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India hit over religious violence


Feb 25, 2009
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United States
Ohh Noooo! :what: Look what the Jewish-Zionist dominated western (read US) media published about its new stooge- India!!

India hit over religious violence
A US congressional body has put India on a list of countries which have failed to protect its religious minorities adequately.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom says India was added to the list because of a "disturbing increase" in religious violence.

It mentioned the anti-Christian and anti-Muslim riots in Orissa and Gujarat in 2008 and 2002 respectively.

India has not yet commented on its inclusion on the "watch list".

Other countries on the list include Afghanistan, Somalia and Cuba.

Leonard Leo, the chair of USCIRF, said that it was "extremely disappointing" that India has done "so little to protect and bring justice to its religious minorities under siege."

"India's democratic institutions charged with upholding the rule of law, most notably state and central judiciaries and police, have emerged as unwilling or unable to seek redress for victims of the violence," he said.

"More must be done to ensure future violence does not occur and that perpetrators are held accountable."

Last year, Kandhamal district in Orissa witnessed weeks of anti-Christian violence after a Hindu leader was shot dead.

The clashes erupted after Hindu groups blamed Christians for the killing.

And more than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, died in the riots in Gujarat which began after 60 Hindus died in a fire on a train in 2002.

The USCIRF says that the Obama administration should urge the Indian government to take measures to promote communal peace and protect religious minorities.

The panel issues an annual report on religious freedom every May.

But its India chapter was delayed after the Indian government declined to issue visas for the trip, the USCIRF said.

Interesting development! Where was this commission when people were getting slaughtered during Gujarat riots in 2002? They woke up only when Christians were apparently targeted recently in Orissa!
Nice going, Obama's 'democrat' neocons!
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Ohh Noooo! :what: Look what the Jewish-Zionist dominated western (read US) media published about its new stooge- India!!

Gubbi, No need to gloat. We have our share of nut cases, psychopaths and morons, just like every one else. The Indian electorate has indicated its preferences by discarding them in the general elections.
Gubbi, No need to gloat. We have our share of nut cases, psychopaths and morons, just like every one else. The Indian electorate has indicated its preferences by discarding them in the general elections.

That first sentence was sarcasm, my friend, considering how some here rant about the western media!

Anyway, I was not gloating, just wondering where was their outrage in 2002? Why only when apparently Christians are targeted? Aint smelling right.
India should appoint a similar commission. Task it to rate US amongst other nations, ask for Visa's and also publish a report similar to this...which should be quoted in our negotiations with them..Tit for tat.
I thought Pakistan will be on watch list. :what:

Who cares if where on some list or not made in the US......We should be more bothered about the recent killing of pakistanis christians and push for swift punishment of all those involved.....public hanging for the lot is what we should be screaming.........i just hope its not dragged on for years and years.

We should never forget as muslims that a christian king from ethiopia gave the early muslims refuge from there enemies.
Ohh Noooo! :what: Look what the Jewish-Zionist dominated western (read US) media published about its new stooge- India!!

Interesting development! Where was this commission when people were getting slaughtered during Gujarat riots in 2002? They woke up only when Christians were apparently targeted recently in Orissa!
Nice going, Obama's 'democrat' neocons!

Yes intresting development they want to make religious freedom part of US-Indo talks.
And there are people here that find that surprising? :woot:

You know what they did to Muslims in Gujarat!! You know what Narindar Modi says about Muslims, how they were burnt alive, pregnant women's bellies were cut open, and there are stories of this, both on video and on paper, clear evident pictures, :disagree:

There are the Dalits, the Buddhists, the Christians, and so on and so forth.........

How can anyone deny this? :blink: :woot: :angry:
That first sentence was sarcasm, my friend, considering how some here rant about the western media!

Anyway, I was not gloating, just wondering where was their outrage in 2002? Why only when apparently Christians are targeted? Aint smelling right.

I see your point. Yes we need to put our house in order. These dog turds have shamed the nation so badly that we will need many generations to wash off the blot. India had an advanced flourishing civilization when the Europeans still lived on trees and now they are moralising at us because of our fault.
Ohh Noooo! :what: Look what the Jewish-Zionist dominated western (read US) media published about its new stooge- India!!

Interesting development! Where was this commission when people were getting slaughtered during Gujarat riots in 2002? They woke up only when Christians were apparently targeted recently in Orissa!
Nice going, Obama's 'democrat' neocons!
I am surprised why no mention of Kashmiri Hindu communities is mentioned in this US body. The UN sources that are neutral have recorded the atrocities that Kashmiri Sikhs and Hindus have faced at the hands of Islamist fundamentalists as well, when more than 400,000 of them had to flee from Kashmir and thousands have been killed in the year 1989-1990.

I guess Mr. Obama has conveniently forgotten the majority faith of India from bring eligible to protection against religious violence. Every religion is entitled for protection against persecution and not mentioning the world's third largest faith followers regardless of in India or not is clearly smelling of a communal bias.

I am surprised that how Indians here can take this bias so easily when I being a non-Indian am shocked at this blunder by the American rights body.
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Exactly, I wonder why so many people turn a blind eye to the sufferings of Kashmiri Pandits who have suffered threats of a genocide by the so called "freedom fighters" of Kashmir.
What about the provocative actions and preaches by christian organisations in those areas?why people tend to close eyes on that??what about the biased actions from Christian organizations and unethical act from their part??My religion teach us to feed the poor ,but now my religion feed only the poor who convert in to christianity..They now act like some insurnace agencies to fill the target and some even insult other religions in their open speeches...Talking provocative speeches in open and then whining ..some times these actions which causes all the problems ..
India has not yet commented on its inclusion on the "watch list".

"Hathi chale bazzar, kutte bhonke hazzar"

translate in English(Laloo style)

"Elephants walks in market,thousand dogs barks"
Exactly, I hope the so-called agreement will see to it that the displaced kashmiri pandits will be honourably resettled in their native places.

Hindus living in other countries like middle east, Pakistan, china will have the right to build temples and practice their religions peacefully.

Good move.
And there are people here that find that surprising? :woot:

You know what they did to Muslims in Gujarat!! You know what Narindar Modi says about Muslims, how they were burnt alive, pregnant women's bellies were cut open, and there are stories of this, both on video and on paper, clear evident pictures, :disagree:

There are the Dalits, the Buddhists, the Christians, and so on and so forth.........

How can anyone deny this? :blink: :woot: :angry:

those are only stories. nothing else.
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