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India has paid Russia and China to organise foreign minister level talks


Jul 21, 2009
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India is buying 30 Russian aircraft, apparently an illogical purchase not to build its air defence but a facilitation cost to organise foreign-minister-level talks with China.

India, China and Russian foreign ministers are to hold a virtual conference on 22nd June 2020 and behind the scenes, this is the cost India paid Russia to organise this session. Russia has no stake in India-China conflict and is not siding with either side. Their willingness to facilitate one of the highest level diplomatic talks must have come for an incentive, and the incentive is the purchase of Russian military hardware which India may not be in dire need.

Defence analysts at Forbs also believe India is buying wrong jets as India didn't use Su-30s or Mig-29s in its recent skirmish against Pakistan and they will not equip India to face much advanced Chinese airforce. So why to buy these aircraft at all? The answer is simple: India has not paid to buy aircraft but to favour Russia to get a favour in return.

What has India paid China?
The answer is Narendra Modi's statement today: China has not occupied Indian territory! This goes against the Indian state and stance since the beginning. The statement is illogical from serval angles as well its timing is wrong. If the statement was made after the talks with China, you may have called it a bargain cost because India too has got something in return. But this is not the case. This is not an outcome of talks and India has not received anything, except that it has paid China with its territory to have a talk - and Narendra Modi had to acknowledge it before they would even sit and hence this statement. In the video, watch Modi repeat this statement 3 times to ensure it is acceptable by China.

Consequences for the state of India
The state of India has lost but Narendra Modi is focussing to win something for himself. After upcoming foreign minister's talks, Indian Media will create the cloud of Indian victory and show Narendra Modi a hero who has won the diplomatic battle against China, something similar to what India Media did after India got beaten in Feb last year against Pakistan. This time again; India will lose, Modi will win.
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The state of India has lost everything but Narendra Modi has an opportunity to get something political for himself.By @graphican
20 June 2020

Modi will still become a hero if any of the following occurs:
a) China withdraws and pre-april / may status quo is back.
b) Modi stops all / most trade with China.
c) Modi fights China and gives a bloody nose, even if he looses (at least he tried).

If China does not go back, then with Modi's latest statement....he lost a lot of credibility.......owing to high stress environment, he should have read out of paper (like Pranab da used to do)....that statement is a big blunder......
@graphican your analysis is quite right on an Indo-Russian Relationship at this very crucial stage.
Indians have a long history of alluring it's allays, and they have no ethical or moral values when it comes to that. They have analyzed fighting back with Chinese is not an option and since they have been left alone by the entire world, no one else can act as a mediator between them and Chinese other than Russians.
Modi will still become a hero if any of the following occurs:
a) China withdraws and pre-april / may status quo is back.
b) Modi stops all / most trade with China.
c) Modi fights China and gives a bloody nose, even if he looses (at least he tried).

If China does not go back, then with Modi's latest statement....he lost a lot of credibility.......owing to high stress environment, he should have read out of paper (like Pranab da used to do)....that statement is a big blunder......

Modi just confirmed that Chinese did not intrude into India. So where is the question of Chinese withdrawing?
India is buying 30 Russian aircraft, apparently an illogical purchase not to build its air defence but a facilitation cost to organise foreign-minister-level talks with China!

India, China and Russian foreign ministers are to hold a virtual conference on 22nd June 2020 and behind the scenes, this is the cost India paid Russia to organise this session. Russia has no stake in India-China conflict and is not siding with either side. Their willingness to facilitate one of the highest level diplomatic talks must have come for an incentive, and the incentive is the purchase of Russian military hardware which India may not be in dire need.

Defence analysts at Forbs also believe India is buying wrong jets as India didn't use Su-30s or Mig-29s in its recent skirmish against Pakistan and they will not equip India to face much advanced Chinese airforce. So why to buy these aircraft at all? The answer is simple: India has not paid to buy aircraft but to favour Russian to get a favour in return.

What has India paid China?
The answer is Narendra Modi's statement today: China has not occupied Indian territory! This goes against the Indian state and stance since the beginning. The statement is illogical from serval angles as well its timing is wrong. If the statement was made after the talks with China, you may have called it a bargain cost because India too has got something in return. But this is not the case. This is not an outcome of talks and India has not received anything, except that it has paid China with its territory to have a talk - and Narendra Modi had to acknowledge it before they would even sit and hence this statement. Watch Modi repeat this statement to ensure it is acceptable by China.

Consequences for the state of India
The state of India has lost everything but Narendra Modi has an opportunity to get something political for himself. After upcoming foreign minister's talks, Indian Media will create the cloud of Indian victory and show Narendra Modi a hero who has won the diplomatic battle against China, something they did after India got beaten in Feb last year. This time again; India will lose, Modi will win.

By @graphican
20 June 2020

modi got 10 soldiers back, can’t say nothing
Modi will still become a hero if any of the following occurs:
a) China withdraws and pre-april / may status quo is back.
b) Modi stops all / most trade with China.
c) Modi fights China and gives a bloody nose, even if he looses (at least he tried).

If China does not go back, then with Modi's latest statement....he lost a lot of credibility.......owing to high stress environment, he should have read out of paper (like Pranab da used to do)....that statement is a big blunder......

Modi has no card to play again China. It tried the military option: lost soldiers without harm to the enemy. India cannot go to the UN after its actions since Aug 5-2019 which are in violation of UN resolutions, and there are no allies to fight India's war against China.

To make Modi a hero, if talks just happen and end without an outcome, that is enough for Indian media to portray Modi a hero because it speaks strength that Modi made China sit and talk, and not capture further Indian territories. Thus Modi is India's saviour, death to Congress, long live RSS and Jay Hind! :-)
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Lol India trying so hard to prove they came out winners from this mess.stupid egotistical India population will gladly buy all and any bs that will give em false sense of a win
Modi just confirmed that Chinese did not intrude into India. So where is the question of Chinese withdrawing?

Modi made a huge blunder with that statement. No sure what he is thinking about.........

But ,for a few mins, just think - Chinese just walked in when it suited them, and no one questions their leadership......assume India has done it - Modi would have been put to coals........If you don't believe me, read Ashutosh's article in NDTV [he says that China is doing all these to bring India to negotiating table].....please view Pravin Shawney's youtube videos [initial ones], he says that all this happened as India did not follow the Wuhan guidance in spirit...........

Leaders in true democracies must go thru so much......even one slip of tongue or mis-statement is enough for bringing them down [I am not condoning / justifying Modi's latest statement]

Modi has no card to play again China. It tried the military option: lost 200 soldiers to 0. India cannot go to UN after its actions since Aug 5-2019 which are in violation of UN resolutions, and there are zero countries who side with India against China so India cannot fight a war together with allies.

To make Modi a hero, if talks just happen and end without an outcome, that is enough for Indian media to portray Modi a hero because it speaks strength that Modi made China sit and talk, and not capture further Indian territories. Thus Modi is India's saviour, death to Congress, long live RSS and Jay Hind! :-)

Please see carefully - Indian media is very anti-Modi......this will NOT be projected as victory in India......the only victory will be - India gets what it wants i.e. China goes back to pre-april / may positions and India builds it infrastructure as she wishes....
India pays Russian every year to have the foreign ministers meeting .some guys live in a shell and create a narrative and relate everything around the narrative and start believing it's the truth .all they need is to open their eyes to see the truth.

The issue between India and China has been resolved and Chinese will pull back to the previous positions.
The issue between India and China has been resolved and Chinese will pull back to the previous positions.

What? Did I read it correct? It is all over, and China is back to pre-april / may positions?? What is your source??
I checked your flags and saw you are Indian, so it makes sense that you are making these bogus claims. Indian media is a weapon of the state, mostly used against Pakistan and Indian Muslims.

Yep, I am born in India....and naturalized US citizen.......

It is up to you to be believe what you want.....if I say anything more, you will not agree.

Book mark it and see it next week

Ok. Assuming you are correct. What are the next steps? Will relations between India & China be normal again? Please understand that killing 20 soldiers is a big issue. Killing even 1 soldier is not acceptable.

I do not believe China did all this to just go back as if nothing happened.....they really hurt India this time.....
India is buying 30 Russian aircraft, apparently an illogical purchase not to build its air defence but a facilitation cost to organise foreign-minister-level talks with China!

India, China and Russian foreign ministers are to hold a virtual conference on 22nd June 2020 and behind the scenes, this is the cost India paid Russia to organise this session. Russia has no stake in India-China conflict and is not siding with either side. Their willingness to facilitate one of the highest level diplomatic talks must have come for an incentive, and the incentive is the purchase of Russian military hardware which India may not be in dire need.

Defence analysts at Forbs also believe India is buying wrong jets as India didn't use Su-30s or Mig-29s in its recent skirmish against Pakistan and they will not equip India to face much advanced Chinese airforce. So why to buy these aircraft at all? The answer is simple: India has not paid to buy aircraft but to favour Russia to get a favour in return.

What has India paid China?
The answer is Narendra Modi's statement today: China has not occupied Indian territory! This goes against the Indian state and stance since the beginning. The statement is illogical from serval angles as well its timing is wrong. If the statement was made after the talks with China, you may have called it a bargain cost because India too has got something in return. But this is not the case. This is not an outcome of talks and India has not received anything, except that it has paid China with its territory to have a talk - and Narendra Modi had to acknowledge it before they would even sit and hence this statement. In the video, watch Modi repeat this statement 3 times to ensure it is acceptable by China.

Consequences for the state of India
The state of India has lost but Narendra Modi is focussing to win something for himself. After upcoming foreign minister's talks, Indian Media will create the cloud of Indian victory and show Narendra Modi a hero who has won the diplomatic battle against China, something similar to what India Media did after India got beaten in Feb last year against Pakistan. This time again; India will lose, Modi will win.

By @graphican
20 June 2020

Excellent analysis brother. It seems to make sense.

India is desperate for some sort of conclusion and face-saving, but I doubt China will give it.

Indians want to focus on Pakistan and pretend the rest of the world like China, Turkey, Afghanistan, Arabs, Nepal, BD, and Sri Lanka don't exist.
I checked your flags and saw you are Indian, so it makes sense that you are making these bogus claims. Indian media is a weapon of the state, mostly used against Pakistan and Indian Muslims.

Also, you might want to know that Pak became a big villain specially after Mumbai attacks.....Mumbai attacks is a water-shed as the 5% influencers became vulnerable with those attacks....previously, normal people were dying in pak sponsored activities......but Mumbai attackers attacked places that rich + powerful visit........also, they held an entire country with a big army etc to ransom / helplessness for 3 days....

You might not agree....but please do not say that mumbai attacks are sponsored by India itself.....
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