I checked, France rejected giving avionics for JF-17. Let us not make this a thread that starts to diverge from the topic at hand.

But none of the above technology will have more impact than those simple technology gadgets that touch peopl

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.....though off topic, who is the person in your avathar? looks like your home min chidambaram!

lets leave the space capabilities aside

Even to learn about the technological edge we have, it will take you years!!!!!!

India is very poor on all the above. There's numerical advantages in India i don't deny but quantity is irrelevant here.

lets leave the space capabilities aside

Even to learn about the technological edge we have, it will take you years!!!!!!

dude don't bother, you know what will be his reply ....."eventually"
yea,,,eventually even Somalia will have their own space program ...:argh:

BTW there nothing called Pakistani technology ...:whistle::whistle:
you're thinking too small ramu and havent been able to understand the point i made.

instead you blurt out how india has bought western avionics etc etc.
Yes it is true India can access technology it is because our track record on nuclear matter i.e. the reason USA has allowed to do nuclear trade without signing NPT.

your track record was also a reason but the major reason is different:smokin:...it will be a long subject:) Being a professor by profession I love to discuss but I need to stick to the topic:tup:
I never said something like WEST will take a back seat. We are the masters in the Global game(sorry if it sounds bit arrogant but it is true) and need to be vigilant to the developments in the world. If you want to deny it thats okay:)

thats why pakistans getting rid of you and india is becoming closer to you they accept you as masters

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