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India ignore Brahmin Terrorism

Pakistanis need to understand it if there is problem in Indian society, people are willing to talk about it, hear about it, media is willing to talk about it, and if they think there is something wrong, we try to change things.

Can't say the same about Pakistan. Come raise fingers when Pakistani media starts talking about the rising extremism in your own country, or the terrorist activities of Let and JuD, without being labelled a RAW, CIA, Mossad agent. :angel:
Once again your opinion Bilal, not a fact.

Well Roy bhaiyya, we can learn to agree to disagree. India has a long history of communalization & communal violence. In all cases, in the eyes of mainstream Indian society, the perpetrators are never Hindus. I know from personal experiences in my family of Muslim ghetto neighborhoods in India. As long as Indian minorities do not cross any lines that might offend Hindus, things are alright. But when this line is crossed, there are huge scale riots & violence. And the victim are always the Hindus in the eyes of mainstream India. And most Indians grieve that the government appeases the minorities, & ignores Hindus sentiment, & the Hindus in India are the victims.
Well Roy bhaiyya, we can learn to agree to disagree. India has a long history of communalization & communal violence. In all cases, in the eyes of mainstream Indian society, the perpetrators are never Hindus. I know from personal experiences in my family of Muslim ghetto neighborhoods in India. As long as Indian minorities do not cross any lines that might offend Hindus, things are alright. But when this line is crossed, there are huge scale riots & violence. And the victim are always the Hindus in the eyes of mainstream India. And most Indians grieve that the government appeases the minorities, & ignores Hindus sentiment, & the Hindus in India are the victims.

It goes both ways Bilal. Secularism is about respecting each others sensitivities. If Hindus cross the line Muslims react, if Muslims cross the line Hindus react. All these sorta incidents are getting very rare as India progresses.

And what mainstream media are you talking about. Have you seen how much coverage Gujarat Riot and related cases gets in the Indian mainstream media?

There is always going to people out there who ll have far right mentality. People are free to grieve and complain and whine. As long as they don't indulge in violence, its perfectly ok in a democracy to have difference of opinion. And in any case people with the opinion are in no way a majority.

Just like racism in Western countries. You can have racist point of view, but as long as you are not racially abusing, attacking, vilifying someone, you have the right to have that mindset, no one can do anything about it.
This is The Limit of Trolling Terrorism... Tomorrow onwards i am Gonna Start a Nair terrorism in Kerala...
It goes both ways Bilal. Secularism is about respecting each others sensitivities. If Hindus cross the line Muslims react, if Muslims cross the line Hindus react. All these sorta incidents are getting very rare as India progresses.

Yes, but Hindus are always seen as the victims, & everyone else as the perpetrators. Communalization is increasing in India, & will escalate greatly if the BJP gets elected in the next election. If that happens, we can see plenty of communal riots in the near future. I don't think these incidents are getting very rare, there are 1-2 big communal incidents happening in India almost every decade. There is a longing in India to remove the corrupt (even though the BJP is extremely corrupt itself) & 'apologist' UPA regime that appeases & sucks up to the minorities, & have the Hindu nationalist party replace it.

And what mainstream media are you talking about. Have you seen how much coverage Gujarat Riot and related cases gets in the Indian mainstream media?

I am not talking about mainstream media, but mainstream Indian society. The media & the UPA government is seen by most Indians as sucking up to the minorities & appeasing to them, thinking it is the Hindu sentiment that is ignored. There is a feeling of resentment in most people for the 'secularists'.
There is always going to people out there who ll have far right mentality. People are free to grieve and complain and whine. As long as they don't indulge in violence, its perfectly ok in a democracy to have difference of opinion. And in any case people with the opinion are in no way a majority.

But there is always a high danger in India of things 'boiling over'. There is a very fine line in the 'cause & effect' phenomena in India, if you know what I mean. The 'cause' can very quickly transform into the 'effect' in India. And then things get out of control, & LEAs fail to get things under control quickly enough, & by the time that happens, huge damage has already been done. There is an element of prejudice & bias in the Indian LEAs as well. That is the difference between India & the West.
Just goes to show when you are in a hurry to ridicule & demean others just to console your ego, your common-sense goes for a toss. You either have Hindu terrorism or Brahmin terrorism. You can't have both.
It is a fact that Hindutva extremism, which threatens communalization in India, is deeply embedded in Indian society, & generally accepted by mainstream India.

People from Islamic Republic of Pakistan should not talk about communalization. As communalism is embedded in their very country's name ..everything from their constitution to their national flag reeks of communal inequality and segregation based on ones religion.

Pakistan is country which was created on bases communal hate and not secular ideals.
People from Islamic Republic of Pakistan should not talk about communalization. As communalism is embedded in their very country's name ..everything from their constitution to their national flag reeks of communal inequality and segregation based on ones religion.

Pakistan is country which was created on bases communal hate and not secular ideals.

Can we stick to the topic of the thread please?
Can we stick to the topic of the thread please?

As they say "people living in glass houses should not throw stones at other's"

This(Communalism) is one of the topics..where people of Pakistan are at severe disadvantage vis-a-vis Indians.. so its best you not discuss it!!
i wonder if modi and uma bharati are brahmin.news to me.
As they say "people living in glass houses should not throw stones at other's"

This(Communalism) is one of the topics..where people of Pakistan are at severe disadvantage vis-a-vis Indians.. so its best you not discuss it!!

I can see that you don't have anything to contribute to this thread, so why don't you leave?

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