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India fanatical hindu warmongerers demand war with Pakistan!

Thanks for concerns about ur neighbour.. I really appreciate ur eye-opener post..
Now chill out dude :wave:

Read again. I'm the last one concerned about such a hostile neighbour... LOL In fact, for us Pakistanis it's a blessing in disguise. I'm just bursting your blame bubble and trying to state the bitter reality, that's all. Blue or the red chill pill?
Purohit is in custody others have been arrested to be followed by others involved. The matter is being fully investigated.Thats India.Unlike the neignbours with with bloody hands they are still denying.

War is a very bad thing and that is what we are facing in India by ur dirty tricks departments.Dawn news did its investigations and confirmed Ur people caused the carnage in Mumbai.
US is weakning economically how long will US will continue to donate money and weapons to PA. Ur army takes away 40% of Pakistan's budget,shameful
since Pakistan's economy's condition is close to collapse. Kill these terrorists now and India as well as the entire world will stand with and respect Pakistan
decide ur future

The only time you or the rest of the Indians will deserve my respect when your stupid media stops spilling trash as soon as a major incident occurs within seconds your government and the media blame Pakistan. Unlike your superhonest media the Pakistani media does not in anyway point the fingers of blame without solid, concrete conclusive evidence. In India stop living in denial you have home grown problems just as we are dealing right now. Even now Pakistan is pleading for a joint investigation with your country not a single piece of evidence has been shared or presented.
The only time you or the rest of the Indians will deserve my respect when your stupid media stops spilling trash as soon as a major incident occurs within seconds your government and the media blame Pakistan. Unlike your superhonest media the Pakistani media does not in anyway point the fingers of blame without solid, concrete conclusive evidence. In India stop living in denial you have home grown problems just as we are dealing right now. Even now Pakistan is pleading for a joint investigation with your country not a single piece of evidence has been shared or presented.

Well said.

First, stop using bold letters, your eye sight may be weak but it is not the case for the rest of people here.
Second, don't try to teach english on a defece forum. you dunce, who told you there is nothing called fanatical?????? its an adjective of fanatic, you dim wit. And you try to teach english to Pakistanis. Go learn it yourself first and then join some english language teaching forum to practice. :lol:
Purohit is in custody others have been arrested to be followed by others involved. The matter is being fully investigated.Thats India.Unlike the neignbours with with bloody hands they are still denying.

War is a very bad thing and that is what we are facing in India by ur dirty tricks departments.Dawn news did its investigations and confirmed Ur people caused the carnage in Mumbai.
US is weakning economically how long will US will continue to donate money and weapons to PA. Ur army takes away 40% of Pakistan's budget,shameful
since Pakistan's economy's condition is close to collapse. Kill these terrorists now and India as well as the entire world will stand with and respect Pakistan
decide ur future

Stop giving lectures to us and go sort your problems first. Before you utter more crap, you need to produce an Indian patriotism certificate duly signed by some respectable hindu before saying anything on indian behalf because last time i checked, your staus was even worse than untouchables in your country. Don't take out your frustration by spouting vitriol against Pakistan because what you suffer today is none of our fault. And next time, you utter something, it better be something worthwhile instead of rants and whines. :coffee:
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Cool it , Azhar .

These guys are "protectors" of Islam , what ever they say is correct.:lol:
Really sick of the crap that goes on this forum man

Hold on, there is nothing like crap going on ok. Every body has opinion if you don't like something respond in a good way or report to mods. If you loose cool then nothing is gonna work.

Hope you understand that.

PS: Am I a moderator here:cheesy:? Nope I am not :)
45,000 BSF men deployed along Pakistan border

NEW DELHI: India has directed its Border Security Force (BSF) to use night vision devices and intensify its vigil on the border with Pakistan. A senior BSF official said that the force had deployed about 45,000 personnel along the Pakistani border from Gujarat to Kashmir. He said the BSF was also keeping its eyes and ears open. “We are in full vigil,” he said. However, he said as the winter has set in, it has become difficult to make foolproof arrangement in some parts of Jammu and Kashmir. But the BSF has taken all measures to guard the border, the official maintained. app
Hindu terrorism is a threat to the entire world just as the muslim terrorists are and they must be dealt with in every way possible. We must stand together and eliminate these terrorists utterly.

@t neo: what was the user porkistan's ip adress. Can anyone tell? This may be same person i got death threats from.
India is the cause of terrorism today. The people that carried out these and many other previous attacks are mainly local. India is fuelling its own demise, but laying the blame on others. You have created an unjust society in which hundreds of millions are deprived from basic necessities. Only the rich elite have prospered and the poor have become poorer. There is no justice to be found and people are segregated on the basis of their beliefs and caste. People are frustrated in your country and they are taking out their anger. Expect more such reprisals. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Oh... only India has created this imbalance... so you think there is no imbalance among people in Pakistan... whatever you said is more prominent in Pakistan than India... you must have got confused with your experience in pakistan and thinking that situation must be the same in India too.

Both of our countries did not start with entire population as rich elites and made them poorer to create imbalances. Reality is the viceversa. What matters is the the willingness of the political class to take remedial measures to remove the imbalances by investing in education, infrastructure, energy, and judiciary. I believe once these four pillars are taken care then the rest like economy & industries will grow on its own. This is what happening in India rather Pakistan has achieved nothing except in defence sector, what's Pakistan's positive contribution to the world.

You just wait and see in next 20 years where's India and Pakistan.
Mr K.S. Sudarshan, the powerful supreme leader of the RSS who may wield even greater clout in the next government, said

“In fact, not me alone but many people around the world have expressed their apprehension that this terrorism may ultimately result in a Third World War. And this will be a nuclear war in which many of us are going to be finished. But according to me, as of now, it is very necessary to defeat the demons and there is no other way.

“And let me say with confidence that after this destruction, a new world will emerge, which will be very good, free from evil and terrorism.

I don't know anything about the RSS, but Mr. Sudarshan sounds awfully dangerous in his thinking. He sounds like a Twelver Shia, like Ahmedinejad, who actually thinks that the end of days, i.e. a nuclear exchange, would be cleansing and would be a good thing. What percentage of Indians follow the RSS, either formally or informally?
Fist of all Indians have to realize their role in spreading terrorism.

According to Wikipedia:
‘Tamil Tigers, now a banned organization, have been receiving many donations and support from India in the past’.

There are several freedom movements in India due to social injustice by so called sophisticated Indian society.

‘In Manipur, militants formed an organization known as the People's Liberation Army. Their main goal was to unite the Meitei tribes of Burma and establish an independent state of Manipur’.

‘There are several organizations which advocate the independence of Assam. The most prominent of which is the ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam). Formed in 1971, the ULFA has two main goals, the independence of Assam and the establishment of a socialist government’.
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