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India 'has most people with HIV'


Feb 12, 2006
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India 'has most people with HIV'

India now has more people living with HIV than any other country, a UNAids report has revealed

The report shows that India now accounts for two-thirds of HIV cases in the whole of Asia.

An estimated 5.7 million Indians were infected by the end of 2005, overtaking the 5.5 million cases estimated in South Africa.
However, While 18.8% of South African adults were living with HIV, the figure in India was 0.9%.

Estimates of total deaths in India since Aids was first identified in 1981 range from 270,000 to 680,000.

Most of the infections there were caused by unprotected heterosexual intercourse, according to UNAids.
States in southern India have traditionally been the hardest hit by the disease.

A study of prostitutes in Tamil Nadu found 50% had been infected with HIV.

However, UNAids said these regions had made progress in combating the spread of infection.

In contrast, little or no progress had been made in cutting infection rates in the north of the country, where injecting drug use is thought to be the main driver of infection.

The UN agency estimates that only 7% of Indians who needed antiretroviral drug therapy actually received it last year.

In addition, only 1.6% of pregnant women who needed treatment to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission were receiving it.

UNAids also sounded a warning about neighbouring Pakistan, where around 85,000 people were estimated to be infected with HIV by the end of 2005.

It said the country would have to improve its prevention efforts if it is to avoid a more serious situation.


The report said that China had improved the way it monitors HIV.
Health experts had feared that failure to acknowledge the growing problem of HIV in the country would hamper efforts to combat the spread of infection.

But UNAids said it had now been able to estimate the number of cases in the country - 650,000 - with some degree of confidence.

The report estimated that 45% of injecting drug users and 25% of sex workers are now being targeted by prevention programmes in the country.
However, it estimated that just 8% of male heterosexuals were being reached by prevention programmes in 2005.

It is thought that around 25% of people with HIV in China receive antiretroviral drugs - above the Asian average of 16%.
The report also highlights significant progress in Thailand, which threatened to become an HIV black spot.

The prevalence rate in the country is now 1.6% - a third lower than in the previous decade.
It is thought prevention efforts have encouraged men to stop buying sex. Condom use has also increased.

UNAids also sounded a warning about neighbouring Pakistan, where around 85,000 people were estimated to be infected with HIV by the end of 2005.

It said the country would have to improve its prevention efforts if it is to avoid a more serious situation.

what steps are Pakistan taking to improve Aids Prevention?
While 18.8% of South African adults were living with HIV, the figure in India was 0.9%.
damn... the wonders of a gigantic population...
China has large population too

and for all we know.. China can probably be the most AIDs infected country... the only figures we have are the ones that Chinese government realeases... the true figures we will never know as the Chinese government keeps the AIDs activists under their shoe...
and for all we know.. China can probably be the most AIDs infected country... the only figures we have are the ones that Chinese government realeases... the true figures we will never know as the Chinese government keeps the AIDs activists under their shoe...

That could be true. We get the picture from what Chinese press releases. But, nevertheless, in India people have started taking precautions. I remember in India whenever I went for haircut, I would take my own blade with me & I would hand it over to the barber & make him change the blade before me. Also, never hesitated to ask for 'protective cover':D at the chemist shop even if there were 20 people present.
Why to compare with China why not to take steps for its prevension and why not to question immoral activities being advocated by Media resulting in such practices leading to AIDS.

One aspect is what ab041937 has described, U can be more careful in using things like blads in barber shop and some othersd, besides using Protective Cover.

But even the provocative contents and so much free access to prono also have a major share in promoting bad practices that leads to HIV.
Its not beacuse of over population
Why to compare with China why not to take steps for its prevension and why not to question immoral activities being advocated by Media resulting in such practices leading to AIDS.

One aspect is what ab041937 has described, U can be more careful in using things like blads in barber shop and some othersd, besides using Protective Cover.

But even the provocative contents and so much free access to prono also have a major share in promoting bad practices that leads to HIV.
Its not beacuse of over population

Why do you feel everything boils down to sex?

It is time that you also be subjected to the lectures on AIDS as it is being done in India, so that you are clear as to how AIDS is transmitted.

Discussions on AIDS or use of Condoms is no longer a taboo in India. It is also discussed on TV and so all are getting aware of the same.

I am glad that India has rid itself of the village syndrome of shying away from these old "taboo" subjects and are openly discussing them and becoming aware of the dangers that lurk around.

Further, there is a report that the basis on which the inputs have been obtained is not accurate because the interpolation has been done with a small sample compared to the vast population.

However, that does not bother me.

I am glad that there is this scare and I am gald that it has got the highest of publicity. Unless it is widely publicised, it can never be controlled.

No longer are people, including villagers accepting injection through non disposable needles and everyone is ever so worried about receiving blood from unknown sources.

A good beginning has been made, but it will take years to rid India or any country of AIDS.

AIDS is no longer a hush hush or a disease for which people are ostracised. HIV is also being counted in the survey as AIDS.
Sir Ray why u are skipping things or cant read clearly?
I dint say that only sex is responsible for AIDS.
Read my post again.

I just said that Sex has also have a share in it and causes for its spread.

And Sir its also not a taboo in Pakistan we also have as much open discussion on AIDS on TV channels including state-run TV
If you read your post carefully, the emphasis was no morals!

Why to compare with China why not to take steps for its prevension and why not to question immoral activities being advocated by Media resulting in such practices leading to AIDS.

One aspect is what ab041937 has described, U can be more careful in using things like blads in barber shop and some othersd, besides using Protective Cover.

But even the provocative contents and so much free access to prono also have a major share in promoting bad practices that leads to HIV.
Its not beacuse of over population

Getting AIDS though blood transfusion is surely not an issue of loose morals, or is it?

Read the article. It does not underscore immoral activities as the cause!
what steps are Pakistan taking to improve Aids Prevention?

Pak. is in a slightly better position because it doesnt tolerate the huge red light districts that India has. Prostitution per se doesnt cause HIV, but combining high levels of illiteracy, protection which is expensive relative to income and prostitution, the situation is explosive. Unchecked, HIV grows in a geometric fashion.
1. Why do you feel everything boils down to sex?

2. No longer are people, including villagers accepting injection through non disposable needles and everyone is ever so worried about receiving blood from unknown sources.

1. Because Salim, aids got off the ground due to promiscous unprotected gay men who engaged with multiple partners. This is a fact. Also a fact is that it is spreading faster in poor nations which do not discourage multiple sex partners or promoting protection. Why is the prevelance of Aids lower in Egypt than South Africa? Sexual behaivour does account for a lot of the difference.

2. The only nation I know of where Aids is spreading faster through needles than sexual behaivour is Iran which has high incidence of drug users. However Iran as such is not in much danger becasue it is a medium income nation with well developed health infrastructure unlike India or Pak.
From my library that I keep on my hard disk for reference.

The origin of AIDS and HIV has puzzled scientists ever since the illness first came to light in the early 1980s. It has been the subject of fierce debate and the cause of countless arguments, with everything from a promiscuous flight attendant to a suspect vaccine programme being blamed.

They have been found in a number of different animals, including cats, sheep, horses and cattle. However, the most interesting lentivirus (slow virus) in terms of the investigation into the origins of HIV is the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) that affects monkeys.

In February 1999 a group of researchers from the University of Alabama1 announced that they had found a type of SIVcpz that was almost identical to HIV-1. This particular strain was identified in a frozen sample taken from a captive member of the sub-group of chimpanzees known as Pan troglodytes troglodytes (P. t. troglodytes), which were once common in west-central Africa.

The researchers (lead by Paul Sharp of Nottingham University and Beatrice Hahn of the University of Alabama) made the discovery during the course of a 10-year long study into the origins of the virus. They claimed that this sample proved that chimpanzees were the source of HIV-1, and that the virus had at some point crossed species from chimps to humans.

Their final findings were published two years later in Nature magazine2. In this article, they concluded that wild chimps had been infected simultaneously with two different simian immunodeficiency viruses which had "viral sex" to form a third virus that could be passed on to other chimps and, more significantly, was capable of infecting humans and causing AIDS.

These two different viruses were traced back to a SIV that infected red-capped mangabeys and one found in greater spot-nosed monkeys. They believe that the hybridisation took place inside chimps that had become infected with both strains of SIV after they hunted and killed the two smaller species of monkey.

They also concluded that all three 'groups' of HIV-1 - namely Group M, N and O (see our strains and subtypes page for more information on these) - came from the SIV found in P. t. troglodytes, and that each group represented a separate crossover 'event' from chimps to humans.

It has been known for a long time that certain viruses can pass between species. Indeed, the very fact that chimpanzees obtained SIV from two other species of ape shows just how easily this crossover can occur. As animals ourselves, we are just as susceptible. When a viral transfer between animals and humans takes place, it is known as zoonosis.

Some of the most common theories about how this 'zoonosis' took place, and how SIV became HIV in humans:

The 'Hunter' Theory

The most commonly accepted theory is that of the 'hunter'. In this scenario, SIVcpz was transferred to humans as a result of chimps being killed and eaten or their blood getting into cuts or wounds on the hunter. Normally the hunter's body would have fought off SIV, but on a few occasions it adapted itself within its new human host and become HIV-1. The fact that there were several different early strains of HIV, each with a slightly different genetic make-up (the most common of which was HIV-1 group M), would support this theory: every time it passed from a chimpanzee to a man, it would have developed in a slightly different way within his body, and thus produced a slightly different strain.

An article published in The Lancet in 20043, also shows how retroviral transfer from primates to hunters is still occurring even today. In a sample of 1099 individuals in Cameroon , they discovered to ten (1%) were infected with SFV (Simian Foamy Virus), an illness which, like SIV, was previously thought only to infect primates. All these infections were believed to have been acquired through the butchering and consumption of monkey and ape meat. Discoveries such as this have lead to calls for an outright ban on bushmeat hunting to prevent simian viruses being passed to humans.

The Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) theory

Some other rather controversial theories have contended that HIV was transferred iatrogenically (i.e. via medical experiments). One particularly well-publicised idea is that polio vaccines played a role in the transfer.

In his book, The River, the journalist Edward Hooper suggested that HIV could be traced to the testing of an oral polio vaccine called Chat, given to about a million people in the Belgian Congo, Ruanda and Urundi in the late 1950s. To be reproduced, live polio vaccine needs to be cultivated in living tissue, and Hooper's belief is that Chat was grown in kidney cells taken from local chimps infected with SIVcmz. This, he claims, would have resulted in the contamination of the vaccine with chimp SIV, and a large number of people subsequently becoming infected with HIV-1.

However, in February 2000 the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia (one of the original places that developed the Chat vaccine) announced that it had discovered in its stores a phial of polio vaccine that had been used as part of the program. The vaccine was subsequently analysed and in April 2001 it was announced4 that no trace had been found of either HIV or chimpanzee SIV. A second analysis5 confirmed that only macaque monkey kidney cells, which cannot be infected with SIV or HIV, were used to make Chat. While this is just one phial of many, most have taken its existence to mean that the OPV vaccine theory is not possible.

The fact that the OPV theory accounts for just one (group M) of several different groups of HIV also suggests that transferral must have happened in other ways too.

The final element that suggests that the OPV theory is not credible as the sole method of transmission is the argument that HIV existed in humans before the vaccine trials were ever carried out. More about when HIV came into being can be found below.
The Contaminated Needle Theory

This is an extension of the original 'hunter' theory. In the 1950s, the use of disposable plastic syringes became commonplace around the world as a cheap, sterile way to administer medicines. However, to African healthcare professionals working on inoculation and other medical programmes, the huge quantities of syringes needed would have been very costly. It is therefore likely that one single syringe would have been used to inject multiple patients without any sterilisation in between. This would rapidly have transferred any viral particles (within a hunter's blood for example) from one person to another, creating huge potential for the virus to mutate and replicate in each new individual it entered, even if the SIV within the original person infected had not yet converted to HIV.
The Colonialism Theory

The colonialism or 'Heart of Darkness' theory, is one of the more recent theories to have entered into the debate. It is again based on the basic 'hunter' premise, but more thoroughly explains how this original infection could have lead to an epidemic. It was first proposed in 2000 by Jim Moore, an American specialist in primate behaviour, who published his findings in the journal AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses.6

During the late 19th and early 20 th century, much of Africa was ruled by colonial forces. In areas such as French Equatorial Africa and the Belgian Congo, colonial rule was particularly harsh and many Africans were forced into labour camps where sanitation was poor, food was scare and physical demands were extreme. These factors alone would have been sufficient to create poor health in anyone, so SIV could easily have infiltrated the labour force and taken advantage of their weakened immune systems to become HIV. A stray and perhaps sick chimpanzee with SIV would have made a welcome extra source of food for the workers.

Moore also believes that many of the labourers would have been inoculated with unsterile needles against diseases such as smallpox (to keep them alive and working), and that many of the camps actively employed prostitutes to keep the workers happy, creating numerous possibilities for onward transmission. A large number of labourers would have died before they even developed the first symptoms of AIDS, and those that did get sick would not have stood out as any different in an already disease-ridden population. Even if they had been identified, all evidence (including medical records) that the camps existed was destroyed to cover up the fact that a staggering 50% of the local population were wiped out there.

One final factor Moore uses to support his theory, is the fact that the labour camps were set up around the time that HIV was first believed to have passed into humans - the early part of the 20th century.
The Conspiracy Theory

Some say that HIV is a 'conspiracy theory' or that it is 'man-made'. A recent survey carried out in the US for example, identified a significant number of African Americans who believe HIV was manufactured as part of a biological warfare programme, designed to wipe out large numbers of black and homosexual people. Many say this was done under the auspices of the US federal 'Special Cancer Virus Program' (SCVP), possibly with the help of the CIA. Some even believe that the virus was spread (either deliberately or inadvertently) to thousands of people all over the world through the smallpox inoculation programme, or to gay men through Hepatitis B vaccine trials. While none of these theories can be definitively disproved, the evidence they are based on is tenuous at best, and often ignores the clear link between SIV and HIV, or the fact that the virus has been identified in people as far back as 1959. They also fail to take into consideration the lack of genetic-engineering technology available to 'create' the virus at the time that AIDS first appeared.

During the last few years it has become possible not only to determine whether HIV is present in a blood or plasma sample, but also to determine the particular subtype of the virus. Studying the subtype of virus of some of the earliest known instances of HIV infection can help to provide clues about the time it first appeared in humans and its subsequent evolution.

Three of the earliest known instances of HIV infection are as follows:

1. A plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
2. HIV found in tissue samples from an American teenager who died in St. Louis in 1969.
3. HIV found in tissue samples from a Norwegian sailor who died around 1976.

A 1998 analysis of the plasma sample from 1959 has suggested7 that HIV-1 was introduced into humans around the 1940s or the early 1950s; much earlier than previously thought. Other scientists have dated the sample to an even earlier period - perhaps as far back as the end of the 19th century.

In January 2000 however, the results of a new study presented at the 7th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, suggested that the first case of HIV-1 infection occurred around 1930 in West Africa . The study was carried out by Dr Bette Korber of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The estimate of 1930 (which does have a 15 year margin of error) was based on a complicated computer model of HIV's evolution. If accurate, it means that HIV was in existence before many scenarios (such as the OPV and conspiracy theories) suggest.
What about HIV-2? When did that get passed to humans?

Until recently, the origins of the HIV-2 virus had remained relatively unexplored. HIV-2 is thought to come from the SIV in Sooty Mangabeys rather than chimpanzees, but the crossover to humans is believed to have happened in a similar way (i.e. through the butchering and consumption of monkey meat). It is far rarer, significantly less infectious and progresses more slowly to AIDS than HIV-1. As a result, it infects far fewer people, and is mainly confined to a few countries in West Africa.

In May 2003, a group of Belgian researchers lead by Dr. Anne-Mieke Vandamme, published a report8 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. By analysing samples of the two different subtypes of HIV-2 (A and B) taken from infected individuals and SIV samples taken from sooty mangabeys, Dr Vannedamme concluded that subtype A had passed into humans around 1940 and subtype B in 1945 (plus or minus 16 years or so). Her team of researchers also discovered that the virus had originated in Guinea-Bissau and that its spread was most likely precipitated by the independence war that took place in the country between 1963 and 1974 (Guinea-Bissau is a former Portuguese colony). Her theory was backed up by the fact that the first European cases of HIV-2 were discovered among Portuguese veterans of the war, many of whom had received blood transfusions or unsterile injections following injury, or had possibly frequented local prostitutes.

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