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India "frustrated" by China's rise: Chinese Media

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ok,to be frank I dont know the middle east movie market,isnt that sort of restricted for people to watch movies in the middle east?i dont knwo.maybe that's the case,similiar cultures.but certainly not East Asia,Europe,Americas ,in those regions Chinese moives have a better spot.

Incorrect, it is a sub-genre, Hong Kong Action cinema that is popular(somewhat) in US and Europe. Movies like CJ7 sink without a trace there.
Bollywood? I dont remember i ever saw even one indian movie.in China,where the biggest movie market lies,people watch hollywood movies,Hongkong or Korean movies,in the States,Americans like to want Bruce lee,Jackie Chen,Jet li or Chow Yun fat movies,Bollywood movies?sorry,no here in China,in the Southeastern Asian countries they love Hongkong movies,anywhere in the world people watch Bollywood movies except for Indians?


---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 PM ----------

Bollywood is popular here in Singapore. Tamil film industry has an influence here as well.

I missed a lab session and I went for a Rajnikanth movie cuz my friend offered me a free ticket as he was going alone. And there I saw almost half of the theatre was filled with Singaporean Chinese men. Almost everybody knows the movie 3 Idiots and you can hear taxi drivers humming hindi tunes occasionally.

I have heard that Hindi and tamil movies are even more popular in Malaysia as compared to Singapore.


sorry no offence, by beijingwalker should belong to some remote village on the eastern border of China :D
Chinese movies were,are and will be more popular around the world.it goes hand in hand with a country's economy,Indian got to have something better to show to the world,but,please ,not that Bollywood,Greater China does better in this movie industry.

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

in Singapore,most popular movies and tv shows are Chinese ones,most Singaporeans are ethnic Chinese.around 80% I guess.

there are some Singaporean tv shows shown on tv in China,they are just like Chinese tv shows,you dont even notice that they are from Sinaporean,same language,same people,same culture...everything is the same ,and Singaporean movies stars and singers are also popular in Greater China,(China main land,Taiwan,Hongkong)
Chinese movies were,are and will be more popular around the world.it goes hand in hand with a country's economy,Indian got to have something better to show to the world,but,please ,not that Bollywood,Greater China does better in this movie industry.

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

in Singapore,most popular movies and tv shows are Chinese ones,most Singaporeans are ethnic Chinese.around 80% I guess.

I m sorry but the popular world opinion differs from your state controlled opinion :D

yes they are. But now they want more than Kings and Queens and Flying Monkeys and Flying Daggers and Jiagshis.

And I guess I know better of what is happening in Singapore than you. So no more talking-kock. :)
my room mate is an Singaporean,just like me ,he speak Mandarin.Singapore's culture is just like China,way different from India,if you deny this fact,then you lie.
my room mate is an Singaporean,just like me ,he speak Mandarin.Singapore's culture is just like China,way different from India,if you deny this fact,then you lie.

Your roommate is Singaporean and you dont know that Singaporeans hate Mainland Chinese like hell? Maybe you havent talked to him yet.
facts about Singapore
In 2009, 74.2% of residents were of Chinese.Chinese Mahayana is the most predominant form of Buddhism in Singapore, The proportion of Christians, Taoists and non-religious people increased between 2000 and 2010 by about 3% each,Chinese is the most common home language, used by about half of all Singaporeans.[131] Singaporean Mandarin is the most common version of Chinese in the country,[140] with 1.2 million using it as their home language. Nearly half a million speak other Chinese languages (which the government describes as "dialects"), mainly Hokkien, Teochew, and Cantonese, as their home language.

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

ha,no,they know every song,every movie star and singer in China,how can they hate themselves,they are also Chinese.and they are proud of being confucian family
the he did tell me that most Chinese Singaporeans look down on Indians and they dont mix well,they told me some Chinese derogatory words for Indians in Singapore,I dont mean that is nice ,but that is the truth.every Chinese Singaporean can prove this.
Tell a single country from whom India is not getting frustrated............... wastage of time to talk about her frustration
have to accept that there is some sort of dicrimination agaisnt non-Chinese Singaporeans in Singapore.

Singapore not ready for non-ethnic Chinese leader: PM

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
by Staff Writers
Singapore (AFP) Nov 9, 2008
Singapore, a multi-cultural state of over 3.5 million people, is not ready for a non-ethnic Chinese premier in the near future, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in remarks published Sunday.

Lee made his remarks Saturday during talks with members of the local Malay community in response to a question of whether Barack Obama's election as the first black US President could be mirrored in Singapore.

"It's possible. It depends on how people vote, on who has the confidence of the population," Lee was quoted as saying in The Sunday Times. "Will it happen soon? I don't think so, because you have to win votes," he added.

"Who votes for whom, and what makes him identify with that person... these are sentiments which will not disappear completely for a long time, even if people do not talk about it, even if people wish they did not feel it."

Lee's party has been in power since 1959 and while the city state is praised for its open economy and corruption-free bureaucracy, critics highlight its lack of tolerance toward dissent and struggling pro-democracy groups.

Ethnic Chinese make up about 75 percent of Singapore's resident population of 3.64 million while ethnic Malays account for almost 14 percent and ethnic Indians about nine percent.

The city-state has another one million foreigners who work here.

Singapore's largely ceremonial post of president is held by an ethnic Indian while one of two deputy prime ministers is also ethnic Indian. There are also three ethnic Indian holding ministerial ranks in Lee's cabinet.

Lee's father, Lee Kuan Yew, was Singapore's first prime minister and widely credited for transforming the poor tropical island with no natural resources into one of Asia's wealthiest economies.

The elder Lee stepped down in 1990 and was succeeded by his designated successor, Goh Chok Tong. The younger Lee became prime minister in August 2004, taking over from Goh.
facts about Singapore

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

ha,no,they know every song,every movie star and singer in China,how can they hate themselves,they are also Chinese.and they are proud of being confucian family

Precisely why they hate you. You think just because they are Chinese, they eat chinese and sleep chinese. Singaporeans are very outgoing people. Just come to Singapore and compare a PRC with a Singaporean Chinese or an Indian. You will see the difference. The PRC people are socially crippled if they are outside their community. Not the case with Indians or Singaporeans.
And yeah, I was in the dragonboat team of my university and a senior(singaporean chinese) suggested me to know the difference between a PRC and a Singaporean because apparently, Singaporeans hate being confused with PRCs. Wonder why.

beijingwalker, you are like a frog in a well. Just because majority of Singaporeans are racially chinese, you tend to think that everything they do, is the same way PRCs do it. Get out of your communist well and take a look at the world around you. You will know how much freedom life can offer and how many people actually hate the superiority complex you guys show around.

Oh and did you know that the newer generation Singaporeans are not as submissive as the later generations and actually hate Mr Lee Kuan Yew, come to Singapore and talk to young people, you will come to know. :D
Most Chinese travelled to Singapore dont feel that you landed in a foreign country,feel like somewhere in south China.and Singapore is also one of China's hottest tour destination.so many Chinese tourists go to Singapore every year.
haha,I currently live in Beijing,but i did travel around the world,I talk with overseas Chinese all the time,and let me tell you one thing,even we have differences in looking at something,but when it comes to indian people,they all have the same opinion,you dont want to know what they say about Indians,haha,we have differences,but those are the small disputes among big Chinese family,but when talking about Indians,that will be a completely different issue.
Singapore not ready for non-ethnic Chinese leader: PM

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
by Staff Writers
Singapore (AFP) Nov 9, 2008
Singapore, a multi-cultural state of over 3.5 million people, is not ready for a non-ethnic Chinese premier in the near future, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in remarks published Sunday.

Lee made his remarks Saturday during talks with members of the local Malay community in response to a question of whether Barack Obama's election as the first black US President could be mirrored in Singapore.

"It's possible. It depends on how people vote, on who has the confidence of the population," Lee was quoted as saying in The Sunday Times. "Will it happen soon? I don't think so, because you have to win votes," he added.

"Who votes for whom, and what makes him identify with that person... these are sentiments which will not disappear completely for a long time, even if people do not talk about it, even if people wish they did not feel it."

Lee's party has been in power since 1959 and while the city state is praised for its open economy and corruption-free bureaucracy, critics highlight its lack of tolerance toward dissent and struggling pro-democracy groups.

Ethnic Chinese make up about 75 percent of Singapore's resident population of 3.64 million while ethnic Malays account for almost 14 percent and ethnic Indians about nine percent.

The city-state has another one million foreigners who work here.

Singapore's largely ceremonial post of president is held by an ethnic Indian while one of two deputy prime ministers is also ethnic Indian. There are also three ethnic Indian holding ministerial ranks in Lee's cabinet.

Lee's father, Lee Kuan Yew, was Singapore's first prime minister and widely credited for transforming the poor tropical island with no natural resources into one of Asia's wealthiest economies.

The elder Lee stepped down in 1990 and was succeeded by his designated successor, Goh Chok Tong. The younger Lee became prime minister in August 2004, taking over from Goh.

You know why Singaporeans will never choose a non ethnic Chinese prime minister,it is not because the ideology,it is because of the race,i hate to say that and i will never agree with that,but that's really the truth in Singapore.
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