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India in reality? Truth or Fiction?

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Incase you didn't realize benny your Indian friends here found 3 articles in last few hours only.......Why you guys only see one side huh?

Anyway lets read what the article says.

man,i replied him yesterday but he couldnt understand thats y i wrote.i m not one sided.i know there are 450-500 millions poors in india.i told him it will take a decade to remove atleast 10% of poverty.but he couldnt understand.it's not my fault.


When the founder of NyayaBhoomi was a kid in 1970s, his mother would routinely do 4 to 5 rounds of the village's only ground-water well 3 km away to fetch pots of water precariously balanced on her head. She was lucky. Everyone in Haryana is. Consider others' plight.

Every fourth person on the planet dying of water-borne diseases is in India. The land of many 'sacred' rivers, a country next only to Canada in terms of ground water resources faces an acute shortage of water. In lakhs of villages, people walk miles to get to the nearest source of water. Why, even the capital city of Delhi cannot boast of 24 hours of piped water unless one happens to be a servant of the masses living in Lutyen's Delhi.

Archaic laws inherited from over a century ago have made it impossible for people to undertake community efforts at water harvesting. When the legendary Rajendra Singh of Tarun Bharat Sangh set out to dig ponds in villages of Rajasthan, he was charged under a dozen outdated laws for the crime of preparing lakhs of villagers to help themselves using community land, community resources and community efforts.

Babus claim 85% of the population has access to safe water. However, the word "safe" should not be taken too seriously, since it includes tap water, ground-well and tube-well water. The word "access" is equally deceptive. It includes lugging a pot of water from 5 miles.

For the sake of brevity, facts and figures are not given on the havoc lack of "irrigation water" plays with the small land holdings of poor farmers.
He steadfastly defends China and propagates anti-India views - I think he is Chinese but is too embarrassed to admit that he is Chinese. Understandably too.


When Phoolan Devi gunned down 20-odd people in Behmai in 1981, it took the administration 24 hours to reach the village. In Nainital district, the ill have to be carried 18 km on a cot to the nearest health centre in the absence of roads. Large sections of the population routinely hike 12-13 km to access basic services. Many rural women die while giving birth and lakhs of children perish because of lack of access to emergency treatment facilities.

Most of the intense rural poverty is also attributable to remoteness.

Roads bring the outside world to the poor's door, they also carry him there. A good road network increases people's access to social services. More pertinent, from the point of view of the economic underclass, is that roads increase the poor farmer's access to markets for both selling his produce and procuring seeds, fertiliser and technology.

Why talk of just roads? Lack of basic communication services prompts a rural outflow to towns and cities, leading to overcrowding and pressure on the already straining civic administration. Who doesn't know the "money-order economies" of Uttaranchal, Jharkhand and Orissa?

Power situation is bad enough in large cities including the national capital. In the towns of Bihar, Orissa and some other states, power is a luxury that gets delivered once in a blue moon. Large pockets of population in the country live in permanent darkness after the sun goes down.

And this when we have not even begun to touch upon the havoc lack of infrastructure plays with our industries and advancement in agriculture.
Its quite amazing that he found a site called nyayabhoomi.org some organisation, which we dont know..

Keep the good work.. we dont expect an expression called "shame" from you.. go on

Best of luck!

Guys anyone who doesn't know what nyaybhoomi is,

Nyaya Bhoomi is the union of auto rickshaw drivers in New Delhi.

Thank you molaichaw for finding the website of the union of auto rickshaw drivers in New Delhi and posting such informative articles about India from there.

This calls for a Murree Beer. :cheers:
All your posts been reported, typical "Loser mentality" in full display.:tdown:

I have noticed that such incidents have increased quite significantly over the past few months.

This is a reminder that you if dont like a thread topic or an article. Post your view on why the article is inaccurate. Posting a bunch of garbage similes or attacking the author or the member of the forum will no longer be tolerated.

If you dont like the topic, dont post in it or just get banned.

Thank you.
I support Malowachi's efforts as long as his sources aren't biased like rupeenews.:tup:

After all hez only educating me more about my country.
All your posts been reported, typical "Loser mentality" in full display.:tdown:

I have noticed that such incidents have increased quite significantly over the past few months.

This is a reminder that you if dont like a thread topic or an article. Post your view on why the article is inaccurate. Posting a bunch of garbage similes or attacking the author or the member of the forum will no longer be tolerated.

If you dont like the topic, dont post in it or just get banned.

Thank you.

You reported mine too?:undecided: :cry::cry:

But I only thanked you for all your informative posts!:cry::cry:
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Thread reported as it is not a news source , but an organisational site which is of millions in internet.
All your posts been reported, typical "Loser mentality" in full display.:tdown:

I have noticed that such incidents have increased quite significantly over the past few months.

This is a reminder that you if dont like a thread topic or an article. Post your view on why the article is inaccurate. Posting a bunch of garbage similes or attacking the author or the member of the forum will no longer be tolerated.

If you dont like the topic, dont post in it or just get banned.

Thank you.

y dont u apply this on u.
India in reality? Truth or Fiction?

If we are to believe media, the rural and the poor – 70% of the total population – do not exist. We have been persuaded by politicians, journalists and socialites to believe that Rakhi Sawant's kiss is a more pressing matter than the issues of health facilities, water, poverty, education, law and order, delicate urban infrastructure and many many more basic necessities of life. This, one must emphasize, is scandalous.

NyayaBhoomi's website is not for the satisfaction of intellectuals’ hunger for the hot topic of the day, where yesterday is forgotten and liaisons of a newcomer actress with cricket stars take precedence over suicide by 1,000s of farmers. We look at the current status of important aspects of nation’s life as well as major issues confronting us today. We look at the real India – India that sends those pot bellied, shapeless and shameless politicians into parliament who eventually control everybody’s destiny – India that has been largely ignored. No real progress in the country is possible unless our actions and discussions begin to touch upon the lives of the masses.

On this site, you will find no more of the so-called positive virtues of India and the greatness of its culture that we ceaselessly continue to brag about. This chauvinism has led us nowhere, much less forward. Instead, we focus on what has terribly gone wrong since independence; What has made this richly endowed country a nation of beggars, poor, deprived, disease, ***** and utter misery; Why nothing seems to work here, nothing moves. Why India has failed its citizens in the most primary of duties, and why we inhabit the most sticky nation on earth.

On each of the following pages, you will see a snapshot of the current status of some of the major ailments that afflict our country. Of course, we are not talking about solutions yet; solutions that lie in reduction in the size of the government and its interference in our daily lives, empowerment and freedom of the individual and getting rid of the misplaced ideals of socialism, communism and harassment in the name of governance by our mai-**** sarkar.
Shame of India

I think you (or the website from where you have quoted) have caught the right nerve. The real issues of the nation, concerning the majority and the common people, are always on the backbench. All those who choose to ignore such issues are doing disservice to the nation.

Some people are only interested in sensational stories of the day rather than acquainting themselves with ground-realities. That is certainly not how we can uplift ourselves. We need to focus on the real issues and discuss ways to counter all the negativities in our society.

The focus should always be shifted to where the needs are enormous and dire.
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