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India in Transition>Dangerous Misperceptions: Chinese Views of India’s Rise

why is pakistan obsessed with india? there's more important things to worry about for pakistan than india at the moment.

like i said above. india is not relevant. it will become a bit more relevant but fizzle out like it always does.
India has a long way to go..... but it has the potential to become a key player. The Indian political class vision is limited to Max 5-10 years that is the greatest weakness. I must appriciate chinese long term plans and Execution.
I think venkatbhai god bless him and his mates think too much about china. First they obsessed with pakistan and now china. There is no comparison whatsoever other than they have similar populations. If I was to do a rational cimparison I would get banned for offending our incredible indian brothers
India has a long way to go..... but it has the potential to become a key player. The Indian political class vision is limited to Max 5-10 years that is the greatest weakness. I must appriciate chinese long term plans and Execution.

Yes. In a democracy a plan for 20 years is difficult to execute due to uncertain political climate. China has done a great job in executing mega projects.
who cares? india is an irrelvant player both globally and in asia. it's only trumpeted in western media and some sections of subcontinent media.

India is no more irrelavant. Worst case even if it fails to sustain the momentum it will still remain relavant in this centure. Let us accespt the fact. West is exausted of resources(...all). This centure belongs to Asia. We(WEST)must feed on them to maintain our position.
lol``indians are always thinking big of themselves.. at the end day how much do they actually weight in world stage? all the europeans countries I've been travelling to full of news about how they are going to maintain and improve relationships with China and seeing Chinese companies ads everywhere. and all the african countries i'm travelling to seeing so many chinese construction and oil companies there building things```and the only places i can see lots indians are local 7-11 shops, its the reality now.
Yes. In a democracy a plan for 20 years is difficult to execute due to uncertain political climate. China has done a great job in executing mega projects.

There are only two national parties in India atleast each of them should have a certain goal for long term. India shows inferiority complex when dealing with major powers and superiority complex when dealing with small nations but it fails to strike balance in its attitude.

I heard that Indian National security advisors or Defense secretry's use to be civil servents:lol: I dont know weather it is right or wrong:undecided: but how would they steer your country in stratagic sense???
India is no more irrelavant. Worst case even if it fails to sustain the momentum it will still remain relavant in this centure. Let us accespt the fact. West is exausted of resources(...all). This centure belongs to Asia. We(WEST)must feed on them to maintain our position.

i don't know what you're on about. The West will do alright. India is not going anywhere though. It will get a bit better, but reading some of the articles you'd think a diamond is about to come out of its anus. India will have a good level of influence in Asia but nothing of significance when the dust comes down. Asia will be big though.
why should i refrain? who made you the delhi cop?

iwhether it's an idiotic post is a matter of opinion. i think it's quite accurate. india is not a major player in asia yet, it will grow further into a bigger player but it won't get the the levels of china or russia. more debateable it whether you will remain technologically ahead of pakistan. i think it will be even. the trumpeting about india in indian and western media is funny enough to let pass by those that know the situation a bit.

did i just hear a comparative statement on technology with India and pakistan in the same line... looks like someone forgot his prozac !!!
I wouldn't be in favor of it.Today,we have great relations with Japan,Vietnam,Singapore,South Korea and the United States for precisely being a counterweight,something unimaginable just 15 years ago.Throw all that away for the sake of China and it's bank account buddies? I don't think so.
India has a long way to go..... but it has the potential to become a key player. The Indian political class vision is limited to Max 5-10 years that is the greatest weakness. I must appriciate chinese long term plans and Execution.

good i like it Mr.wind
i don't know what you're on about. The West will do alright. India is not going anywhere though. It will get a bit better, but reading some of the articles you'd think a diamond is about to come out of its anus. India will have a good level of influence in Asia but nothing of significance when the dust comes down. Asia will be big though.

Any more predictions? India is an insignificant power and always remain so ..right .. and china will be a world beater in six months... calling india insignificant will make anyone sound retarded .. but here it will make you a hero with 1300 thanks ... right? well-played
lol``indians are always thinking big of themselves.. at the end day how much do they actually weight in world stage? all the europeans countries I've been travelling to full of news about how they are going to maintain and improve relationships with China and seeing Chinese companies ads everywhere. and all the african countries i'm travelling to seeing so many chinese construction and oil companies there building things```and the only places i can see lots indians are local 7-11 shops, its the reality now.

I respect both the asian giants and the west is watching them with great care:agree: not because of love or admiration but to suck in to the benifits your development offers.

Indian Strength: Democracy (weakness: Lack of long term vision:tdown:)
Chinese Strength: Taking Pride in their identity (Over Confidence;)

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