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Featured India Expects Chinese Attack in October

Don't worry when and what China will do, tell us when will India get the balls to reclaim back its claimed territories.:enjoy:

Im not worried........... Your the one posting 50 threads a day for 3 months.
Where do you get the time from fella
its been months yoiur big chinease military have done nothing
Your claiming the attack is coming its happening , its terrible for india


Your deperaton for china to do the dirty work is funny
Again some very very godi media level thinking. seriously!!! u think brahmos is tat one thing tat will stop any war from happening??? if its to happen tat is:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
so based on your brilliant highly intelligent analysis, it would mean if any country has brahmos, so no one will dare to fight with that country??? right??? so why the F is india doing panic buying? just make like a couple of more brahmos. i think by now u have got the point, how dumb was this mighty idea of urs.
On a side note, seriously!!! are u guys retarded? or u have close to zero idea about war and wat are weapons of war and wat exactly is war and how its fought (trust me its not sunny deol stuff like gadar etc or one punch 50 guys down by shockwave originating from hero's a$$)? or u just watch godi media and base ur mighty analysis on tat?
A suggestion, if its the third option, please stop watching Godi media, crappy analyst and their shitty theories. else u will turn into a pile of shit. who will always look like a dumbo when he puts forward his comments.

but please dont listen to me and follow godi media, ur intellect level will improve and u will become the super power. i wish u follow the last sentence. coz tat is good for me. plz disregard earlier suggestions:agree::agree:

bahmos is a Russian weapon do we know how many India has?

Im not worried........... Your the one posting 50 threads a day for 3 months.
Where do you get the time from fella
its been months yoiur big chinease military have done nothing
Your claiming the attack is coming its happening , its terrible for india


Your deperaton for china to do the dirty work is funny

well every one wants a higher rank in PDF .......

It's the Indian version of Rafales for missiles. Apparently much superior to Chinese hypersonic missiles. All parameters confirmed by India's Hindu Extremist Government.

well i mean, "better" only according to indians, so that assessment is as good as trash. also in land attack mode over the himlalias, it can only be done in ballistic mode, making it extras easy for china to intercept. while the chinese, sitting up high, can lob artillery shells at the indians all day long for 1/10000 of the cost, or use rockets that can reach as far as new delhi from the border at 1/100 the cost.
Im not worried........... Your the one posting 50 threads a day for 3 months.
Where do you get the time from fella
its been months yoiur big chinease military have done nothing
Your claiming the attack is coming its happening , its terrible for india


Your deperaton for china to do the dirty work is funny
Lol.. we killed 20 Indian soldiers and India has nothing in return to avenge for their dead and now they are asking what action Chinese shall be taking? The dead is yours and Chinese shall be asking when are u taking action against the Chinese?

We Chinese can afford to wait since the grievance is yours with your body count.
That's my boy you are a true follower of Modi Maharaj, I am enjoying the same way as you are no hard feelings. I was initially accused of creating a mountain of a molehill, first no good Indian accepted any territorial loss, then all thought the Chinese will back off and then all thought there will be no deployments and then all thought Indian will scare China off and now all of you think there will no major skirmish /war.
I am just a messenger quoting your own media.:coffee:
China will never dare to attack India in any month of the year..... BRAHMOS guarantees a peace with mere blackmail.....no destruction required.....

Those enemy big mouths are shut when those crazy BRAMHOS are deployed.....
Your post is retarded considering what China has already done to you:coffee:
China is not going to attack ... if it does, the world will treat it as some kind of Germany invades Poland scenario. The only ones who are going to initiate the first attack are the Indians, if only they had the capability to do so.
bahmos is a Russian weapon do we know how many India has?

Somewhere between 350 to 400, with almost same as backup i think. but to be honest, no one has the exact count these are estimates based of regiments they are assigned to and also including the navy ones. not sure what is IAF count now, as only a few SU30 MKIs were planned for modifications to carry the same (i think they were modified)

Also india claims it was JV. :)
Im not worried........... Your the one posting 50 threads a day for 3 months.
Where do you get the time from fella
its been months yoiur big chinease military have done nothing
Your claiming the attack is coming its happening , its terrible for india


Your deperaton for china to do the dirty work is funny

Well, where u get time to read 50 threads a day since 3 months?
Also he is just posting stuff from ur own media, which shows u guys are in panic. Its us sitting back and smiling, you are burning lolz.
China is not going to attack ... if it does, the world will treat it as some kind of Germany invades Poland scenario. The only ones who are going to initiate the first attack are the Indians, if only they had the capability to do so.
I think China will continue with its policy to take back a little land at a time, until Indian patience runs out. We have to see when will that happen.
Many Indian Media outlets and analysts expect a Chinese attack in October this year when the weather conditions improve. Some extracts from Indian Express.
"With the rigid and inflexible Chinese stance on further disengagement along the Line of Actual Control dimming hopes of a breakthrough in the next round of military talks between the two sides, the Army is preparing for all contingencies on the disputed border in Ladakh, including the possible threat of Chinese manoeuvres in October when weather conditions improve.

“Right now, the situation seems to be in a stasis, but that is essentially dictated by weather and terrain. The rivers and nalas are currently in full spate in eastern Ladakh, and with the tracks located in the valleys, they become unusable and inaccessible. That rules out any military action. But as the water subsides, and even though the weather then may be slightly colder, October is a campaigning season in the area for which the Army is fully prepared,” a senior officer told The Indian Express.
The 1962 border war between India and China was fought in the months of October and November. It spanned the areas in Ladakh which are currently the friction points between the two armies for the last 115 days.
Despite agreeing to a disengagement plan in PP17A in Gogra, the officer said the Chinese troops continue to occupy a height which allows them to dominate the area on the Indian side of the LAC. Similarly, Chinese troops have refused to step back from the Finger-4 ridgeline on the north bank of Pangong Tso while stepping back from the bank.
In the strategic Depsang Plains, the tensions have led to the breakdown of the local arrangement which allowed Indian patrols to access patrolling points. Chinese troops have blocked Indian soldiers at a place 18 km inside the LAC, denying them access to five patrolling points in the area".
For more on the article follow the link below..

Even the TV channels are harping on the October attack by the PLA.

There is an old saying" curiosity killed the cat", this is actually what is happening in India. Before any actual Chinese manuevres most of Indian Establishment will succumb to a nervous breakdown, making it easier for the Chinese to acomplish their ultimate tasks.:pakistan::china:
Lol which kind of stupid thread is this? :lol:
Lol.. we killed 20 Indian soldiers and India has nothing in return to avenge for their dead and now they are asking what action Chinese shall be taking? The dead is yours and Chinese shall be asking when are u taking action against the Chinese?

We Chinese can afford to wait since the grievance is yours with your body count.
Not here to argue but didn’t the Chinese side had 35 dead?
Just because China didn’t release the number, doesn’t mean they didn’t have any dead soldiers.
In fact in 1967 clash with India, it was only years laters China official released the death number and that number turned out to be a lot more than the soldiers India had lost.
So not releasing the number is in accordance with PLA policy.

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died.

In 1967, a fierce clash over an unstable frontier killed hundreds.
Not here to argue but didn’t the Chinese side had 35 dead?
Just because China didn’t release the number, doesn’t mean they didn’t have any dead soldiers.
In fact in 1967 clash with India, it was only years laters China official released the death number and that number turned out to be a lot more than the soldiers India had lost.
So not releasing the number is in accordance with PLA policy.

American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died.

In 1967, a fierce clash over an unstable frontier killed hundreds.
just one question, if i assume wat u r saying is correct. so why didnt india attempt the same again? u lost 20 as per your information and u claim china took over 35 casualties. simple person with a lil brain and some basic logic would than suggest india with these figures of casualties, had the upper hand and is a macho strong army and can take back the territory from china, like the last attempt. i wonder wats stopping the macho action????? and plz dont give me that BS of peace loving modi crap:):) coz u attempted once already.
on a side note, why u guys cant use ur f brains. if u make a silly argument atleasts make it in a way so it stands for a while atleast. u arguments contradicts ur actions. nothing really adds up. and plz dont tell me now that china didnt occupy the territory u were patrolling before those F------ thick fingers (coz Modi said so in a speech). coz tat will be one shitty way of deflection.

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