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India Got it's First Medal at Rio!!!!! Second on the way.........

Finally an Indian with a better cranial capacity. :)

Think about it..

North Korea --- population 20 million
India --- population 1.5 billion

Hmmm, time to introspect and see if it's worth participating in the Olympics. Maybe save the associated costs and make better use of the funds within India?
Let us see...

North korean - 20 million - 7 medals
Bangladeshi - 150 million - 0 medal

As we say in India,

Rehen do, Tumpe naa hoga!

Bangladeshis were not even able to gain their Independence by themselves, for that they needed India's 'help' as most of the membership of this forum knows. Heck both India and Pakistan got their freedom by themselves. May be they can do some Chakma in next olympics.
Let us see...

North korean - 20 million - 7 medals
Bangladeshi - 150 million - 0 medal

As we say in India,

Rehen do, Tumpe naa hoga!

Bangladeshis were not even able to gain their Independence by themselves, for that they needed India's 'help' as most of the membership of this forum knows. Heck both India and Pakistan got their freedom by themselves. May be they can do some Chakma in next olympics.
Hi deepika :D


Really ? :what:

We (a country of 20 million) got 4 (1G,1S,2B) and is considered the most disastrous OLympic participation in our history.The head of our OLympic Federation allready resigned and the journalists are all screaming more heads of national chiefs of federations to roll....
Really ? :what:

We (a country of 20 million) got 4 (1G,1S,2B) and is considered the most disastrous OLympic participation in our history.The head of our Lympic Federation allready resigned and the journalists are allscreaming more heads of nations federations to roll....

We don't have former eastern bloc style infra and legacy (I mean who can forget what Nadia Comaneci achieved.) to work upon....combined with low per capita resources still (though growing rapidly)

Things are just moving forward now in some reasonable away outside of most the league based sports and the Cricket obsession.
We don't have former eastern bloc style infra and legacy (I mean who can forget what Nadia Comaneci achieved.) to work upon....combined with low per capita resources still (though growing rapidly)

Things are just moving forward now in some reasonable away outside of most the league based sports and the Cricket obsession.

There's no "infra" anymore in here.....just greeko-roman fighters working in constructions in Germany and than participating in the Olympics.Things are hard all around.

Just saw an interview with one of our fighters who just missed a bronze medal,saying that he came 2 weeks before the Olympics from a construction site while his rivals prepared for months.......
There's no "infra" anymore in here.....just greeko-roman fighters working in constructions in Germany and than participating in the Olympics.Things are hard all around.

Just saw an interview with one of our fighters who just missed a bronze medal,saying that he came 2 weeks before the Olympics from a construction site while his rivals prepared for months.......

Trust me whatever you got is still way better than what we got (Especially per capita).

Some of the joy of one medal being finally won was all the close medalling from before and bad luck + injuries all piling up for some of our best medallists. So things were starting to look pretty desperate.

Its too bad that Romanian sporting heritage is declining. I am in Montreal a lot and people still talk so much about Comaneci....Montreal has effectively adopted her hehe.

It seems you won a gold this time in Fencing...so you do have something going still.

One of our badminton players has now entered the final gold medal game....so she will get at least a silver....but hopefully a gold.....and our male wrestlers still have to start their events....so there are still more medals maybe down the road.

What about Romania? Any more strong chances for medals in what remains to be done?
The title should read : A Muslim Indian woman athlete saves India's face in Rio Olympics 2016..
Praise to Allah almighty! :yahoo:
What about Romania? Any more strong chances for medals in what remains to be done?

It remains that we have to invest in sport and not rely on individual talent.Hungary,our neighbour and a 10 million people country has some 9-10 medals but they invested in sport facilities all around.If you can imagine,the Romanian woman gymnastic team didn't even qualify for the Olympics...the Romanian women gymnastic team !!!...it was shock last year

Imagine a country with 1.5 billion Romanians. You'd be a superpower with the "quality of human resources" you've got! Ah.. no.. a hyperpower! :D

Imagine a planet of 7 billion Bengalis...swamps,disenteria and flies would rule us all.
Imagine a planet of 7 billion Indic people...swamps,disenteria and flies would rule us all.

Exactly, it would be India X 4... 4 times as potent. :D
You forget we're the same race. ; )
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It remains that we have to invest in sport and not rely on individual talent.Hungary,our neighbour and a 10 million people country has some 9-10 medals but they invested in sport facilities all around.If you can imagine,the Romanian woman gymnastic team didn't even qualify for the Olympics...the Romanian women gymnastic team !!!...it was shock last year

Oh wow did not know that about Romanian gymnastics. Truly a terrible decline....you are very correct that heads must roll about why....when you inspired so many before with those astounding performances from before.

Yes I know about Hungary success. They have really invested in swimming and they are landlocked (ok they got a big lake but still).

Every country that is medalling knows the formula thats needed for success....it is the implementation that counts.

I wish Romania the best of luck to get back to what it once was.
Imagine a planet of 7 billion Bengalis...swamps,disenteria and flies would rule us all.


Also remember that this butthurt bangladeshi you are talking to is from the biggest population country in the world that has never won a medal in the olympics.

Its what they have to wake up to everyday....among the squalor and poverty that follows them wherever they go (I don't want to derail the topic about it but Bangladeshi poverty rate is an astounding 70% of households in the UK.....and they still dont earn what say Indians were earning overall in the late 80s there).
There's no "infra" anymore in here.....just greeko-roman fighters working in constructions in Germany and than participating in the Olympics.Things are hard all around.

Just saw an interview with one of our fighters who just missed a bronze medal,saying that he came 2 weeks before the Olympics from a construction site while his rivals prepared for months.......

But you don't have Cricket. Cricket is one game that can suck up all life and oxygen from all the other sports.

Congratulations! again to all Indians.

Nothing succeeds like Success.

This one is for PV Sindhu.

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