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India has quit Iran gas pipeline deal: Report

Donno if India has really quit from the IPI ... but with the price quoted for the gas by the Iranians ... me always felt we should be looking for alternative plans! A "power" line sounds like a great idea!

Price matter was allready solved. Problem is security.
So the big brother has let the region down again , why do Pakistan need India for the project as it has its own future needs for power.

Pakistan should go for the pipeline as to break monopoly of Sui and its black mailing people plus making electricity by gas is cheaper then furnace oil.
No surprise here everyone knows India is much more loyal to Israel than the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Wrong. Given the instability in Balochistan region and ongoing chill in Indo-Pak relations, it would have been sheer stupidness on India's part to go ahead with the IPI project.

India is still committed to its plans with Iran. This is what Iranian govt.-owned Press TV said about India's latest plans -

The Indian companies will liquefy the gas from the Iranian field and ship it to India in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG), if a contract is signed and the Indian consortium gets developmental rights.

Indian firms ready to invest $5B in Iran
Guys you forgetting that India considers constructing a gas-based 6,000 megawatts (MW) power plant in Iran with an estimated cost of around $10 billion. If India is Building such a big power plant then there is no need to Go for Gas Pipe line. The purpose of energy will be completed With this power plant.

And the SUCH a big investment shows that IRAN still is very much important friend for India. So stop blaming.

India to build power plant in Iran

and the power line will go through which area to reach India :cheesy:
Why would we agree to a pipeline that goes directly through Pakistan? I think Iran and India were in the process of discussing an under-sea pipeline but that is too expensive.

You said it mate. No point wasting time trying to convincing the anti US/Israeli gang that this decision had nothing to do with US or Israel. India decides what is good for India. It is just that we cannot trust Pakistan to ensure steady and uninterrupted supply to us. Not because Pakistan does not wish to, but due to elements in Pakistan who may disrupt the supply. No supply is better than an uncertain supply. Any way other horizons bekon and Iran remains a friend of India.
and the power line will go through which area to reach India :cheesy:

Read the source -

"One is the 1,500 km land route from Iran via Pakistan to Gujarat, which will cost up to 200 billion rupees. And the other route is the 1,000 km sub-sea route, avoiding Pakistan. However, the sub-sea route is uneconomical and will cost almost double."

It is still a plan. Most probably it won't materialize until the Indian companies agree on the sub-sea route.
You said it mate. No point wasting time trying to convincing the anti US/Israeli gang that this decision had nothing to do with US or Israel. I.

anti we judgmental:no:
its easy to play labeling game and I have seen Indians playing it a lot:coffee:
Not to mention if Iran gets into a major shooting war with the U.S. or Israel it could be destroyed.

That seems more of expression of a wish rather than a reality.
That seems more of expression of a wish rather than a reality.

not really, it's realizing that Iran would most likely carry through with it's threat and try to close the straight of Hormuz. In the event that it's nuclear facilities are attacked. This would open up a wider war that would most likely see their refineries, ports, and pipelines hit.

I think most likely Israel will go after the nuke sites. Especially in light of Iran's statement this weekend. Ahmadinejad: Iran "Will Never Negotiate Over Nuclear Rights" I personally think there is a high probability of Israel hitting Iran within the next 60 - 90 days. But that's just my opinion.
Sir ,The problem is can pakistan itself implement the pipeline with US meddling so much into your affairs
After India pulled out of negotiations a year or so ago, the project has continued to see progress as one between Iran and Pakistan alone, with recent statements from Iran suggesting they might complete work on the Pakistani side by 2013. Most of the work on the Iranian side is already complete.

Currently it seems like Pakistan is going ahead with the pipeline regardless of US concerns - that might change in the future, but at the moment Pakistan appears to be resisting US pressure on the issue.
very good for pakistan bcaz india was messin around for alo most 22 years of this plan and at then end india quit....................................and iran pakistan deal good
Why would we agree to a pipeline that goes directly through Pakistan? I think Iran and India were in the process of discussing an under-sea pipeline but that is too expensive.

And how do you sujjest Iran take that pipeline to India under sea bypassing Pakistan.
Indian way of doing Business

Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House in D.C. One from Bangladesh, another from India and the third, from China.
They go with a White House office aide to examine the fence.
The Bangladesh contractor takes out a tape and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. "Well", he says, "I figure the job will run about $900.
($400 for materials, $400 for my team and $100 profit for me)".
The Chinese contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700. ($300 for materials, $300 for my team and $100 profit for me)".
The Indian contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, "$2,700."
The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?"
The Indian contractor whispers back, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from China to fix the fence."
You said it mate. No point wasting time trying to convincing the anti US/Israeli gang that this decision had nothing to do with US or Israel. India decides what is good for India. It is just that we cannot trust Pakistan to ensure steady and uninterrupted supply to us. Not because Pakistan does not wish to, but due to elements in Pakistan who may disrupt the supply. No supply is better than an uncertain supply. Any way other horizons bekon and Iran remains a friend of India.

Last time I checked It was Indian officals who were blocking water of Chenab at Baglihar Dam. Should we (Pakistan) trust India?? Your say.
If india is gone from the project which I doubt is just good riddance.
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