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India Ignoring Islamic Countries

Geez. Don't you get tired of being wrong???

2010 OIC condemns Kashmir killings
OIC condemns Kashmir killings Lastupdate:- Fri, 17 Sep 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

2009 OIC appoints special envoy for Kashmir despite Indian protest
news.outlookindia.com | OIC Appoints Special Envoy for Kashmir

2008 OIC Contact Group supports Kashmiri right of self determination
Kashmir: Right of Self Determination Supported by OIC ALAIWAH!

2007 OIC Sec Gen reaffirms commitment to implement UN resolutions on Kashmir
OIC Secretary General reaffirms commitment to implement UN resolutions on Kashmir. - PPI - Pakistan Press International | HighBeam Research - FREE trial

2006 OIC Flays Delhi for harsh measures in Kashmir
OIC Flays Delhi For Harsh Measures In Kashmir

2005 OIC stresses early Kashmir solution
Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

OIC voices concern at Kashmir HR abuses -DAWN - Top Stories; 16
DAWN.COM | Archive | Your Source of News on the World Wide Web

So once again, you are WRONG about your "Every 5 years" comment. I wonder why you need to distort reality. Is that the only way you can feel better on this subject? Seriously. I am waiting for you to at least acknowledge that your comment was factually incorrect.
comeon man !!!! once in a year............its like in a 10th page of a newspaper a obituary column to remind the demise of a person.. sorry, i am sounding little rude but that's the reality.... u have to live with that only
It is only now that India is a single country. A more apt comparison instead of the 1 vs. 57 would be population. As you've pointed out, the population is roughly the same. So the OIC has more than 3 times the PPP than India, even as per your numbers... despite having roughly the same population!

With no offence to the Arabians --- without God blessing them wil 'Black Gold' and providing Exxon Mobil,CT,Shell etc to extract it,a;; these figures will be down somewhere as you dont get much from camel herding.

Take an average. From the numbers you've given above and the population, the average OIC citizen would be more than 3 times better off.

Is there any internationally adopted formula to calculate the average HDI of a group of coutries ?

I don't see the world going ga ga over India's Iron ore the way they do over the oil and gas reserves in muslim countries. On the subject of natural resources, don't chicken out with a subjective reply such as the above. Look at estimates of total natural resource value in India vs. those of the OIC countries.

Specious argument --- population that is spread over 57 countries that rarely speaks in one voice vs the population of 1 country that is a stable,united democracy.

Many of them can. And are you bringing this up to cover yourself on the shoreline response? You didn't even understand the point them. The length of a shoreline is a national resource. It defines your access to the seas and the extent to which you can benefit from resources in the sea. It has nothing to do with Naval ships. Per capita, consider the amount of shoreline an average OIC citizen has access to vs. an Indian citizen.

I genuinely cant understand how increased 'exposure' to sea beyond a certain limit be beneficial. And this is the first time I am hearing the term 'Percapita Shoreline' :-)lol:) Let me get used to it.

As for the point regarding critical sea lanes, that too is a purely economic issue. It obviously has strategic dimensions, but from an economic standpoint it has massive ramifications. You know the Suez story and how France, UK and Israel bombed Egypt when they nationalized the Suez, right? They didn't do that because the Suez was meaningless to them.

Who in reality controls the Suez,Persian Gulf --- American 5 th Fleet.
And I hope you know about the unsinkable aircraft carrier India has near another equally important strait -- Malaccas.

If you dispense with the emotion you might actually comprehend the point, but I guess that's a tall order.

I assked a genuine question --- If they are indeed a cohesive unit to be taken for comparisons then the question I asked must have a "Yes" for an answer

According to the Indian press, muslim countries have provided weapons, materiel and men to assist each other in times of war. You claim Jordanian F-104s and Iranian F-86s were used in war against you.

I know that -- thats why I specifically asked will a UAE Mirage go to Indonesia against the Aussies ---after all Indonesia is also a OIC country rite ?

As recently as the 90s, a US wargame scenario predicted Iran would join Pakistan if an Indo-Pak war escalated.

Are we getting into the realm of conspiracy theories ? :D

Indonesia has three helicopter carriers which are variously reported as in service or under construction.


You mustnt be serious giving some anonymous blog having some CAD pictures as a source.Or were you serious ?

Turkey will have its aircraft carrier deployed by 2013 and is also acquiring helicopter carriers.Key Publishing Ltd Aviation Forums - View Single Post - Greek / Turkish Aircraft Carriers!

Let them build first --- if ever they are building one,which I strongly suspect.

From the same link you posted
The Turkish Navy has commenced studies into Aircraft Carriers and it is anticipated that the terms of the tender should be finalised by 2009. The aircraft carrier will be floating by 2013.

And as for acquiring -- we too are.

On the subject of SSBNs, WHY? With MESMA AIP technology you can stay under water for very long periods of time, you don't need an SSBN to deploy nuclear weapons on the sub, so once again, why? Is this what you're hanging your hat on in this multifaceted comparison with OIC countries :-) Tsk tsk.

WTF --- Can an MESMA whatever stay underneath water for months together ?? Can It launch Nuke missiles for over 3000 km ?

G4 is a completely arbitrary tag. There is no defined process for UN SC reform, there is no agreed upon "next in line" set of countries, a single veto can kill all entrants. The UN doesn't have a formal agreed upon process to on-ramp the "G4". I have already posted an extensive set of links concerning both OIC and Arab League considerations as UNSC permanent members. The Arab League has achieved consensus on Egypt as a permanent member on behalf of the AL. The OIC has considered an organizational seat. You guys are so giddy about this UNSC thing that you've lost all context.

Its completely arbitrary to only those who dont want to see the reality --- G4 is the defacto group of candidates to be made the Permamnet members.?

Quick trivia - Did Obama or French Prez or UK PM or Russian Prez ever say anything about OIC membership -- they have said plenty about India.

One toothless org (Arab League) supporting another (OIC) is rather a big joke.

Show me a comprehensive plan for UN SC reform which has been agreed to. Then talk to me about being "next in line". Just because someone comes up with cute nomenclature and says some nice words on a sales trip, it doesn't mean a darned thing. When someone even agrees on an overall framework for reform - much less a defined plan - talk to me then. Until that time, it is all feel good nonsense.

Ahhh same argument that was peddled out before the NSG approval for India ---I am liking it.

Yes, dazzle me with your obfuscation and side stepping!

As I expected, since you can't compete with the OIC numbers on any front, you are now bringing up muslim unity issues. Ok. Well, I guess the OIC is unified enough to condemn India repeatedly on the Kashmir issue, no? And this is despite India's protests - over and over again. They get ignored over and over again, and the OIC continues with the condemnations. If India didn't care about these, they would not take notice. But they do care, obviously. And continue with the diplomacy to try to somehow enter the OIC, if not as a member, then as an observer. And even on that front, the OIC has been united enough to disallow Indian even an Observer status despite the fact that India has been trying since the OIC Rabat conference!!

No --- Iran has reportedly clarified that it never questioned India's sovereignity over Kashmir (The thread too was there) and reports of Khameinei saying something was attributed to transalation error from Farsi to English.

Iraq has never supported Pakistan's stand on Kashmir and Syria too has never said anything to India.

And as far as India's membership is concerned the BJP will eat Congress alive and Congress too can kiss its power goodbye if it makes any moves to get into OIC --- So dont worry we are not interested.The Congress just played that ply to secure the Mulsim votes and you took that as India desperately wanting to join OIC. :lol:

We have bigger fish (UNSC) to fry bhaijaan:D

Again --- I think you missed these parts:

number of nuke plants in India vs OIC
number of space launches,satellites launched by India vs that of OIC (if there is any)
number of wars won by India vs number won by OIC
number of engineers produced in India vs OIC
number of world class colleges in India vs OIC
Medical tourism in India vs OIC
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If we hated muslim countries or people why are we helping them?

BBC News - Indian doctors give Iraqi girl gift of hearing

Indian doctors give Iraqi girl gift of hearing

S Arabia seeks India''s cooperation in diversifying economy -  Business News - News - MSN India

S Arabia seeks India''s cooperation in diversifying economy

These are acts of goodwill and all countries do things at a small level like this. When I fly Emirates if I give a donation to the Emirates fund, that goes to build schools for poor kids in India and is officially, a UAE donation to India. Pakistan and India have provided aid to each other in times of natural catastrophe etc. But we are not talking about these official acts of "goodwill" which may or may not have a reason behind them. We are talking about the rather obvious explosion of venom targeted towards muslim countries... such as what we just experienced.

I don't think an Indian doctor operating on an Iraqi girl explains that away. Israeli doctors may operate on a Palestinian and Muslim surgeons may save the lives of Israeli citizens, but that doesn't mean that the national attitude towards Israel or Palestine has changed.
I see that you deleted one of my replies ---well I dont know how you took that as
abusing KSA --- I just sid it is only the words of HE King Abdullah that matters and quoted that incident to emphasise my point that princes are dime a dozen in KSA.

I dont want to proceed on that ludicurous comparison of OIC vs India because our relationship with any country on this planet is bloc independent and is specifically dealt on bilateral terms. So a Warsaw pact or SEATO or a OIC doesnt matter to us.

Also going by your logic I am pretty sure OIC is more powerful than the Chinese.Now doesnt that sound pretty ridiculous .:D

Breaking Wikileaks news: Saudi King had called Iran a snake and had asked US to attack Iran ( the key point being Saudi and Iran are imp members of OIC). Link
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These are acts of goodwill and all countries do things at a small level like this. When I fly Emirates if I give a donation to the Emirates fund, that goes to build schools for poor kids in India and is officially, a UAE donation to India. Pakistan and India have provided aid to each other in times of natural catastrophe etc. But we are not talking about these official acts of "goodwill" which may or may not have a reason behind them. We are talking about the rather obvious explosion of venom targeted towards muslim countries... such as what we just experienced.

I don't think an Indian doctor operating on an Iraqi girl explains that away. Israeli doctors may operate on a Palestinian and Muslim surgeons may save the lives of Israeli citizens, but that doesn't mean that the national attitude towards Israel or Palestine has changed.

Sir you do know how Islam first came to be in India?

Islam arrived in Kerala and Malabar-southern India mainly in sea shore areas where Arabs led by some Sahabas notably Malik bin Deenar preached there; a first mosque was built by him in 629 in Malabar. He was sent by Perumal, a king of Kerala who earlier went to Arabia and met Prophet Muhammad, and embraced Islam in the presence of Abu Bakr.

We have trade and cultural links with Arab or Islamic countries spanning hundreds if not thousands of years look how many Indians work in arab countries today like Kuwait, Oman, UAE etc our relationship is growing we even had very good relations with Iraq during Saddam's era as well.
With no offence to the Arabians --- without God blessing them wil 'Black Gold' and providing Exxon Mobil,CT,Shell etc to extract it,a;; these figures will be down somewhere as you dont get much from cattle herding.

That is incredibly offensive. How would you like it if someone characterized India as a nation of snake charmers terms or as a bunch of naked swamis? I think this cattle herding business is rather uncalled for.

Also, as we are talking about God blessing the Arabs with Black Gold, some of my Indian friends brought up the UAE/India trade relationship. The largest single import from India is diamonds that are then cut and polished in Dubai. Were those diamonds made by Indian citizens from scratch, as opposed to the "Black Gold" which the Arabs got for free?

Is there any internationally adopted formula to calculate the average HDI of a group of coutries ?

If there isn't then just focus on what you can compare which would explain the levels of development. IWe just established that the OIC countries as a group have a GDP per capita based on PPP and population figures that you yourself have quoted, which is three times higher than India's.

Specious argument --- population that is spread over 57 countries that rarely speaks in one voice vs the population of 1 country that is a stable,united democracy.

Wow. You gave me the population and PPP numbers. If it was so specious, why did you bother doing that? Everytime you get undone by your own numbers you run off in a different direction. The whole debate began when an Indian member claimed that the combined GDP of the OIC was LESS than India's...

I genuinely cant understand how increased 'exposure' to sea beyond a certain limit be beneficial. And this is the first time I am hearing the term 'Percapita Shoreline' :-)lol:) Let me get used to it.

Take your time. While you're at it, read about how the extent of a shoreline enhances your economic zone, fishing areas and so on. You might also introduce yourself to the history of the world which has in large part been shaped by nations' access to the open seas.

Who in reality controls the Suez,Persian Gulf --- American 5 th Fleet.
And I hope you know about the unsinkable aircraft carrier India has near another equally important strait -- Malaccas.

Malaccas? Really? Compared to all the choke points I named. Ok then.

I assked a genuine question --- If they are indeed a cohesive unit to be taken for comparisons then the question I asked must have a "Yes" for an answer

And I gave you a genuine answer. For your purposes, I would say the answer is yes since you can't seem to convince the OIC - despite numerous, numerous attempts - to either let you in or to at least stop badmouthing you.

I know that -- thats why I specifically asked will a UAE Mirage go to Indonesia against the Aussies ---after all Indonesia is also a OIC country rite ?

What a ridiculous question. Did India know that Jordanian aircraft would join the PAF before the war began? Of course not. So when Indonesia does go to war with Australia in your make believe world, I guess we'll see which muslim countries send aid to Indonesia.

Are we getting into the realm of conspiracy theories ? :D

Not from this end, but if you dig them, go ahead and indulge yourself.

You mustnt be serious giving some anonymous blog having some CAD pictures as a source.Or were you serious ?

Google is your friend. There are numerous other links also. Now seriously Karthik, is this the depth to which you'll reduce yourself? What exactly is your point here? That Indonesia is not building carriers? Or that you are too lazy to look stuff up for yourself? Go read the Indonesian Navy article on Wikipedia, it has a reference to this as well. Search in general on Google and you will find other references too. I chose that one because it had a picture.

Let them build first --- if ever they are building one,which I strongly suspect.

WTF --- Can an MESMA whatever stay underneath water for months together ?? Can It launch Nuke missiles for over 3000 km ?

Nuclear propulsion has nothing to do with the range of the missiles a sub launches. PLEASE. Get a grip.

And as for staying underwater for months, AIP allows the sub to stay underwater for at least a month.

Pentagon: New Class Of Silent Submarines Poses Threat

POSTED: 6:54 pm PDT October 19, 2006
UPDATED: 6:15 am PDT October 20, 2006
[NEWSVINE: Pentagon: New Class Of Silent Submarines Pose threat.
SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- The Pentagon said it believes the greatest undersea threat facing the U.S. Navy since the end of the Cold War has arrived.

The threat involves a new a new class of silent submarines -- subs that the U.S. Navy is having trouble finding under water. In this exclusive investigation, NBC4's Chuck Henry looked into one of those submarines in San Diego.

Following is a verbatim script from the on-air report.
HENRY: Not only can the sub stay submerged for up to a month, the AIP technology also makes it quieter than other subs, and almost impossible to pick up on sonar.


And like I said earlier, your sub is what you have to show for yourself? Wow.

Its completely arbitrary to only those who dont want to see the reality --- G4 is the defacto group of candidates to be made the Permamnet members.?

Show me the framework by which this "defacto" group is going to become permanent. Please. By all means, see if you can find a concrete framework from the UN website. Because if there isn't even a framework, then G4 is meaningless.

Quick trivia - Did Obama or French Prez or UK PM or Russian Prez ever say anything about OIC membership -- they have said plenty about India.

Quick trivia. Did Obama or the French President or the UK PM or the Russian President say anything *tangible* about how India would make it to the Security Council? Did they say anything at all about the framework? Did they say anything at all about which other candidates would be joining India?

And here's some more quick trivia: which US allies immediately protested Obama's India UNSC comments?

Bridge too far my friend. Tell me more about it when it happens. Let's not discuss what is at the moment fiction and is not even on the horizon.

One toothless org (Arab League) supporting another (OIC) is rather a big joke.

This is great. Let the anti-muslim hatred flow... more abuse!

But you didn't stop to consider that the biggest toothless joke is the country that keeps asking the OIC to grant it observer status and the "toothless" OIC keeps shunning it. And then the same country keeps saying "don't mention Kashmir" and the "toothless" OIC keeps condemning this toothless joke of a country over and over and over again.

Think before you speak. If the OIC and Arab League are toothless jokes, what is the country that keeps wanting to make nice with them and gets pushed away each time.

Ahhh same argument that was peddled out before the NSG approval for India ---I am liking it.

The NSG approval that resulted in Pakistan getting access to 1GWh Chinese nuclear plants, additional reactors, tech transfer and soft loans to build all the above with no NSG oversight? Oh ok.

No --- Iran has reportedly clarified that it never questioned India's sovereignity over Kashmir (The thread too was there) and reports of Khameinei saying something was attributed to transalation error from Farsi to English.

Hehehe. Yes, yes. I am sure it was a Farsi to English translation error :-) The Indian Foreign Office must not have any Farsi speakers then, because they issued a demarche.

And as far as india's membership is concerned the BJP will eat Congress alive and Congress too can kiss its power goodbye if it makes any moves to get into OIC --- So dont worry we are not interested. We have bigger fish (UNSC) to fry :D

That's just friggin' hilarious. Let's see. What should I believe? Karthik on the internet or India's diplomatic actions over the past few decades? India's requests to the OIC to allow it to join first as a member, and when that was thrown out as a possibility, at least as an observer. Hmm. I think I'll go with decades of Indian diplomacy on the ground and ignore this macho "bigger fish to fry" rhetoric.

Again --- I think you missed these parts:

number of nuke plants in India vs OIC

Don't quite get this frankly. Aren't you interested in how much electricity the OIC produces on the whole, as compared to India? Because the only other purpose of nuclear plants is to produce nuclear weapons, and according to numerous reports, Pakistan alone has more nuclear weapons than India, so no point even bringing other into it.

number of space launches,satellites launched by India vs that of OIC (if there is any)

Indonesian rockets


Pakistan SUPARCO (4 sats including 1 spy sat deployed, 1 going up)


Iranian Simorgh SLV (Rocket) and satellites (constructed as well as ~ 14 under construction)


Malaysia Space Agency - Muslims in space project with Russian collaboration and satellites


Turkish civilian and mil sat projects


GOKTURK satellite system


Frankly, you are welcome to do the rest of the research yourself. There's a lot of information on the 'net.

number of wars won by India vs number won by OIC

Hehe :-) I'm not getting into this one only to rehash 500 threads on '48 and '65 here. But I think you are quite unaware of the history of OIC countries. For example, do you know that almost the entire Maghreb won independence based on armed struggle against France and Italy? Every heard of Omar Mukhtar? Have you heard about how Turkey kicked the British out and defeated them?

number of engineers produced in India vs OIC
number of colleges in India vs OIC
Medical tourism in India vs OIC

I don't have the numbers of engineers produced in India vs. OIC but I know that a ton of Indians go to find work in OIC countries and hardly any OIC nationals come to India to work.

As for number of colleges, I looked and I cannot find the numbers. I do know that literacy in India is in the 65% range, whereas in countries like Turkey (87.4%), Iran (77%), Indonesia (89.5%), Malaysia (88.7%), Saudi Arabia (85%), Egypt (71.4%) etc. it is quite a bit higher.

Medical Tourism? If you can find hard data for how many people go to Iranian, Pakistani, Turkish, UAE, Malaysian, Indonesian hospitals etc. please let me know. Just for Turkey alone, this is a very fast growing business. 2012 number is in excess of $1B, going up to $8B by 2015. The number for India today is $2.2B by 2012.


If you look at other medical destinations, for example, Malaysia is listed as one of the hottest places in Asia for medical tourism. They are currently at somewhere between $100-200M.

And then of course, there's the UAE. The UAE alone is bringing in more than $1.6B in medical tourism just for this year (2010)

http://www.zawya.com/story.cfm/sidZ...ted to bring in AED6.1 billion by end of 2010

So I think all things considered, just with a few OIC countries the Indian medical tourism revenue is matched or exceeded. Like I said, if I had figures for all of them, I would share, but it appears quite unnecessary with just the few numbers cited above.
I see that you deleted one of my replies ---well I dont know how you took that as
abusing KSA --- I just sid it is only the words of HE King Abdullah that matters and quoted that incident to emphasise my point that princes are dime a dozen in KSA.

You went off into orgy territory... am I giving you examples of personal indiscretions of Indian politicians? I believe there are plenty of videos on Youtube of the aforementioned. But why reduce the discussion to such a petty level?

I dont want to proceed on that ludicurous comparison of OIC vs India because our relationship with any country on this planet is bloc independent and is specifically dealt on bilateral terms. So a Warsaw pact or SEATO or a OIC doesnt matter to us.

Good. I just gave you my last response then.

Breaking Wikileaks news: Saudi King had called Iran a snake and had asked US to attack Iran ( the key point being Saudi and Iran are imp members of OIC). Link

You are welcome to discuss this in the Wikleaks thread. You can also discuss past "leaks" such as the Indian PM being called highly inappropriate swear words by the American President and so on in that thread.
That is incredibly offensive. How would you like it if someone characterized India as a nation of snake charmers terms or as a bunch of naked swamis? I think this cattle herding business is rather uncalled for.

But isn't that the truth? You can't deny the economy of gulf states is primarily based on export of crude oil
. .
comeon man !!!! once in a year............its like in a 10th page of a newspaper a obituary column to remind the demise of a person.. sorry, i am sounding little rude but that's the reality.... u have to live with that only

I won't ask you about who's demise :-)

But thanks for admitting that you were wrong and were exaggerating earlier when you said once in five years. In reality, it's actually more than once a year, but let's drop it now that we've established things relatively accurately.
But isn't that the truth? You can't deny the economy of gulf states is primarily based on export of crude oil

Actually, you would be surprised. Re-export is bigger for Dubai than oil, for example.

But that's really besides the point. You can't grudge someone their God given natural resources :-)
Also going by your logic I am pretty sure OIC is more powerful than the Chinese.Now doesnt that sound pretty ridiculous .:D

Taken as a "bloc" the OIC is powerful indeed, especially in strategic terms.

I actually want China to join the OIC, as an observer at least. However, I think the unrest in Xinjiang could cause problems for us regarding the OIC...
. .
This message has been deleted by TechLahore. Reason: please keep this to the wikileaks thread.

Why would I comment on the relationship between India and Muslim nations in the wikileaks thread???

I type a huge paragraph describing my opinion on the topic of this thread and you delete my comment because I mentioned the wikileaks somewhere. Firstly I didn't know that this discussion was based on ancient history of India and the Muslim nations only. Secondly I don't think I can engage in a fruitful conversation with a Moderator that deletes threads within seconds if they don't agree with his arguments. I am not naive to think that I can try to express my opinion with such censorship. Anyway, all the best for your discussion...my opinion is clearly not respected here.
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