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India gets submarine-based nuclear missile

1,500 km is a pretty good enough range for a SLBM, i think the only delay from complete operationalaity is the lack of platform.
No submarine-launched missile tested: Defence Ministry

New Delhi, Sept 11: In the apparent run-up to its first launch of a submarine-launched missile, India today carried out "technological development tests" to validate potential underwater launch capabilities.

"Technology elements for potential underwater launch capabilities are in progress," a Defence Ministry spokesman said here today, clarifying that no test firing had been undertaken of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM).

The trials are being undertaken in the Bay of Bengal, a brief statement from the ministry said.

Earlier reports had said that India had carried out a test firing of a SLBM with a range of 1,500 km.

"No SLBM of the stated range has been launched," the spokesman said.

The trials being undertaken by the Defence Research and Development Organisation assume significance in the wake of a recent statement by Defence Minister A K Antony that India has produced a submarine-launched version of the BrahMos cruise missile.

"The submarine-launched missile is ready and awaiting a necessary platform for trial," Antony had told Parliament.

The Navy will soon identify the platform to carry out such a test, he said.

When the DRDO carries out the successful launch of such a missile, India will join a select band of countries having such a capability that is a key element in nuclear deterrence.

The Navy's Russian-made Kilo-class submarines and the German-designed HDW submarines do not have the capability to fire such missiles. According to reports, New Delhi has approached Moscow for lending it one of its advanced submarines to carry out the launch.
Fire a nuke from a sub is something of great importance and when and if india gets it, since they are working hard on it, i believe it will seriously disrupt the balance of power in south asia.
But it is a great achievement since it will not only give india the option of a second strike but also the ability to strike out side aisa if it ever needs too and we know the capabilities of indian navy, its in real terms a true blue water navy.
Goodgoing IN.
do u know friend wats th problem wit Indian defence manutafacturng capability is, its fully controlled by Govt. organisations nd in India Govt. orgnasation work culture is pathetic India shud hav given its giant private sectors full feehand in defence production,if India does tat then none can stop India frm bekmng top defence manufacturng kntry as our private sectors hav huge manpower, research capacity nd capital 2 deliver things on time. Th biggest faliure of our govt. system is recently held CWG games which is marred by rampant corruptions nd delays.
do u hav any information regarding India's new K4 SLBM system.

it is a highly secret project as it is a strategic nuclear missile.However one thing is sure that it would be launched from the bigger submarines which will be the follow on of the Arihant class submarines

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