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India hands over replies to Pakistan

Responding to the questions was a positive move - do we know what the responses were yet?

However, given the political turmoil in Pakistan, I think progress in the investigation is going to slow down - especially if the investigators in charge of the Mumbai attack investigation end up being reshuffled as Zardari moves to consolidate power and appoint his people to key posts.
Well India has right to know how far Pakistan has reached out in Mumbai carnage. But its too late, India already fall in trap of terrorism. I read some where i don't have reference, but few years back Indian govt was involved in backing up extremist form of Islam. So, this monster is spreading its 20 heads in India. Pakistan govt can provide a limited amount of help, because most of these elements are linked in Indian held Kashmir. If India is failed to act against LeT in Indian Kashmir then............because all links are discovered out side Pakistan. This web of terrorism much more complex and huge then Indian govt imagination...

Why would India try to destruct itself? Your statement sound more like Pakistan then India.
I loved this editorial from Daily Times .

Mumbai attack

Mumbai attack
Monday, March 16, 2009

As far as the probe into last year’s attack on Mumbai goes, the ball has been tossed back into Pakistan’s court. The Indian interior minister says all 30 questions put to New Delhi regarding the information provided initially had been answered and details provided. Swift action is now expected from Islamabad. The Pakistan government of course seems to be in no position to find responses. The chaos it is embroiled in at present means all its energies are focused on saving itself. But the fact that it has had only limited success in tracking down terror networks operating within its midst over the past months cannot be neglected.

Had the effort to track down those behind the Mumbai outrage been made with greater enthusiasm, we may not have seen the attack on the Sri Lankan team in Lahore or suffered the aftermath of it. Cricket may have continued at our stadiums; the Sri Lankan cricketers may not have gone home carrying unwelcome souvenirs of shrapnel. The impression has been that Pakistan has reacted only when enormous pressures have been placed on it, making it seem that it is, for reasons best known to decision makers, reluctant to act against terrorists.

There is still opportunity available to alter this impression. This time round, we should go one better than the Indians by showing we are capable of going after terrorists. They after all present the biggest threat to Pakistan itself. We have seen many times what they are capable of. The suggestions appearing in the media that the LTTE in Sri Lanka had established links with the Lashkar-e-Taiba over a decade ago and retained it since then is interesting. This is a lead that needs to be pursued. Uncovering the networks that link groups could play a big part in defeating these forces across the region. It is becoming evident that all the countries in the region – Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and perhaps even Nepal –need to work together against terror. Establishing a working relationship with India is essential to this cooperation, and Pakistan must ensure it works towards this end by doing all it can to unravel the truth behind what happened at Mumbai on that fateful day last November.
Isn't Sita hostage in India? :D :D

Yes It Is , and so it is in Every part of the world where , the common man , gentle and innocent like sita is targeted and harmed by the "terrorist" ravans.

Notably , it Happens in Pakistan Too ( not ONLY in India ).

Bluntly put. Pakistan has no time for this.

No Time for what ?

India is still the chief suspect behind the SL attack and which really makes helping India out with this investigation seems like turning the other cheek.

This is NOT Justified when You or the Media says this.
Now if its India Let Pak officials play the same tactics as india did after 26/11.
Put Internationa pressure , Diplomatic Moves +++ , But This can be done ONLY and ONLY if Pak Really has a proof , India had It .. Pak Accepeted It.

I am a proud Indian but if my country is wrong i will accept it , most Indians will . But u must have proof. Even i want the culprets to be brought forward , even if its RA&W .
Kasab’s confessional statement missing in Indian response

Monday, March 16, 2009
By Qudssia Akhlaque

ISLAMABAD: The 400-page dossier on the Mumbai terror attacks handed over to Pakistan by India on Friday does not contain some key material sought by the government, including an authenticated confessional statement given to the court by the lone surviving captured gunman, Ajmal Kasab, it is learnt.

While it includes Kasab’s DNA profile, details of fingerprints, transcripts of phone conversations between him and his alleged Pakistan-based handlers, the authenticated copies of some depositions and exhibits filed by the prosecutors are missing from the otherwise comprehensive Indian response to questions posed by Pakistan last month as part of its investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks, informed sources told The News.

According to the sources in the know of the contents of the dossier, some legal technicalities have been cited as the reason by the Indian side for the exclusion of these essential documents. “While India has given a detailed response to all the 32 questions posed by Pakistan on February 12, clarification and material sought on some five or six questions is still awaited,” an informed diplomatic source told this correspondent, adding that the Indian government had indicated that it would provide the remaining required material in due course.

Apparently Indian Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon, while handing over the dossier to Pakistan’s High Commissioner in Delhi Shahid Malik on Friday evening, told him that some material was in the court custody and the government was in the process of obtaining it. That once it was acquired, the material would be passed on to the Pakistani authorities. However, no specific timeframe was given.

Sources privy to the brief 15-minute meeting, in which Pakistan’s Deputy High Commissioner Riffat Masood was also present, characterised it as “positive”. They said the Indian foreign secretary observed during the meeting that it was start of a process which also entailed judicial procedures and hoped the spirit of cooperation would continue.

Contrary to speculations in a section of the Indian media, in its latest dossier, Delhi has not sought any clarifications from Islamabad or posed counter-questions for additional information on investigations on Pakistan side.

The first secretary at the Pakistan’s High Commission in Delhi tasked to carry the heavy-duty dossier to Islamabad arrived here on Saturday night, Foreign Office sources confirmed. The dossier given to Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir would on Sunday be handed over to the Ministry of Interior which would then examine it, officials here said.

This is the second Mumbai-related dossier handed over to Pakistan by India. The first came on January 5. The second Indian dossier comes exactly a month after Pakistan sent its queries and just days before Islamabad signalled to Delhi that it would be difficult for it to continue detention of the key suspects, held in February, unless additional information was provided.

The Indian response is supported by documentary evidence, including closed-circuit TV images of attackers, CDs, detailed transcripts of conversations between the attackers and their handlers, forensic analysis reports of the accused, GPS data, ammunition and other equipment used during the 60-hour long attacks in Mumbai.

Reportedly, much of the material contained in the Indian response has already been shared with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation. On March 4, an FBI team, headed by its director, also visited Islamabad and held detailed discussions with Pakistani authorities on its probe into the Mumbai attacks. It is not clear if the FBI team was given direct access to the detained six key suspects.

Meanwhile, there is no official word on the contents of the Indian response yet. The Foreign Office on Friday said in a brief statement: “Some information material on the terror attacks in Mumbai was handed over to our high commissioner in New Delhi today. Arrangements have been made for its receipt in Islamabad.” Noting that it would be sent to the Ministry of Interior for “appropriate action”, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit, stated: “We are not in a position to comment on the material at this stage.”

Kasab’s confessional statement missing in Indian response
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