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How India lost Baluchistan - propaganda


Nov 10, 2012
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United Kingdom

India must help Baluchistan which is in the geo-strategic interest and defense of India. Engaging with the Pakistan’s criminal junta at all the possible international forums, helping a Baluch freedom movement by diplomatic and political means, creating mass awareness in the world’s capitals and Parliaments through media campaigns, would not only put pressure on the nefarious nexus of the state of Pakistan and China but would go a long way in redressing the historical criminal ineptitude of the forefathers of India.

strong propaganda in indus university

India must help Baluchistan which is in the geo-strategic interest and defense of India. Engaging with the Pakistan’s criminal junta at all the possible international forums, helping a Baluch freedom movement by diplomatic and political means, creating mass awareness in the world’s capitals and Parliaments through media campaigns, would not only put pressure on the nefarious nexus of the state of Pakistan and China but would go a long way in redressing the historical criminal ineptitude of the forefathers of India.

strong propaganda in indus university
godi media international
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