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India heading for Mars, doesn't need British aid money


Apr 29, 2012
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London : India, which has announced it will send a space probe to Mars, is now a country with more technological prowess than Britain and the "best and most beautiful spoken English in the world" is now heard in India, the Telegraph said Friday.

In an article titled "India is heading for Mars: it doesn t need British aid money to pay the bills", columnist Theodore Dalrymple said foreign aid does not help any poor countries, "it just corrupts their governments". The writer said he was "well placed to appreciate the absurdity of continued British aid to India".

"It is not only absurd: it is corrupt," he wrote. Quoting former Indian finance minister Pranab Mukherjee - now the president - that India did not need British aid which was "peanuts" anyway, Dalrymple said though Mukherjee was right, his statement "was met by almost grovelling British requests to continue aid to India".

The writer said that in this "urgent desire to send aid to our former possession", there was the "hangover of a colonial superiority complex". The British believe that if they give India aid, "it must be because they need it and therefore that we are superior to them in some way".

Britain, however, failed to notice that an Indian company took over Land Rover and Jaguar, as the task was beyond Britain s organisational powers. It was not British aid that caused India to develop, but the efforts of its own people. "Aid is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition of the economic development of a poor country; there is no country that has been lifted out of poverty by aid, which is a form of international social security for corrupt governments," Dalrymple said.

"India has a long, varied, glorious (and terrible) history of civilisation, with the sophistication necessary to absorb influences from abroad, including Western scientific ones." "The best and most beautiful spoken English in the world is now to be heard in India. It is outrageous that we condescend to it with our paltry aid, just to pay the mortgages of aid workers." He, however, said India still has many problems, including corruption. "It remains profoundly corrupt and its government is incapable of passing necessary reforms. Rural poverty is deep and persistent.

Nevertheless, it is not so very long ago that all right-thinking people saw the future of India as hopeless, one of perpetual epidemic and recurring famine," Dalrymple said. He said India s "young population thirsts for real education in a way than much of ours (Britain s) does not".

He questioned India s tally of medals at the 2012 London Olympics. "One manifestation of the underlying wisdom of India is its low tally of medals at the Olympic Games, only six - none gold - when it has a sixth of the world s population. Its young people have more important things to do than put the shot or throw the javelin," the writer said.

Indian Defence News - India heading for Mars, doesn't need British aid money

Pakistanis learn a lesson from us. This is how u reject aids and kick some british assss. Pakistan has humiliated itself enough infront of the world. Now reject the aids and grow on your own.
Anyways brits India today has a 350 million strong and rising middle class. Aid will soon flow in the other direction.

Aid Charade: UK wants 'peanuts' back - YouTube

PM: India

India Is Giving $2 Billion To Help Bail Out Europe - Business Insider
How many times we have to discuss this topic:hitwall:

Well this is the first time, British have accepted that aid has simply no impact on Indian decisions. This is like a nail in the coffin. British have been conveyed a strong message.
the British must terminate all aides to India. after all, Britain did enough for India by created their country.
the british are welcome to withdraw the aid. it our own responsibility to take care of our people.
as for the mars mission, one shouldn't read too much into it since it is merely an election campaign stunt.
Yep Indians are heading for Mars and they will leave all us Muslim and NE tribe people in fights. They will desert this burnt land of subcontinent....

Farewell Mr Smarts.
I really appreciate the boldness of the author to criticize his own govt. & people:

1. He does not shy away from saying that the continuation of British aid shows the false mentality of British govt that we are still superior to our former colony.

2. He rightly said so that no poor country has been lifted out of poverty because of international aid & is just a way of corruption for govts. world over.

3. The best point raised by the author is that the people of UK are not able to digest the fact that there own scientific progress is in jeopardy whereas it's former colony is achieving new milestones in science & tech. each year.

IMHO, Britishers & British govt. should come out of nostalgia of being a colonial super power once, now the world has changed upside down & even US position of undisputed superpower is under threat.

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