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India feels ‘isolation’ in Afghan-Taliban talks

India spend billions of dollars to reduce Pakistan's influence but it actually increase gradually .... Now even northern alliance want Pakistans involvement in Peace Process.
Indian officials remain skeptical about whether the talks will resolve the violence in Afghanistan. “With each round of talks, both Afghanistan and the world community are accepting that the Taliban is a legitimate representative of Afghans, when in fact they are a terror group,” the journalist quoted an unnamed ‘senior’ Indian ‘diplomat’ as saying.

Is is what the Indians think? No wonder they should be out of any peace initiative. They have no business in Afghanistan anyway than to create trouble for us. good riddance.
India feels ‘isolation’ in Afghan-Taliban talks
Officials say India will convey its unease, concerns ‘quietly’

NEW DELHI – As representatives of the Afghanistan government prepare for another round of talks with Taliban representatives on Friday, India is being frozen out of the talks, Indian journalist Suhasini Haidar wrote in her report for The Hindu newspaper on Tuesday.

Quoting unnamed ‘officials,’ she reported that India was far from comfortable with the direction the talks are taking, saying that all ‘red lines’ have been violated so far. In 2010, then Afghan president Hamid Karzai had listed these ‘red lines’ as an acceptance of the Afghan constitution; peace or a ceasefire as a pre-condition for the talks; and following an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led process.

The journalist claimed that the current round of talks initiated by President Ashraf Ghani was happening ‘without a ceasefire’ in place, while the Taliban representatives were pushing for the re-establishment of an Islamic Emirate, rather than the constitution. The next round of the talks is expected to be held on July 31, according to the Afghanistan Peace Council.

Initial negotiations between Afghanistan envoys and various Taliban leaders began in May this year with representatives of the UN, US and China attending as observers at a meeting in Doha in early May. This was followed by a second round of talks in Urumqi in China’s Xinjiang province in the third week of May. However, the Murree peace talks of July 7-8 were the first officially acknowledged round of the talks from all sides.

Unlike other attempts for the talks, officials in the US and China called the Murree talks as a success. On July 8, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the United States welcomed the talks, calling them an important step towards advancing prospects for a credible peace. China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said China viewed the talks positively.

“A second face-to-face meeting in less than a month clearly suggests a forward movement,” a senior Pakistan official said. “A truce and other confidence building measures will top the agenda when both sides meet on July 31,” he added. The journalist pointed out that India has made no ‘official statement’ about the current round of talks, which have ‘blind-sided the government’ with their speed and progress.

– Taliban as legitimate representative –

Indian officials remain skeptical about whether the talks will resolve the violence in Afghanistan. “With each round of talks, both Afghanistan and the world community are accepting that the Taliban is a legitimate representative of Afghans, when in fact they are a terror group,” the journalist quoted an unnamed ‘senior’ Indian ‘diplomat’ as saying.

However, the Indian officials said that the government would take a more realistic position despite the fact that India has little say in the outcome. “We will convey our unease and concerns – but ‘quietly’ – and only to those willing to listen,” the paper quoted again an unnamed ‘official’ as saying.
India feels ‘isolation’ in Afghan-Taliban talks

Tsk Tsk Tsk ......................................................................

I have consistantly reminded Pakistani's on PDF to relax over Afghanistan and don't get so easily provoked by anti-Pak comments. "Slow and steady wins the race". Our shared ethnic heritage and geography creates gravitas that is impossible to overcome and will prevail in the long run.They did not call this region Af-Pak for nothing. Did anybody hear it being called Af-In?

So here we are. After all the dancing, all the walzing look who is being left out in the "cold"?
Please educate yourself . Then post a less retarded statement , which does not include out bursts of emotion.
Thank you.
Dude I am not interested in any tu tu mai mai type of arguement. I said what I had to. Now you can carry on without getting personal.
Thank you
Dude I am not interested in any tu tu mai mai type of arguement. I said what I had to. Now you can carry on without getting personal.
Thank you
:coffee: seriously you got that annoyed .
Fact is India is buying time and waiting for right moment...Pakistan can try at its best, but the animdosity that Afgans have created for Pakistan is not going down so easily...Inspite of so called new friendship between Pak and Afganistan, poor afganistan is still attacked everyday by the pakistan supported Talibanis and getting killed...So is this the frienship you are offering to them?
They are gegrophically by culture by religion different than you, Karzai was planted by Uncle Sam for as usual multiple games he want to play! Karzai is gone and USA looking for a face saving withdraw from Afghanistan they don't need India any more also SO keep buying time but stop helping terrorists there.
India never had any real chance. Once Karzai was gone, India's influence in Afghanistan was doomed to decline. If a ceasefire is agreed upon during the next round of talks, then India's false concerns will be less than worthless.
India is one of the partner in puppet Afghan regime, hence the govt. of Afghanistan represent combined India, Iran and US....
Lol pakiatan daily.
where are my popcorns.
Talibans are true government of Afghanisan because they are supported by our Pakistani brothers, rest are puppets of foreign countries and Afghans have to live with that
It is non of Pakistan business to decide if we should be present in Afghanistan or not.
We were there even when Taliban were in control of Afghanistan. What makes you think we will leave now ?
(Taliban were in control of Afghanistan)=:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::nono::nono:
(Afghanistan was in control of Taliban)=:enjoy::enjoy::yes4::yes4:
How does an Indian feel now, after 15 years of time and money investment, with big hegemonic plans in Afghanistan?




India just lost it all.
How does an Indian feel now, after 15 years of time and money investment, with big hegemonic plans in Afghanistan?




India just lost it all.
actually its good for us that Pakistan is now dealing with taliban which are today a great liability
Talibans are bad for Afghans living in Afghanistan.

I wondering Talibans only kills Army soldiers.

I know now that Talibans kills in suicise bomb plus Afghan Army.

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