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India eyes stealth fighter plane

well to sum it all you mean India should wait and watch but indian aproach in nut shell is keep researching new techs and buiding your base and when opportunity and logistics are right go on with full force @ i mean to say its just a study bieng done and soon the projects will start but right now its just a study to gain maximum number of quiallified professionals and research meterial apart from the existing infra and research base we got from LCA project

Not saying wait and watch, in fact, that's the last thing India should be doing. What I'm saying is that gain experience first with the FGFA, and make the Tejas at least 80-90% indigenous, and then take your time to attempt it.

This project is going to rely heavily on what India learned from the FGFA and LCA, so even researching it right now is pointless, because the LCA is still not at the level that India needs it to be (in terms of indigenous development) and the FGFA is still far from complete, with India still learning from it's development.
Being smart and not rushing forward with developing a multi-billion dollar 5th gen fighter that would most likely require foreign parts, which would defeat the purpose of it being an "indigenous fighter". You know...that.

India shouldn't do this yet. Wait a while, gain some experience with the FGFA and the go ahead after that. Trust me when I say that India would be better of just finishing the Tejas and developing it further before attempting this massive project.

It's not about jealousy, nor is it about Pakistan's capabilities. No one on PDF would ever claim that Pakistan is capable of developing a 5th, atleast not without massive help from nations such as China or Turkey.

This is about India, is it ready for such a massive undertaking? Does it have the experience needed to develop a 5th gen with purely domestic parts? I can tell you that it is a no on both accounts. Getting the parts from foreign nations and assembling them is easy, anyone can do it, but India is trying to go for 100% indigenous 5th gen fighter, which it can't do. The Tejas is a perfect example of this.

I've said this many times, gain experience through the FGFA before attempting this.

Daring attempt for high innovations with limited resources is indeed appreciable.This crticizm is not a new experince for us.When we established ISRO and start space research and nuclear research we also heard similar arguements and rant.
But you know ,we know and whole world know ISRO acheivements.They save billions of dollars of foreign reserve and earned lot of money through commercial launches.
About indigenousity.For developing a product in modern days we conduct feasibility studies.60% of components in LCA are indigenous may it will increase to 75%.thats all.further increase will not happen.It will not feasible and profitable.Even DRDO acknowledge that.
LCA is small.but quality of IAF is best.If they Give IOC to LCA
Technology used in Tejas is quite advanced and truly 4th gen.
So we believe we are in a postion for R&D in 5th gene.Due to
that if we cant complete that project in time.Delay in 5th genis sure.we can incorporate that tech to Tejas MK2 and make it 4.5generation
Daring attempt for high innovations with limited resources is indeed appreciable.This crticizm is not a new experince for us.When we established ISRO and start space research and nuclear research we also heard similar arguements and rant.
But you know ,we know and whole world know ISRO acheivements.They save billions of dollars of foreign reserve and earned lot of money through commercial launches.
About indigenousity.For developing a product in modern days we conduct feasibility studies.60% of components in LCA are indigenous may it will increase to 75%.thats all.further increase will not happen.It will not feasible and profitable.Even DRDO acknowledge that.
LCA is small.but quality of IAF is best.If they Give IOC to LCA
Technology used in Tejas is quite advanced and truly 4th gen.
So we believe we are in a postion for R&D in 5th gene.Due to
that if we cant complete that project in time.Delay in 5th genis sure.we can incorporate that tech to Tejas MK2 and make it 4.5generation

Being optimistic is fine and all, but in reality, India doesn't currently have the experience nor technology to make a true 5th gen fighter. Going from 4th to 5th is a MASSIVE step; it's much bigger than any of the previous gens, that's just a fact. It's a massive undertaking, and India just isn't ready. India has barely achieved 60% on the Tejas, I just don't see it being realistic for India to go for a majority indigenous 5th gen fighter.
Not saying wait and watch, in fact, that's the last thing India should be doing. What I'm saying is that gain experience first with the FGFA, and make the Tejas at least 80-90% indigenous, and then take your time to attempt it.

This project is going to rely heavily on what India learned from the FGFA and LCA, so even researching it right now is pointless, because the LCA is still not at the level that India needs it to be (in terms of indigenous development) and the FGFA is still far from complete, with India still learning from it's development.
well fair enof Sir
1. well india in npt waiting either we have programms like kaveri engine and ASEA radar , Astra LRAAM , sudarshan LGP among others for LCA already in research & development phase + we are collobrating with all the top arms manufacturers to get the TOT (rafale & FGFA deal) sure there are minor hiccups and deviations but its part f the game no complaints

2. well LCA first flew in 2001 and got IOC2 in dec 2013 and is poised to get FOC in dec 2014 and all major wepons are tested on it + new power full engines and ASEA aradrs are already sourced and R&D process for MK2 is in final stages and atleast 4 new variantas are in works so slowly but steadily we are getting there as for FGFA yes its R&d is not complete butwhy should we sit idle and let others do the research why not keep building owr base and eep the research work going so we get into better postion when ever we get chance to have acsess to the latest 5Th gen technologies developed by russians or french or any body else

Hope you got my point sir
well fair enof Sir
1. well india in npt waiting either we have programms like kaveri engine and ASEA radar , Astra LRAAM , sudarshan LGP among others for LCA already in research & development phase + we are collobrating with all the top arms manufacturers to get the TOT (rafale & FGFA deal) sure there are minor hiccups and deviations but its part f the game no complaints

2. well LCA first flew in 2001 and got IOC2 in dec 2013 and is poised to get FOC in dec 2014 and all major wepons are tested on it + new power full engines and ASEA aradrs are already sourced and R&D process for MK2 is in final stages and atleast 4 new variantas are in works so slowly but steadily we are getting there as for FGFA yes its R&d is not complete butwhy should we sit idle and let others do the research why not keep building owr base and eep the research work going so we get into better postion when ever we get chance to have acsess to the latest 5Th gen technologies developed by russians or french or any body else

Hope you got my point sir

I get your point, I got it in the beginning, I just don't agree with it. Still, it's up to India if it wants to do so, talking about it on a forum won't change it's mind.

If India wants to go for it, by all means, but the idea that it'll be a true indigenous fighter like the IAF envisions will be a pipedream, just like the Tejas.
Being optimistic is fine and all, but in reality, India doesn't currently have the experience nor technology to make a true 5th gen fighter. Going from 4th to 5th is a MASSIVE step; it's much bigger than any of the previous gens, that's just a fact. It's a massive undertaking, and India just isn't ready. India has barely achieved 60% on the Tejas, I just don't see it being realistic for India to go for a majority indigenous 5th gen fighter.
We aim an ambitions as as sky.And we achieved at least
as high as Everest.We have money and resources.As an Indian i think we are in a postion for research in 5th gen.
Massive spending on this aim will create large talent pool and create a lot of subsystem industry.means lot of jobs.we like that.
We aim an ambitions as as sky.And we achieved at least
as high as Everest.We have money and resources.As an Indian i think we are in a postion for research in 5th gen.
Massive spending on this aim will create large talent pool and create a lot of subsystem industry.means lot of jobs.we like that.

Nothing wrong with aiming for the moon, but keep your mindset realistic.
Being optimistic is fine and all, but in reality, India doesn't currently have the experience nor technology to make a true 5th gen fighter. Going from 4th to 5th is a MASSIVE step; it's much bigger than any of the previous gens, that's just a fact. It's a massive undertaking, and India just isn't ready. India has barely achieved 60% on the Tejas, I just don't see it being realistic for India to go for a majority indigenous 5th gen fighter.

so that why we need r&d . 5th gen planes comes with lot of advance material in which we are lagging so this research is required we just cannt stop and wait we all know nobody will gives us those tech
I get your point, I got it in the beginning, I just don't agree with it. Still, it's up to India if it wants to do so, talking about it on a forum won't change it's mind.

If India wants to go for it, by all means, but the idea that it'll be a true indigenous fighter like the IAF envisions will be a pipedream, just like the Tejas.

Tejas is a true indigenous.Indigenous dont mean it is100%
indigenous.But it is feasible than same class foreignfighter.
It is our design we only know it technology
DRDO doesnt making drones.:sleep:,you have to feel happy about it. :pakistan: :shout:
please make this stupid move off using drone against us you are not USA we would love to hunt you down
so that why we need r&d . 5th gen planes comes with lot of advance material in which we are lagging so this research is required we just cannt stop and wait we all know nobody will gives us those tech
It's not as simple as researching something and then developing it. You need the infrastructure and experience, both of which India can gain with the FGFA for this project, but they'd have to learn from the FGFA project before attempting their own
Being smart and not rushing forward with developing a multi-billion dollar 5th gen fighter that would most likely require foreign parts, which would defeat the purpose of it being an "indigenous fighter". You know...that.

India shouldn't do this yet. Wait a while, gain some experience with the FGFA and the go ahead after that. Trust me when I say that India would be better of just finishing the Tejas and developing it further before attempting this massive project.

There is nothing like one should do this and one should not do that. Until we have our resources on place there is no wrong in keep trying. Instead of sitting like lame duck, its better to put available resources for experimental process at least.

Yeah our LCA took quite a time but we started from scratch. We developed Kaveri; thought it wont power LCA, Kaveri will be used in our UACV.

Now we have most valuable resource with us after developing LCA: Experience. One wont get experience until goes out to experiment something not by just sitting and waiting.

We wouldn't have had cryogenic engine if we waited for USA's acceptance for TOT from Russia.
We wouldn't have reached moon if listened to Daily Mail's poverty propaganda.
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