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India fueling insurgency in Baluchistan

If India is indeed fueling Baluchistan insurgency, the GOP should provide evidence to the rest of the world. Unless that happens, these Pakistani allegations have no credibility.
I agree to the aforementioned text.
Enough of the rhetorics, now its the time for Mr. Rehman Malik to present some solid evidence in front of international community.
Abasin Turi, you may be a good kid but you are RUINING the quality of this discourse. Don’t bicker, don’t post childish crap, talk about the issues. This is a respected military forum, think before you post. That goes for the rest of you as well, concentrate on the topic and respect each other.
U lost your sovereignty wen US started bombing your land.... first deal with US to save your sovereignty

Dont troll here, this isnt the place. By your reply it is obvious you have nothing to add to the debate and hence retorted to trolling. Anyways i wont waste my time with you anymore so consider this as a first and the last reply to your post.
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Yes...India has everything to Do with...Taliban training in Afghanistan....with Al Queda.....with LET...JEM...and every other sin in Pakistan......:argh:

If you cant debate, the least you can do is to stop trolling and derailing the thread by comments like these.

By the way don't you think that Pakistan must have provided with something that your PM was forced to reply that he will look into the matter and more over the issue was added in the joint press conference. So what in the hell are you babbling about.:disagree:
If India is indeed fueling Baluchistan insurgency, the GOP should provide evidence to the rest of the world. Unless that happens, these Pakistani allegations have no credibility.

Yes i agree with the highlighted part, however dont you think that GOP must have provided with something which forced your Indian PM to look into the matter other wise he would have rubbished the claim there and then like you guys were doing it before.

I also think that GOP is right in raising the issue bilateraly and not involving out siders however i think GOP will move on once it realizes that India has done little or nothing to address Pakistan's concern. More so if you happened to follow a few US statements over the past few months and there are numerous artciles posted over here, about addressing PAKISTANs concern over Indian involvement, it is evident that GOP is taking its allies into confidence and has provided the necessary evidence without making a hue cry in the media which will serve no purpose other then raise tensions.

Also note our PM statement about India no longer a threat called by the president of Pakistan. All these things ant out of the oridinary.
If you cant debate, the least you can do is to stop trolling and derailing the thread by comments like these.

By the way don't you think that Pakistan must have provided with something that your PM was forced to reply that he will look into the matter and more over the issue was added in the joint press conference. So what in the hell are you babbling about.:disagree:

India’s record in Balochistan ‘open book’, PM tells Gilani

“Our conduct is an open book,” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told Pakistani Premier Yousuf Raza Gilani when he brought up the issue of India being “active” in the restive Balochistan area.
During the hour-long talks between the two leaders in Sharm-el-Sheikh Thursday, Manmohan Singh discussed the issue of terrorist acts “aided, abetted and inspired from Pakistan”.

And Gilani countered it by mentioning India’s alleged involvement in Pakistan’s western province of Balochistan bordering Afghanistan.

“He said in our country people say India is active in Balochistan. And I said our conduct is an open book,” Manmohan Singh told reporters in Sharm-el-Sheikh after his talks with the Pakistani leader.

“We are willing to discuss all issues because we are doing nothing,” the prime minister said.

“… and I said to him that I have been told several times that Indian consulates in Afghanistan are engaged in undesirable activities,” Manmohan Singh said, adding that these consulates had been set up “way back in the 1950s”.

“But if you have any evidence, we are willing to look at it because we are an open book, we have nothing to hide. We are not afraid of discussing any of these issues,” the prime minister said.

In a surprise inclusion, Balochistan found mention Thursday in the joint statement as an issue between India and Pakistan.

“Prime Minister Gilani mentioned that Pakistan has some information on threat in Balochistan and other areas,” the document stated.

My Blabbering was something similar to the blabbering every Pakistani here on the forum does....it goes like this" India is creating troubles in Pakistan...as if Pakistanis are not responsible for the wreckage in Baluchistan...

Well trolling has to be met with trolling....and you must ave noticed that I was not the one who Initiated the trolling on this thread atleast...
India’s record in Balochistan ‘open book’, PM tells Gilani

“Our conduct is an open book,” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told Pakistani Premier Yousuf Raza Gilani when he brought up the issue of India being “active” in the restive Balochistan area.
During the hour-long talks between the two leaders in Sharm-el-Sheikh Thursday, Manmohan Singh discussed the issue of terrorist acts “aided, abetted and inspired from Pakistan”.

And Gilani countered it by mentioning India’s alleged involvement in Pakistan’s western province of Balochistan bordering Afghanistan.

“He said in our country people say India is active in Balochistan. And I said our conduct is an open book,” Manmohan Singh told reporters in Sharm-el-Sheikh after his talks with the Pakistani leader.

“We are willing to discuss all issues because we are doing nothing,” the prime minister said.

“… and I said to him that I have been told several times that Indian consulates in Afghanistan are engaged in undesirable activities,” Manmohan Singh said, adding that these consulates had been set up “way back in the 1950s”.

“But if you have any evidence, we are willing to look at it because we are an open book, we have nothing to hide. We are not afraid of discussing any of these issues,” the prime minister said.

In a surprise inclusion, Balochistan found mention Thursday in the joint statement as an issue between India and Pakistan.

“Prime Minister Gilani mentioned that Pakistan has some information on threat in Balochistan and other areas,” the document stated.

My Blabbering was something similar to the blabbering every Pakistani here on the forum does....it goes like this" India is creating troubles in Pakistan...as if Pakistanis are not responsible for the wreckage in Baluchistan...

Well trolling has to be met with trolling....and you must ave noticed that I was not the one who Initiated the trolling on this thread atleast...

There is a thread about Manmohan singh hypocrisy. You should read through the pages. This doesnt surprise me Indian PM states something else in joint press conference and then changes his statement infront of the Indian media. Anyways what i am saying is something on similar terms, we have accused India for quite some time about its involvement in Pakistan and everytime we did, our claim was rejected there and then....was it not? However this time Indian PM said we are willing to look into the matter as per the above mentioned article still dont you think before making such statement he must have looked to something provided by our PM and more over this isnt the end as Pakistan PM also said that we will share more evidence with Indian counter parts in due time. It means that this time around we have done our home work, however just because we are not sharing the evidence with the media does not mean we dont have one, US in recent months have also started to make statements about addressing Pakistans concern, so definitely there is something going behing close doors that you and i are not aware off because its not in the media. However a latest development in this regard is that we have also raised the issue for the 1st time with Afghanistan.
There is a thread about Manmohan singh hypocrisy. You should read through the pages. This doesnt surprise me Indian PM states something else in joint press conference and then changes his statement infront of the Indian media. Anyways what i am saying is something on similar terms, we have accused India for quite some time about its involvement in Pakistan and everytime we did, our claim was rejected there and then....was it not? However this time Indian PM said we are willing to look into the matter as per the above mentioned article still dont you think before making such statement he must have looked to something provided by our PM and more over this isnt the end as Pakistan PM also said that we will share more evidence with Indian counter parts in due time. It means that this time around we have done our home work, however just because we are not sharing the evidence with the media does not mean we dont have one, US in recent months have also started to make statements about addressing Pakistans concern, so definitely there is something going behing close doors that you and i are not aware off because its not in the media. However a latest development in this regard is that we have also raised the issue for the 1st time with Afghanistan.

See dear,There is a very simple way to shut us all up.
Just give the damn evidence and shut us up.

But you won't give the evidence.You know why?

Because you do not have any evidence.

Its just a dream
The enterance of this matter into the joint statement and the acceptance by the Indian PM about looking into the matter negates the highlighted part about not having any proofs. And by the way it was India who started spreading terrorism into soverign parts of other countries and not the other way round. 71 is the classic example of Indian sponsored terrorism.

There was no acceptance as you make it out to be...he just said that we'll look into it IF you give us some evidence, you are twisting the statement to suit yourself...if thats the criteria for acceptance i guess Pakistan accepts every charge of terrorism against it by India if it says we're looking into the matter or we're examining the the proofs...ridiculous.

The part about 71 is what you believe from your state propoganda...if there was any terrorism it was from the Pak Army that massacred unarmed civilians and intellectuals running into hundreds of thousands.... Nobody from India killed civilians and even saved your army from a massacre by the Mukti Bahini.
Indians will also insist - No indian institutional support, non state actors might be involved
a good solider obeys his commander...
aye aye sir... sorry but you read the thread , they started it.. you wont see any crap from my side... :)

All the fighting in this thread has made you a navy seal .. eh .!!! .. AYE AYE SIR .. keep up the good work .. in no time you wuld be an admiral :D (J.K)
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Nice work by Gilani team :tup: our interior minister yesterday met H.Karzai for issues related to this.

The part about 71 is what you believe from your state propoganda...if there was any terrorism it was from the Pak Army that massacred unarmed civilians and intellectuals running into hundreds of thousands.... Nobody from India killed civilians and even saved your army from a massacre by the Mukti Bahini.
and of course, what you are saying is not your state propaganda.
you guys trained mukti bahnis to fight against Pakistan, that is a fact.
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