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India Has Fallen Deeply in the Dragons Trap: Brahma Chellaney


Sep 26, 2018
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The writing is on the wall for India, it has lost massive territory to China and WAR is the only option to retrieve their lost lands, Brahma Chellaney. In making these assertions the Indians forget about the HORRENDOUS Chinese retaliations they will have to face, which the Indians may not be able to bear.

Bro in all seriouness, you are one of the most intelligent and articulate members of PDF. You need to be made into a think tank analyst or Moderator.
UN should redefine Indian territory as India and Indians have failed at the task.

The expansionist Indian regimes aggression towards Chinese territorial integrity is a matter to be raised at the UNSC.

The conflict threatens to push back socio economic developments in the region a full 100 years back.

It is imperative that the world should listen to the roadmap of peace as put forward by Pakistan.
Bro in all seriouness, you are one of the most intelligent and articulate members of PDF. You need to be made into a think tank analyst or Moderator.
Thank you for your appreciation and offer, I may not be able to add some responsibilities at the moment. My wife is always on my case.:D
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UN should redefine Indian territory as India and Indians have failed at the task.

The expansionist Indian regimes aggression towards Chinese territorial integrity is a matter to be raised at the UNSC.

The conflict threatens to push back socio economic developments in the region a full 100 years back.

It is imperative that the world should listen to the roadmap of peace as put forward by Pakistan.
Don't try to play game on the behalf of your Chinese friends.
The world has already accepted India's narrative. China is aggresor here.
But they will not be "no more" in future as India is teaching very hard lesson to them.
This standoff has become neckbone for PLA. They can't fight war, nor they can pull back as they are answerable to XI JiNPiNg.
IA has put PLA reputation on the stake.
May be winter will be a good excuse for them to withdraw.
Don't try to play game on the behalf of your Chinese friends.
The world has already accepted India's narrative. China is aggresor here.
But they will not be "no more" in future as India is teaching very hard lesson to them.
This standoff has become neckbone for PLA. They can't fight war, nor they can pull back as they are answerable to XI JiNPiNg.
IA has put PLA reputation on the stake.
May be winter will be a good excuse for them to withdraw.
Winter suites them and not India, they are mainly based in the lower slopes of Ladakh.
Maybe the Modi media makes sense for many Indians. I have watched him for 30 years, he is no friend of Pakistan. Nevertheless what he is saying is the reality in the ground.
First, you need to know what is his source. He is sitting in a AC room and receiving bucks to write craps. Even media is not allowed to go to hot spot which are camping in Ladakh.
Army personals are not allowed to leak any confidential info. Then what are the sources of people like him and Ajai Sukla? Forget about he is left leaning or right winger. Tell me his source of information?
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