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India Has No Money To Pay For C-130J Hercules Aircraft: Reports


Feb 21, 2014
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ndia’s financial woes have been so severe that the Ministry of Defense did not have enough money to pay the "first full instalment" of the $1.01 billion deal to buy six additional C-130J Super Hercules aircraft last December, the Times of India reports.
And with several nearly-finalized deals queued for the new government, the MoD has requested a 25% hike in budget. Besides the long-pending $20 billion MMRCA deal, procurements of 22 Apache attack helicopters (around $1.4 billion), 15 Chinook heavy-lift helicopters (around $1 billion), and 145 M-777 ultra-light howitzers ($885 million) will be on defense minister Arun Jaitley’s plate.
According to the interim budget for 2014-15, the defense outlay was set at $37 billion with $22 billion set aside for revenue expenditure while $15 billion for new weapons, sensors and platforms.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to make a decision on a wide range of issues, ranging from recommendations of the Naresh Chandra task force on higher defence reforms to the creation of three new tri-Service commands for space, cyber and special forces, according to the Times of India.
The action plan's underlying message, however, is that existing funds are proving grossly inadequate to ensure the country's war machinery is kept fighting fit, the report said. Leave alone the dwindling capital budget for new acquisitions, the defence establishment is "running quite short" of even revenue expenditure to "properly maintain" existing or new weapon systems with sufficient spares.
"The major chunk of the capital outlay is being eaten up by committed liabilities and instalments for earlier acquisitions. This backlog will continue for a few years. It has been made clear that either the budget should be hiked or the new acquisitions should be delayed," a source was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

India Has No Money To Pay For C-130J Hercules Aircraft: Reports
Seems like they cannot spend more than alotted quota in one financial year. There were many years that MoD had to return the money to govt because of no purchase. Slow Indian defence procurment as usual :)

sorry for off topic question , but what you guys think that what are priorities of India armed forces ? where all this $$ going ?
what o_O:what: ? are you serious ? india has NO MONEY :nono:
Its last years news(Financial year 2013-14 which ended on 31st march). Matter was that Indian Defence was allotted ~$15 Billion dollar to spend on weapons last year in which It spent more than 90% in first 9 months thus no major deal could be signed in last 3 months. MMRCA was delayed for 2014(1st April onwards) too for the very same reason along with elections. Expect all these deals to be signed in this fiscal year or atleast majorty of them.
sorry for off topic question , but what you guys think that what are priorities of India armed forces ? where all this $$ going ?

Mostly for MRCA, subs and howitzers, replacment of Mig-21 and FGFA. Lots of things to do.
Its last years news(Financial year 2013-14 which ended on 31st march). Matter was that Indian Defence was allotted ~$15 Billion dollar to spend on weapons last year in which It spent more than 90% in first 9 months thus no major deal could be signed in last 3 months. MMRCA was delayed for 2014(1st April onwards) too for the very same reason along with elections. Expect all these deals to be signed in this fiscal year or atleast majorty of them.

thank you

Mostly for MRCA, subs and howitzers, replacment of Mig-21 and FGFA. Lots of things to do.

you guys really need to replace those mig's asap , recently another plane crash right ?
you guys really need to replace those mig's asap , recently another plane crash right ?

Yes they need to be replaced ASAP. Hope Tejas gets IOC soon and we will then see the gradual retirement of Mig-21s.
thank you

you guys really need to replace those mig's asap , recently another plane crash right ?
Not possible to completely replace them anytime soon. We need to replace atleast 300 Migs(~200 Mig-21s and 80 Mig-27s) and we have only confirm orders are so far are ~70 more MKIs and 40 Hal Tejas so total ~110 planes for replacements. Though 126 Rafales will be start arriving 2017 onwards if signed by this year.
PS: Mig-21s are urgently needed to be replaced while Mig-27s are vintage but still okay when it comes to crashes.
Yes they need to be replaced ASAP. Hope Tejas gets IOC soon and we will then see the gradual retirement of Mig-21s.

is there any deadline given by authorities over LCA ?? like the plane will be ready before 2016 ?

Not possible to completely replace them anytime soon. We need to replace atleast 300 Migs(~200 Mig-21s and 80 Mig-27s) and we have only confirm orders are so far are ~70 more MKIs and 40 Hal Tejas so total ~110 planes for replacements. Though 126 Rafales will be start arriving 2017 onwards if signed by this year.
PS: Mig-21s are urgently needed to be replaced while Mig-27s are vintage but still okay when it comes to crashes.

well i agree with you if you retire all at once that will put a huge number effect, same problem is with us our old f-7s must be replaced by jft asap ..
but this will be damaging the moral of pilots who are risking life;s on migs no ?
Actually, I will tell you a secret. Did you know why all the SAARC members were invited? Arrey Unse udhar mangana tha!!. Though I do not know how much Nawaz agreed to lend us and at what percent (from personal pocket)...........:D

good trolling :enjoy:
is there any deadline given by authorities over LCA ?? like the plane will be ready before 2016 ?

well i agree with you if you retire all at once that will put a huge number effect, same problem is with us our old f-7s must be replaced by jft asap ..
but this will be damaging the moral of pilots who are risking life;s on migs no ?
Thats right. Only option I see to fast track migs replacement to a extent is buying more Rafales directly from France say 36 or 54 aircrafts against 18 as planned now while producing rest here at the same time.
Our first priority is to replace ~200 Mig-21s which can be achievef by only 2020 at earliest and we have no option but to bear for the time.
Seems like they cannot spend more than alotted quota in one financial year. There were many years that MoD had to return the money to govt because of no purchase. Slow Indian defence procurment as usual :)

Why not just spend from next years allocation?

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