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India has given ‘solid evidence’ against Hafiz Saeed to Pakistan: Report

He was a Pakistani citizen and he would thus be charged under the law for killing people regardless where he did so. Moreover even Hafiz Saeed is being tried for a crime committed on Indian soil, his appearance in the Hafiz Saeed trial becomes mandatory as a witness, without his testimony we don't even know if Hafiz Saeed was the man behind Mumbai attacks since nothing else links him to it.

Thats not how things work the crime was done in India and the person caught ie Kasab was caught in India so he should face justice in India.

In regards to Hafiz there is much evidence but like the saying goes, You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it drink.

Pakistani arrested by FBI created video for Lashkar-e-Taiba, trained in camps - The Long War Journal

This guy was in touch with Hafiz Saeed's son.
Thats not how things work the crime was done in India and the person caught ie Kasab was caught in India so he should face justice in India.

Why ask Pakistanis when our own cowardly secularist government is spending INR 31 crores per year on him? If someone could make it a point to covertly kill Kasab and honor the revenge, embarrass the government then it would be far more better than trying to sick terrorist.
oh please not again........ First it was ISI and now indians have Hafiz fobia...... lolz-

It keeps rolling on. From Pervaiz Musharraf to Ahmad Qureshi to Zaid Hamid in recent years. Every patriot Pakistani is on their yell-end. Don't worry. Love Pakistan and give them the heart burns.
Why ask Pakistanis when our own cowardly secularist government is spending INR 31 crores per year on him? If someone could make it a point to covertly kill Kasab and honor the revenge, embarrass the government then it would be far more better than trying to sick terrorist.

We need Kasab alive for the time being but the real culprits are still at large only 2 of those 7 Pakistan arrested have any connection with the Mumbai attack.

Who were the sickos who were in touch with the pawns telling them to kill the hostages and torture a pregnant Jewish woman? those are the real enemies of ours.

Lakhvi and Saeed's voice samples given to India won't prove a thing since India can say Pakistan fabricated them, moreover they make speeches on TV daily you can compare the voice samples from there.

What India needs to do is give its recording to Pakistan for scrutiny.

Without the voice samples of the 7 accused we can't find out who were the real culprits behind 26/11 and match them with the control room persons.

India has been demanding voice samples of the accused who were giving instructions to the ten terrorists during the November, 2008 attack.

Out of those 7 we need to find out who was giving the orders because there are more people behind this attack than those arrested.
If india gave solid proofs then why America is offering 10 million dollar to anyone who offers solid proof? Irony? Or Perhaps there is a difference between fake and fabricated proof and real and genuine proofs
Honestly if Kasab was handed over to Pakistan for trial, and everything was as India says it is, it would have meant Hafiz Saeed to have been in jail way back when his popularity was at an all time low after the Mumbai attacks.

Once he reaches Pakistan this will happen.

Dude now you are in Pakistan, just give this false statement to help us and you will be free.

You are trying your level best to cover up. Not providing voice sample is an example.

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