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Featured India Has Taken Steps For a Two Front War , Rajnath Singh Told


Sep 26, 2018
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The cat is out of the box, India is preparing for a two front War with China and Pakistan. A must read Indian article, a few extracts below.

The Indian armed forces have taken into account a possible collusive threat from China and Pakistan and, therefore, the Army, Navy and the Air Force have taken steps on both the fronts amid tensions at (LAC) in Ladakh.

The efforts are being driven jointly by coordination between the three services, sources in the defence and security establishment said.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Wednesday addressed top IAF commanders at the Air Force Headquarters and alluded to the ongoing efforts for de-escalation at the LAC and urged the IAF to “stand ready to handle any eventuality”, a statement from the IAF said.
Complimenting the IAF commanders for maintaining the highest levels of readiness and responding proactively to the “multitude” of challenges emanating from across the borders, Singh said “rapid deployment of IAF assets at forward locations in response to the prevailing situation in Eastern Ladakh has sent a strong message to the adversaries”.
The defence minister has asked the armed forces to be prepared to respond at a short notice as well as build and sustain military capabilities to deter any adversary in the long run.
“I have no doubt in my mind that all collusive designs of the adversarial forces would be responded with full vigour and force,” a source quoted him as saying.
Sources explained that even as the LAC dispute in Ladakh has heated up, steps have been taken to counter any possible action by Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC) or the International Border (IB).
They said that Pakistan’s silence has been particularly surprising because they have not heated up the LoC as expected and nor have any large-scale movements taken place.

The reason why the Army is being cautious about the disengagement with China in Ladakh is because it feels Beijing could drag the whole process through the winter and use the distraction to make mischief elsewhere, possibly in the Northeast.
“The fear is that, while China will force us to stay engaged in Ladakh, it might do something in another sector, possibly along Arunachal Pradesh. This could be coupled with pressure along the Line of Control by Pakistan,” a source had said.
Steps taken by armed forces against collusive threat
Sources said the three services have taken a number of steps along the Western front with Pakistan, and Northern and Eastern fronts with China.
Refusing to get into specific details, the source pointed out that the IAF has brought its fighters from other bases to the ones near Ladakh to focus on the northern front.
They added that half a squadron of naval fighter jets — MiG29K — have been brought to some of the IAF bases from Goa, where they are otherwise located.

These aircraft have been based in such a manner that they can cater to any threat from Pakistan as well as support the ones deployed in Ladakh.
The IAF has also sent its maritime strike variant of Jaguar fighters to the Car Nicobar Air Base under the Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) as part of the preparedness.
From this Command, the Navy has the ability to dominate the Malacca Strait, which is heavily used by Chinese commercial vessels to move goods, including oil.
The Navy, too, has deployed a greater number of vessels and submarines in the Indian Ocean region, including the indigenous nuclear submarine Arihant and aircraft carrier Vikramaditya.
The Army, on its part, has been carrying out a detailed response to the threat along all the fronts.
“The steps taken by the forces take into account all possible scenarios and operational needs for defensive as well as offensive needs,” a second source said.

For full article click the link below

Is Pakistan doing a Cold Start with India, as they have no idea what we are up to. Unlike India our forces can be mobilised within hours, with the former sometimes taking days. General Bajwa is a master in Strategic Chess games, it will be a delight to see how he OUTSMARTS India when the need arises. :pakistan::china:
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Blah Blah same crap for domestic consumption

If these clowns go on the offensive with their one million soldiers and terrorist settlers in Kashmir we can easily go offensive in the international border. If China attacks from NE India they're toast.

Even in 1971 they couldn't do shit on the western front. What makes them think they'll fare better now?
When India enters a war with two fronts, the main devastating effect may be asymmetric factors. The current demographic dispersion should not deceive anyone. Unless conventional military power is reinforced by its internal security capabilities, it is very difficult for India to emerge as one piece from any war.
They said that Pakistan’s silence has been particularly surprising because they have not heated up the LoC as expected and nor have any large-scale movements taken place.

Surprised by the fact that Indians are surprised by Pakistan silence so far...

They still thinking a limited war with Pakistan will incite and invoke the Indians, and they will rally/gel behind the BJP govt. and Modi, and were harping on this scenario.

As for war against China...this is improbable for them, they never have in the wildest dream thought about this China's maneuver in Ladakh, with all their focus on the Pakistan side.

So yes Bajwa is a master class in war chess games...
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They said that Pakistan’s silence has been particularly surprising because they have not heated up the LoC as expected and nor
Kiddo that's because we are not the angressor party. Now when you got a bloody nose by the Chinese, you are looking at things with different perspective. But still fked in the brain as usual.
There are smart Indians somewhere, but not in the BJP government. at least their idea is irrelevant to BJP/Modi.

I quote:
"Don't Bluff, please bring genuine reform which must start at the political level with identifying what the threats are. Again I am repeating and how to tackle them. Please do all these exercises don't do halfway shoddy things. They will never work with a bar like China. So tactical measures will not help in adaptive strategy."

"I mean tactically we fail, politically we failed. So this was a bluff and it will stop at that. They would not do any. So you bluffed and they are enjoying now. They'll reap the harvest and they are reaping the harvest because if you see the graph, You know the infiltration everything has gone up exactly, the violence has increased"
Although the Indians dont have the capacity to deal with two Nuclear Armed adversaries at the same time, seems like they are slowly but surely falling into the TRAP that has been laid for them.

Bro, I don't think you understand that america, NATO, the EU, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, bangladesh and Afghanistan will all come and lay down their lives in fighting for india against Pakistan and China. They can easily win a 2 front war. They are all willing to sacrifice their lives and nations for india.
This is why no action from Pakistani side despite all the hot emotions.

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