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India: Government Admits Clinical Trial Deaths


Everybody knows that such trials take place allover the world. What is surprising in your answer is that because it happens in other places, these deaths are justified in India as well.

You can't kill people in such large numbers to save others and justify the killings without having apporpriatew governing laws.

If you guys could enact AFSPA to kill your own inorities without impunity, I think you guys have the capability to ignore laws if these are there to earn oney from multinational investments.

The only thing you need to do is, kill your own - afterall you guys are past masters in this aspect.

Everybody knows that such trials take place allover the world. What is surprising in your answer is that because it happens in other places, these deaths are justified in India as well.

You should perhaps read the post I was replying to, I wasn't justifying anything.

The fact that everyone of us uses life saving drugs, for which some poor soul must have died in some poor country is justification enough. Not accepting the reality, or deciding not to talk about it doesn't give you or anyone else the moral high ground.
You should perhaps read the post I was replying to, I wasn't justifying anything.

The fact that everyone of us uses life saving drugs, for which some poor soul must have died in some poor country is justification enough. Not accepting the reality, or deciding not to talk about it doesn't give you or anyone else the moral high ground.

Oh, so now that Indian government has accepted it for the first time, it has placed itself on a high moral pedestal. Very interesting indeed.
Again, its not forced upon anyone, these people are terminally ill(I hope you know what the term means). If I was terminally ill, and some drug company came along and told me, hey if you participate in this drug trial their is a slim chance that you ll get cured and if you die(which I would anyways) your family will get compensated. Now me or my family might not need money, but for thousands of terminally ill people (specially in developing countries) who come from a not so well off background, this might sound like a good option.

These life saving drugs don't just magically appear on your pharmacy shelves, clinical trial is part of the process.
And your proof of these so-called terminally ill subjects is? We do know that the subjects are lured in by offering certain incentives, but are they informed of the consequences, which may cost them their lives? Think not. The world isn't oblivious to the dirty tricks these pharmaceutical companies have been pulling for years.
Oh, so now that Indian government has accepted it for the first time, it has placed itself on a high moral pedestal. Very interesting indeed.
Exactly, they even wanted to boycott London Olympics because Dow was one of the sponsors, but it's okay if their own pharmaceutical companies kill indians. :sick:
Without consent: how drugs companies exploit Indian 'guinea pigs'

Without consent: how drugs companies exploit Indian 'guinea pigs' - Asia - World - The Independent

Excerpts ……..

Since restrictions on drug trials were relaxed in 2005, the industry in India has swollen to the point where today more than 150,000 people are involved in at least 1,600 clinical trials, conducted on behalf of British, American and European firms.

While there is no official figure, some estimates suggest the industry may be worth as much as £189m. Regulators have struggled to keep pace with the explosion. Between 2007 and 2010, at least 1,730 people died in India while, or after, participating in such trials.

activists say a lack of oversight has led to numerous situations where poor, sometimes illiterate individuals, recruited from city slums or else tribal communities, are used in the trials without giving proper informed consent.

* The recruitment of hundreds of tribal girls without parental consent for an immunisation study sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on the nod of the warden of their government hostel. Several girls subsequently died. The study was halted by the federal authorities.

* The use by drug companies of survivors of the world's worst poisonous gas disaster in Bhopal as "guinea pigs" in at least 11 trials without proper informed consent.

No one told the parents of 13-year-old Sarita Kudumula that the teenager was involved in a medical study. They first they knew of it was after she collapsed and died, some days after receiving the injection. Discovered on the floor of a relative's home, the young girl was rushed first to the local clinic and then to the nearest hospital. By the time they got her there, she was already dead.

"To us, a doctor is like a god. We believe everything he says," said Ajay Naik, 28, whose baby son, Yatharth, developed white spots on his skin after a trial. "My wife was told a new multi-vaccine had come that costs 8-10,000 rupees and that it was available free of charge." They had no idea they were involved in a trial. "There was a two-page form in English. No one read out the details," he said.
Drug trials are neither new nor bad thing but IS there any code of conduct & rules/regulations about this in INDAi because look men 1100 death in 2 years.
Thats hell. I always read the news about force medical test etc. news paper.
GoI should wake up on this thing, because this also leads to another type of curroption.
Happens all over the world.
Yes happens all over the world .but multi national pharma comes to india coz in west there are strict procedures in place for trial drug from person volunteering for it to medical insurance and all.but in India on whom the drug is being tried in 99% of cases dont even know that he has been turned into a guinea pig. Ists a big scam going in india where pharma companies with help of local doctors are testing drugs on indians.Moreover medical insurance is still a luxury for the majority of indians.So if anything goes wrong doctors and pharma companies are not held responsible and the person is left to die with treatment.

I'll have the kins of all those died in drug trial drag GOI to the courts.But in todays india courts and judges themselves are compromised.
even the Relief money meant for bhopal gas victims was gobbled bup y SC judges and politicians.
Not to worry another 1.2 billion where they came from

It is like selling your people to death doctors in order to earn foreign exchange.

I wonder how much does an Indian life costs in dollars to the foreigners seeking guinea pigs for experiments.

And how can the Indian politicians sell their people like slave population.
So would you be kind enough to volunteer yourself or some members of your family for new drug tests?
If they are terminally ill or on last phase of a deadly disease such as cancer, why won't they try to take chance. Don't we take chances every now and then. Ask any patient or his/her relatives who are about to die. May be you will get the answer.

I don't expect you guys to understand it as many people didn't go this phase.

Death due to being irresponsible should be looked and serious actions should be taken.

Yes happens all over the world .but multi national pharma comes to india coz in west there are strict procedures in place for trial drug from person volunteering for it to medical insurance and all.but in India on whom the drug is being tried in 99% of cases dont even know that he has been turned into a guinea pig. Ists a big scam going in india where pharma companies with help of local doctors are testing drugs on indians.Moreover medical insurance is still a luxury for the majority of indians.So if anything goes wrong doctors and pharma companies are not held responsible and the person is left to die with treatment.

I'll have the kins of all those died in drug trial drag GOI to the courts.But in todays india courts and judges themselves are compromised.
Exactly people don't have medical insurance and enough money to get the treatment, so they opt for other treatment especially the experimental one.

You just can't blame government alone. All the stakeholders are responsible too.

As for Bhopal case, its not related to this case, coz if it is, you will bring corruption or 2g scam in same discussion.
If they are terminally ill or on last phase of a deadly disease such as cancer, why won't they try to take chance. Don't we take chances every now and then. Ask any patient or his/her relatives who are about to die. May be you will get the answer.

I don't expect you guys to understand it as many people didn't go this phase.

Death due to being irresponsible should be looked and serious actions should be taken.

Exactly people don't have medical insurance and enough money to get the treatment, so they opt for other treatment especially the experimental one.

You just can't blame government alone. All the stakeholders are responsible too.

As for Bhopal case, its not related to this case, coz if it is, you will bring corruption or 2g scam in same discussion.

Whereas, I agree with you with regard to testing the medicine, it has to be under stricter laws and check/oversee mechanism.

However, what is pronounced here is the exploitation which is taking place of poor people in India who are being paid pittance, get killed and on many occasions the tests are conducted without even asking the next of kin.

An teenage old girl being tested with the drug without seeking permission from the parents - it falls way beyond justifiable need for a life saving medicine.

Infact, it almost turns into me killing you to save my kith and kin. This is frivolous indeed.
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