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India funded development projects in Sri Lanka make impressive progress

- India arms, trains and funds the LTTE resulting in massive death and destruction in the island that lasted for more than 20 years. The LTTE was used as a tool to maintain influence over the island.

LTTE was not formed in a vaccum. There were reasons for it .We only acted as the catalyst but we made up for this by sending IPKF and losing 1500 soldiers & a promising PM of India for fighting a war thats not ours. GoI didn't supported LTTE after 1987.

- India refused to have a full defence relationship with Sri Lanka and continues to do so. Quite ready to pump money into a terrorist organisation but finds it difficult to difficult to have a full defence relationship with a democratically elected government.

AFAIK, SL defense personnel are still trained in India.

- India served as site for arms smuggling into Sri Lanka. It continues to serves as site for drug smuggling into Sri Lanka (with absolutely no action by Indian authorities)

Not correct. When the Eelam War was going on I read in news papers about TN police cracking down on illegal arms factories in TN. I specifically remember one incident when they captured vast quantity of cycle balls meant for LTTE to be used in their bombs. Also IN was patrolling Palk Straights for LTTE floating warehouses and passing the info to SLN

- Indian politicians supported and continue to support separatism and violence in Sri Lanka. Latest conference supporting separatism in India held this week in India. The organiser is part of the current Indian government.

You should also read the lengths to which central govt and TN state govt went inorder to stop this conference, but essentially had to allow bcs there is no scope in Indian law to prevent this. Also I heard SL Tamil organization (forgot its name) boycotted the meeting bcs there is no unanimity among Indian Tamil parties on the Eelam issue.

- India votes against Sri Lanka at the United Nations (the only Asian nation to do so), joining European countries and the USA.

You know the reasons. You should have been careful what your soldiers shoot in their mobile phones.

- Sri Lankan pilgrims are attacked in India.

- Sri Lankan film directors are attacked in India

Highly regrettable actions

- Sri Lankan places of worship are attacked in India

What SL places of worship?

- Sri Lankan flag is burnt in India

As a citizen of a country whose flag regularly gets burned, for me its not much of an issue. Move on.

- Indian fishermen continue to repeatedly and brazenly poach in Sri Lankan waters (and smuggle drugs into the island). Their activities are openly supported by Indian politicians. Pressure is exerted by the Indian government to release these folks who are essentially thieves.

and your SLN regularly beats the crap out of them and in some cases shoot them dead causing much anger in TN.

- Sri Lanka is demonised for being on friendly terms with China and accepting Chinese investment. Apparently Sri Lanka should hold back on its development in order to satisfy the Indians.

Well Indians are weary of the type of investments that Chinese makes in SL especially in the port sector.
Typical Indian BS. You guys live on that don't you? I've lost count of the number of times ignorant Indians bring up the "you supported Pakistan" line.

Sri Lanka did not "support Pakistan" - it adopted a neutral stance. Like Switzerland, when wars were raging around it.

If India wanted to refuel planes or ships in Sri Lanka, it could have. It chose not to.

Pakistan chose to do so.

Sri Lanka was one of the founding members of the non-aligned movement as well.

Neutrality (international relations) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What a ridiculous argument :lol: Why would IAF refuel in SL when it is waging a war thousand mile away in North India ?

On a second thought, we can say we will have a full defense engagement with both LTTE and SL... And if SL refuses we will say, well we offered them both but SL choose not to take it :rofl:
Care to explain? India kept supporting them even after that, It was active Pakistani support and millitary help which helped Sri Lanka to get rid of that menace.

LTTE dug it's own grave by making that mistake. This time it would be the wilder with predators without a leech they would not be limited to Indian arm twisting. Probably would flip the sri lankan political system upside down completely.

Shows indian terrorist links and support and dubious policies to interfare in internal affairs of its smaller neighours. No wonder no one likes you scumbags.

What a ridiculous argument :lol: Why would IAF refuel in SL when it is waging a war thousand mile away in North India ?

On a second thought, we can say we will have a full defense engagement with both LTTE and SL... And if SL refuses we will say, well we offered them both but SL choose not to take it :rofl:
Care to explain? India kept supporting them even after that, It was active Pakistani support and millitary help which helped Sri Lanka to get rid of that menace.

Shows indian terrorist links and support and dubious policies to interfare in internal affairs of its smaller neighours. No wonder no one likes you scumbags.
i guess i caught you in between making statements and going back to reedit them. well here a hint fool, Rajiv Gandhi's assassination.

Next time if you use insults i will throw a few at you too. So watch out clown.
Care to explain? India kept supporting them even after that, It was active Pakistani support and millitary help which helped Sri Lanka to get rid of that menace.

If you believe that Taliban can be defeated in AF without Pak help, I will believe this BS.
Calculate the cost per one house... Then decide is it possible to built that much newly built houses.

The cost of the project is US $ 260 million ( 29.4 Billion SLR) as per your own source. So cost of the each house would be 5200 USD. How much is it SL Rupees, you calculate
The cost of the project is US $ 260 million ( 29.4 Billion SLR) as per your own source. So cost of the each house would be 5200 USD. How much is it SL Rupees, you calculate

5200 U.S. dollars = 686 378 LKR (Sri Lankan rupees)

Ask from a Sri Lankan is it possible to built new house with around 6-7 Lakhs.
Or check on a Sri Lankan property sale web to get an idea.

btw, 5200 US $ = 2.8 lakhs INR. is it possible to built new home in India for this cost?
5200 U.S. dollars = 686 378 LKR (Sri Lankan rupees)

Ask from a Sri Lankan is it possible to built new house with around 6-7 Lakhs.
Or check on a Sri Lankan property sale web to get an idea.

btw, 5200 US $ = 2.8 lakhs INR. is it possible to built new home in India for this cost?

We are talking about low cost housing here and yes it is possible to build a house for 2.8 lakhs.
5200 U.S. dollars = 686 378 LKR (Sri Lankan rupees)

Ask from a Sri Lankan is it possible to built new house with around 6-7 Lakhs.
Or check on a Sri Lankan property sale web to get an idea.

btw, 5200 US $ = 2.8 lakhs INR. is it possible to built new home in India for this cost?

Small low cost houses can be built with 2.8 lakhs.
Your neutrality in 1971 war was more pro-Pakistan. You could have just said no to both India & Pakistan, but instead you gave refueling to Pak Ships & Planes. Tell me why should Indian ships come all the way to SL to refuel.

What is the cost/house.

How could that be called as neutrality ??
They helped Pakistan by letting them refuel ..

It is equivalent to providing weapons because without the refuel Pak ships wouldn't have reached Bangladesh

Care to explain? India kept supporting them even after that, It was active Pakistani support and millitary help which helped Sri Lanka to get rid of that menace.

Shows indian terrorist links and support and dubious policies to interfare in internal affairs of its smaller neighours. No wonder no one likes you scumbags.

Pakistan support and military help .. Lol :lol:

Taliban , Al Qaeda says hi
5200 U.S. dollars = 686 378 LKR (Sri Lankan rupees)

Ask from a Sri Lankan is it possible to built new house with around 6-7 Lakhs.
Or check on a Sri Lankan property sale web to get an idea.

btw, 5200 US $ = 2.8 lakhs INR. is it possible to built new home in India for this cost?

In Sri Lanka for these 6-7 laks one can build a shed not house...

BTW GOI doing this only to please the Tamil populace, so that they can say see we built houses for your brethren.

It is more meaning full if GOI invest money in Tamil majority areas to build more infrastructure to help these people stand up on their own feet.

How could that be called as neutrality ??
They helped Pakistan by letting them refuel ..

It is equivalent to providing weapons because without the refuel Pak ships wouldn't have reached Bangladesh

India agreed to send transports when SL troops struggled to get a firm foothold in Jaffna peninsula in 2000. So why are you upset about we helping Pakistan? Did that former mentioned action stirred Tamils to rebel in TN?

Pakistan support and military help .. Lol :lol:

We are eternally grateful to Pak army to sending those Grad MBRLs within a short notice in 2000. Literally those machine saved Jaffna peninsula from capitulating.
In Sri Lanka for these 6-7 laks one can build a shed not house...

BTW GOI doing this only to please the Tamil populace, so that they can say see we built houses for your brethren.

It is more meaning full if GOI invest money in Tamil majority areas to build more infrastructure to help these people stand up on their own feet.

India agreed to send transports when SL troops struggled to get a firm foothold in Jaffna peninsula in 2000. So why are you upset about we helping Pakistan? Did that former mentioned action stirred Tamils to rebel in TN?

We are eternally grateful to Pak army to sending those Grad MBRLs within a short notice in 2000. Literally those machine saved Jaffna peninsula from capitulating.

Actually the price I quoted are for new houses. Out of proposed 50000 houses, most are reconstructions and repairs, which obviously need less money. New houses are only 6000. Lets not forget that this is a mass construction. Raw materials will be bought in bulk. Hence the prices will be considerably less
contrary to what we see here, Sri Lankans do not dislike India. They have enmity towards the Tamils and hence hostile towards Indian Tamils . If anything I find them to be neutral.
Check this out from a Srilankan newspaper...and this should shut up these Chinese-paid Srilankan internet liars

Daily Mirror: Revisiting the realities

India is a fact that the Sri Lankan State has learnt to live with – and, work with, too. There are differences under every head, but they are not as insurmountable as some people in the two countries would want to believe, and want the rest of their countrymen to believe, too. That has been the problem. As events of the past years unfolded, there has been greater understanding in India’s policy-making circles on issues of mutual concerns and about elements causing those concerns than in the nation’s strategic community. The reverse is not always true.

It is not without reason. Given the size of their populations, armed forces and economy – and not in that order, relative influences and/or dependence on the global scene, India is also a pre-occupation for most Sri Lankans. Ethnicity and the ethnic issue does not measure in those term in defining or re-defining bilateral relations, though it is a component, nonetheless. The average Indian’s pre-occupation lies elsewhere. It is also why the constant criticism of Sri Lanka in a State like Tamil Nadu always does not attract national or nation-level resonance in rest of India.

It is inevitable that the strategic community in Sri Lanka is still tempered by their experience from the past. They harp on India aiding and assisting the Tamil militant youth in the Eighties, little acknowledging the reversed role through ‘Eelam War-IV’. It was true of the early Seventies, at the height of the ‘First JVP insurgency’. If linked to the subsequent Sri Lankan refuelling facility for the Pakistan Air Force at the height of the ‘Bangladesh War’ only six months later in December 1971, New Delhi would not have signed off the strategic Kachchativu islet, despite political protests from Tamil Nadu, only three years later.

It may be convenient to argue that the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord and the IPKF presence in 1987 contributed to the ‘Second JVP insurgency’ but to believe that the ‘Sinhala-nationalist’ movement would not have taken the same leftist militant turn at the time, even otherwise is an under-statement . The IPKF presence released the Sri Lankan defence forces for the defence of the ‘Sinhala South’. It is unfortunate that no one in Sri Lanka, now as then, wants to talk about the butchering of thousands of Sinhala youth at the time, at the hands of the armed forces. Left militancy, even of the ethnic nationalist variety, does not produce resonance in global capitals as many others.

It is unthinkable that the Indian commanders on the ground did not understand what use they were being put to, by the Sri Lankan State at the time – defending the northern and eastern territory from the LTTE. Later still, they also understood how the Government of the day was aiding and arming the LTTE to fight the IPKF, which was called in to defend Sri Lankan territory. When the IPKF left, Sri Lankan territory or sovereignty was not compromised in anyway.

India and the IPKF respected Sri Lankan sovereignty. After sacrificing over a thousand men in Sri Lankan jungles, “fighting (the LTTE enemy of the Sri Lankan State) with their hands tied to their back”, and silently suffering the blame for atrocities attributed to the IPKF, New Delhi pulled out its armed forces without question when Colombo desired so. At the height of ‘Eelam War-IV’, the Indian army sent medical teams without military security, to serve the very same Tamil civilians caught in the cross-fire. No one said ‘Sorry’ to anyone – from the Government or the Tamils. Yet, they readily expected New Delhi to back Colombo on the HR front, both during the war and after the war. India obliged to a very great extent, until the Geneva vote earlier this year.

The solution to the problem lies within Sri Lanka. When the consequences defy national borders, India became concerned – and involved. Long before trickles of ‘boat people’ began crossing across continents as ‘economic refugees’, post-war, India was house to 250,000 men, women and children, shattered and stuck. The long saga has had its vagaries. With the end of the war, the plight has to end. It goes beyond the ‘Tamil Nadu factor’. It may have included the demographic imbalances any integration of the refugees with the local communities might have entailed. India’s experience with the ‘Bangladeshi refugees’ who would not go back was a lesson for New Delhi.

Parliamentary discussions and disturbances in India witnessed during the run-up to the Geneva vote this year were an expression of concern that went beyond Tamil Nadu. It is not about who is ruling from India. The ‘Geneva vote’ showed as much. It also showed that the Indian concerns on the ethnic issue was not linked to – and could not be linked to – the ‘China factor’. The latter was a trade-off some Sri Lankan strategic thinkers had thought would keep India eternally on Colombo’s side on the ethnic issue. To Indians, LTTE terrorism was one thing, the ‘ethnic issue’ was another. The former having been resolved, the latter could not wait beyond a point.

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