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India finds no mention in Chinese foreign minister's annual press meet

No wonder Veena Malik loves to live in India.

Attention seekers galore India is. :disagree:
India is insignificant for China thats why.

On part of Indians its a reality when you dont bother about them they will cry when you bother about them then will cry.

the bottom line is Indians are always rondus

))))))))))))))))) :) (anti looming smile :D)

Fact is Chinese are some what pissed off of late ;)

That is the reason they are seeking Indian partnership in Afghanistan. There are various reasons for that.

One of the reason is, it seems they are not happy about what is happening Africa.

Anyways India will not behave in arrogance when it comes to foreign policy :).
The ToI even puts the Apple Daily to shame, and that is saying something. :no:
Though in the global scheme of things, no one can beat Fox News and The Sun.
Actually it serves a certain section of populace too.

See, Times of India website is visited by so many Pakistanis to get these Spicy news and bash India. So they are helping a news paper and Media channel financially and increasing its viewership that do propaganda against Pakistan. :omghaha:

We are damn evil, we even get help from our enemies too. :D
How about the taller than mountains and deeper than the ocean friend Pakistan..? Did it find a mention? ;)
LOL, can someone tell me what a "rondu" is? :P

Every time I hear it, I think of something round like a ball of dough.

rondooooo means the one who cry on everything.

you praise them they cry , you criticise them they cry

How about the taller than mountains and deeper than the ocean friend Pakistan..? Did it find a mention? ;)

bwahahhahahahahahhahha :lol: are you looking for some solace that Pakistan wasnt mention as well hahahahaha

LOL, what language is rondu in? :lol:

Urdu/Hindi slang ! :agree:

Angry about what? :no:

If someone starts flaming my people or my country then I'll flame back. :azn: Nothing more or less.

So does that mean if I were to make fun of Chinese dumplings.....you'd butcher me with everything from the US Supply lines & the drone strikes to the IMF loan packages ? :whistle:
There is no point extending a hand of friendship to venomous snake so wise move by china. It is best to ignore rather than getting into an argument with someone who is not ready to listen.
So does that mean if I were to make fun of Chinese dumplings.....you'd butcher me with everything from the US Supply lines, the drone strikes & the IMF loan packages ? :whistle:

Dumplings are fine. Just no attacks on Chinese people, that's my condition for avoiding flames. :azn: And especially no racism towards us.

Too bad that people can't understand something so simple.
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