Is not Pakistan the country where a man raped and killed 100 teen boys? and when caught he said Allah told him to do it
pot calling the kettle black much?
Eik Lohar ke to sau sonar ke?
those evil bastards ruined someone life and able to smile on Camera .... bloody dead souls ...
They should be found and strung up by their gonads. I am a firm believer that in addition to public awareness education, women should be taught self defense and situational awareness. There should be stricter law enforcement when it comes to the harassment of women, just like this same issue is in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.
It all comes down to the Chain of Crime:
Perp + Opportunity + Victim.
You can't fully remove the perp as is evident from crimes across the globe but you can lessen the likelihood of such disgusting crimes occurring by creating public awareness, community policing, community buy in, stronger laws and better enforcement of laws not forgetting to mention stern punishment.
Secondly is opportunity, people should be taught personal safety, via radio/tv/newspaper advert/online or classroom style fairs run by police and women rights groups, teaching women to identify and conduct personal dynamic risk assessments. If it looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck then the chances are it probably is a duck!
Finally is "victim" empowering women to become more self aware and knowing how they can prevent someone considering them a target or making them a "victim" this can be done by using the situation and environment to their advantage and the previous two steps.
Verbal language/tone, posture etc all of this shows a potential attacker/perp how easy the target is. I hope that every woman in the world never has to experience what these poor women experienced.
May the bastards that did this get the book thrown at them.