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India grads want next Android release named 'Lassi'

At Icewolf:

That's because Pakistanis do not own up to the IVC legacy! If Pakistanis delude themselves into believing they're descended from Arabs, Turks, mongols etc and not from the Indic stock, how can they lay claim to being the citizens of IVC as well? Hence, this vacuum has led to Indians claiming the IVC for themselves.

There is a big difference between merely changing one's religion and abandoning one's own culture. Unfortunately for Pakistan, this distinction has been lost. I too hope the Sindhis and Punjabis acknowledge this fact some day and rightfully claim their legacy.

The only one who says Pakistanis are descended from Arabs, Mughals, Turks, etc, are YOUR people. No Pakistani who isnt descendant claims that... Tard..

You're a idiot, who thinks Pakistanis think they're middle eastern. I guess thats what you learnt in your textbooks...
because the pattern is
Cupcake (1.5), Donut (1.6), Eclair (2.0–2.1), Froyo (2.2–2.2.3), Gingerbread (2.3–2.3.7), Honeycomb (3.0–3.2.6), Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0–4.0.4), Jelly Bean (4.1–4.3), and KitKat (4.4+).

Never mind . Considering your past behavior , I was thinking something else :D
At Icewolf:

That's because Pakistanis do not own up to the IVC legacy! If Pakistanis delude themselves into believing they're descended from Arabs, Turks, mongols etc and not from the Indic stock, how can they lay claim to being the citizens of IVC as well? Hence, this vacuum has led to Indians claiming the IVC for themselves.

There is a big difference between merely changing one's religion and abandoning one's own culture. Unfortunately for Pakistan, this distinction has been lost. I too hope the Sindhis and Punjabis acknowledge this fact some day and rightfully claim their legacy.

Dont worry only brahmin convert syeds claim to have arab Ancestry. :cheers: Rest of the population know their history and is proud of it. Here is Pak navy plane for exemple,


And basically only Indians say that we are decendents of arabs, turks and god know what. But genetic studies have debunked this so continue to believe what you want.
Modi ke chehre per noor hai Zaid Hamid jesa, yakeen kijiye agher allah ne moka diya to yehi pm bane gha :cheers:
At Shan and Icewolf:

Well then, if that is the case, then you must also stop laying claim to the legacy of the Mughals, Hyderabad Nizams, Tipu Sultan etc and their achievements. The credit for the Taj Mahal would then be solely be the legacy of Indian Muslims. And of course, this crazy notion of "We ruled them for 1000 years" would also have no validity then. It would just be Turkic invaders subjugating today's Pakistan and ruling your own people for 1000 years. (for a fact, most of South India was never under Mughal rule) :woot:

And FYI, Indians too believe that most of the subcontinent's muslim population are just converts and not the descendants of Muslim invaders. Cheers!
ivc girls :girl_wacko:




Nahhh those are just some clowns caked in makeup...

At Shan and Icewolf:

Well then, if that is the case, then you must also stop laying claim to the legacy of the Mughals, Hyderabad Nizams, Tipu Sultan etc and their achievements. The credit for the Taj Mahal would then be solely be the legacy of Indian Muslims. And of course, this crazy notion of "We ruled them for 1000 years" would also have no validity then. It would just be Turkic invaders subjugating today's Pakistan and ruling your own people for 1000 years. (for a fact, most of South India was never under Mughal rule) :woot:

And FYI, Indians too believe that most of the subcontinent's muslim population are just converts and not the descendants of Muslim invaders. Cheers!

We say it because OUR religion ruled India for a 1000 years. You see, Muslims are united without ethnic boundaries. Thats why you will see more ethnic fights in India more
At Shan and Icewolf:

Well then, if that is the case, then you must also stop laying claim to the legacy of the Mughals, Hyderabad Nizams, Tipu Sultan etc and their achievements. The credit for the Taj Mahal would then be solely be the legacy of Indian Muslims. And of course, this crazy notion of "We ruled them for 1000 years" would also have no validity then. It would just be Turkic invaders subjugating today's Pakistan and ruling your own people for 1000 years. (for a fact, most of South India was never under Mughal rule) :woot:

And FYI, Indians too believe that most of the subcontinent's muslim population are just converts and not the descendants of Muslim invaders. Cheers!

Yakeen kijiye ye sab kehna perta hai because Indians always remind of us we are mughals, arabs etc and in return we also remind them what these did to Hindus.

Yakeen kijiye after that they change their tune and then remind us again that we are converted and not decendents of foreign invaders.

Yakeen kijie in both cases our history is glorious :cheers:
At Icewolf:

Is that why the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi exists in Pakistan? Is that why Balochistan, Sindhudesh, Pakhtunistan etc find support within Pakistan? Is that why there are 27 Islamic countries? Because Muslims are united without ethnic boundaries?! Come on man, I may be new to defence.pk, but I'm not new to this big,bad World! Plus, if your yardstick is applied, it further gives credence to Hindus usurping every non-islamic legacy of this subcontinent. Not good both ways!

Anyways, let us both stick to the topic of this thread. Don't want to hijack it too far away. :)

At Shan:

I don't see how bowing down to an invading force and converting to another religion equates to a glorious history. But whatever makes you happy Bro! :)
At Icewolf:

Is that why the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi exists in Pakistan? Is that why Balochistan, Sindhudesh, Pakhtunistan etc find support within Pakistan? Is that why there are 27 Islamic countries? Because Muslims are united without ethnic boundaries?! Come on man, I may be new to defence.pk, but I'm not new to this big,bad World! Plus, if your yardstick is applied, it further gives credence to Hindus usurping every non-islamic legacy of this subcontinent. Not good both ways!

Anyways, let us both stick to the topic of this thread. Don't want to hijack it too far away. :)

At Shan:

I don't see how bowing down to an invading force and converting to another religion equates to a glorious history. But whatever makes you happy Bro! :)

its historical fact they were converted by sufís. Or do you think 1000 years was not enough to kill every non muslim of Pakistan región? Especially sindh & punjab were majority was muslim long time ago. Think before you write :cheers:
its historical fact they were converted by sufís. Or do you think 1000 years was not enough to kill every non muslim of Pakistan región? Especially sindh & punjab were majority was muslim long time ago. Think before you write :cheers:

As I said before, the sufis wouldn't be there had the region's Hindu Kings not be militarily defeated by Turks. Of course, it's no secret why people converted en masse to Islam. 1) To escape the oppressive caste system of Hinduism. 2) To escape the Jizya. But forced conversions were not uncommon in medieval times either, especially after major battles.(Read Timur's accounts after his armies sacked Delhi and ended the Delhi sultanate).
As I said before, the sufis wouldn't be there had the region's Hindu Kings not be militarily defeated by Turks. Of course, it's no secret why people converted en masse to Islam. 1) To escape the oppressive caste system of Hinduism. 2) To escape the Jizya. But forced conversions were not uncommon in medieval times either, especially after major battles.(Read Timur's accounts after his armies sacked Delhi and ended the Delhi sultanate).

You are talking about India, in Pakistani región majority was Bhudists-hindus. So hindu influence was very little and the only low caste of punjab was Chura comunity who were dalit hindus (likely moved from south india the way they look) never converted to Islam. Infact they were converted to christianity after british raj & sikhsm. They are known as mazhabi sikhs, so the lowest caste chura never converted to islam.

This is another theory said by hindus of india again & again that only low caste converted. It shows how little they think of their fellow hindus who make majority, it also exposes their mentality. Especially when facts are completly against them when it comes to pakistaní muslims.

You cant forcé someone like that, the accounts you are talking about talk about killing them. Muslims rulers were only interested in profits and their rule. They fought each other for Delhi.

Another fun fact dalits are 27% if Indian punjab while only few million christian dalits live in Pakistan. So going by this low caste actually didnt bother to convert to Islam & instead chose sikhsm and christianity. It seem lower caste hindus actually were more "ghairatmand" going by your theory.
You are talking about India, in Pakistani región majority was Bhudists-hindus. So hindu influence was very little and the only low caste of punjab was Chura comunity who were dalit hindus (likely moved from south india the way they look) never converted to Islam. Infact they were converted to christianity after british raj & sikhsm. They are known as mazhabi sikhs, so the lowest caste chura never converted to islam.

This is another theory said by hindus of india again & again that only low caste converted. It shows how little they think of their fellow hindus who make majority, it also exposes their mentality. Especially when facts are completly against them when it comes to pakistaní muslims.

You cant forcé someone like that, the accounts you are talking about talk about killing them. Muslims rulers were only interested in profits and their rule. They fought each other for Delhi.

Another fun fact dalits are 27% if Indian punjab while only few million christian dalits live in Pakistan. So going by this low caste actually didnt bother to convert to Islam & instead chose sikhsm and christianity. It seem lower caste hindus actually were more "ghairatmand" going by your theory.

I never said only low caste Hindus converted. I also told many converted to escape the Jizya or religious tax. Hindus of all castes were compelled to convert by levying these heavy taxes. The ***** of Kashmir and Punjab were all Brahmins once. The Rajput Muslims are also proud of their Kshatriya legacy.

Plus, face it, nobody likes to give up on their religion unless there is economics or threat to life involved!
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